VSCode extension for antd v5 design token.
在 antd Design Token 插件基础上进行了如下修改:
1.支持从本地的 token.config.ts 或 token.config.js 文件读取自定义 token 配置 2.更改了插件生效条件
token.config.ts 文件中会读取默认导出的对象,token.config.js 文件会读取变量名为 tokenConfig 的对象,对象的格式如下: 会将原始 token,本地 token,请求 token 进行合并,优先级顺序为(请求 token>本地 token>原始 token),使用合并后的对象进行代码补全
Provide the hover hint and editor decorations of antd v5 design token, include color
, value
Support completion for antd v5 design token value on typing. Note that for sorting, you can type an a
before typing the token. For example, if you want to type margin...
, you can type amargin...
. Which will not affect the variable inserted after the enter keydown.
You can use command: antd-design-token:toggle
to active or inactive this extension.