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File metadata and controls

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Design of Blob I/O Strategies

PnetCDF Blob I/O

  • This I/O operation is triggered when the E3SM-IO command-line options "-a pnetcdf -x blob" are used.
  • Additional global attributes, dimensions, and variables will be created to describe the data decomposition and layout, including the number of MPI processes used to create the file, decomposition maps, and flags indicating the map used by a variable. See src/cases/header_def_F_case.cpp. These additional data objects are described below.
    • Additional global attributes (See subroutine add_gattrs())
      • global_nprocs - a 4-byte integer storing the number of MPI processes used when creating the file.
      • num_decompositions - a 4-byte integer storing the number of decomposition maps.
      • num_subfiles - a 4-byte integer storing the number of subfiles. MPI processes are divided into groups and processes in each group access only one subfile. The group division is exclusive.
    • Additional dimensions (See subroutine e3sm_io_case::def_F_case())
      • nblobs - number of blobs (number of processes sharing a subfile. Same value as global_nprocs when num_subfiles is 1).
      • There are 2 additional dimensions per decomposition map.
        • D1.nelems - number of array elements in decomposition map D1 in a subfile. See subroutine blob_metadata() in calc_metadata.c. The sum of this dimension across all subfiles is equal to the size of original dimension decomposed by map D1.
        • D1.max_nreqs - max number of flattened noncontiguous requests (offset-length pairs) among processes sharing a subfile for decomposition map D1. Note the numers of noncontiguous requests assigned to processes can be different. See subroutine blob_metadata() in calc_metadata.c.
        • If there are more decomposition maps, the additional map dimensions will be D2.nelems, D2.max_nreqs, D3.nelems, D3.max_nreqs, and so on.
    • Additional variables and their attributes (See subroutine e3sm_io_case::def_var_decomp())
      • There are 5 additional variables per decomposition map. Below uses an example of map D3.
        • int D3.nreqs(nblobs)
          • D3.nreqs:description = "Number of noncontiguous requests in individual blobs"
          • D3.nreqs:global_dimids = 3, 5 ;
          • Note
            • nblobs is the number of blobs (processes) sharing this subfile.
            • Each element of D3.nreqs is the number of noncontiguous requests in offset-length pairs assigned to a process.
            • Attribute global_dimids contains the IDs of global dimensions. In this example, map D3 decomposes along global dimensions 3 and 5 (lev and ncol respectively).
            • Global dimensions are referred to the original dimensions regardless of subfiling.
        • int64 D3.blob_start(nblobs)
          • D3.blob_start:description = "Starting array indices of individual blobs stored in a variable"
        • int64 D3.blob_count(nblobs)
          • D3.blob_count:description = "Number of contiguous array elements in individual blobs stored in a variable"
        • int D3.offsets(nblobs, D3.max_nreqs)
          • D3.offsets:description = "Starting indices of flattened canonical noncontiguous requests of individual blobs"
          • Note
            • As the numers of noncontiguous requests assigned to processes can be different, the 2nd dimension of this 2D array actually has staggered lengths.
        • int D3.lengths(nblobs, D3.max_nreqs)
          • D3.lengths:description = "Number of elements of flattened canonical noncontiguous requests of individual blobs"
          • Note
            • Similar to D3.offsets, the 2nd dimension of this 2D array has staggered lengths.
      • Note that the contents of decomposition variables are not used when writing the climate variables. Thus, they can be defined together with climate variables in the same define mode and written in the same data mode as climate variables.
  • Changes in variable definitions (See C macro DEF_VAR in src/cases/e3sm_io_case.hpp.)
    • The dimensions of a decomposed variable are changed to use decomposition map dimensions. (See src/cases/header_def_F_case.cpp). For example, given 6 dimensions defined in a NetCDF file, variable CLOUD is originally defined as a 3D array of dimension time x lev x ncol.
      time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)
      nbnd = 2 ;
      chars = 8 ;
      lev = 72 ;
      ilev = 73 ;
      ncol = 866 ;
      float CLOUD(time, lev, ncol) ;
      Because variable CLOUD is decomposed using map D3 and D3 decomposes along dimension lev and ncol, definition of CLOUDis now changed to
      float CLOUD(time, D3.nelems) ;
            CLOUD:decomposition_ID = 3 ;
            CLOUD:global_dimids = 0, 3, 5 ;
      The decomposed dimensions, lev and ncol, are replaced with the size of decomposition map ID, D3. In addition, two attributes are added per decomposed variable. The first one is a 4-byte integer, indicating the decomposition ID and the second a 4-byte integer array storing the (original) global dimension IDs. In this case, 3 corresponds to dimension lev and 5 ncol. Note this example shows dimension time is not decomposed.
  • Changes of arguments start and count in PnetCDF put API calls
    • See subroutine e3sm_io_case::var_wr_case() in src/cases/var_wr_case.cpp and blob_metadata() in src/calc_metadata.c.
    • A blob is a contiguous space in file, so argument start and count always describe the starting offsets to a variable and number of array elements in the blob. count is first calculated based on the number of elements written by a process.
      for (i=0; i<decom->num_decomp; i++) {
          for (j=0; j<decom->contig_nreqs[i]; j++)
              decom->count[i] += decom->blocklens[i][j];
      count is then used to calculate start. Note start of a process depends on the amounts decomposed to processes of lower ranks.
      err = MPI_Exscan(decom->count, decom->start, decom->num_decomp, MPI_OFFSET,
                       MPI_SUM, cfg->sub_comm);
      These calculations are done before ncmpi_enddef() is called.
    • In this design, blob I/O is for each individual variable. Thus there are P blobs for each fixed-size variable and each record of a record variable in a file. P is the number of processes sharing a subfile. In other words, in the file space occupied by a fixed-size variable or a record of a record variable, there are P blobs, each written by a process. This design is referred to as variable-centric data layout.
  • Only nonblocking ncmpi_iput_vara APIs are used.
    • See subroutine e3sm_io_case::var_wr_case() in src/cases/var_wr_case.cpp.
    • One ncmpi_iput_vara() is called per variable.
    • All write requests are pending until the call to ncmpi_wait_all.
  • Advantages of variable-centric data layout
    • Pending nonblocking requests can be flushed at any time. This can effectively reduce the memory footprint.
    • New time records can be added without paying an expensive cost of moving any existing data in files.

HDF5 Blob I/O

  • This I/O operation is triggered when the E3SM-IO command-line options "-a hdf5 -x blob" are used.
  • Each HDF5 (sub)file contains only two datasets. For example,
    % h5ls -r blob_F_out_h0.h5.0000
    /                        Group
    /data_blob               Dataset {9612472}
    /header_blob             Dataset {134552}
    Dataset /header_blob stores the metadata and dataset /data_blob stores all the variables, including decomposition maps and climate variables.
  • The CDF-5 header format is borrowed to store all the metadata. The implementation of metadata operations is also borrowed from PnetCDF. HDF utility tools, such as h5dump, are not able to understand the metadata. See src/drivers/blob_ncmpio.h and src/drivers/blob_ncmpio.c.
  • The same additional global attributes, dimensions, decomposition variables, and their attributes as the PnetCDF blob I/O are created in dataset header_blob.
  • Dataset header_blob is written by rank 0 only.
  • All write requests are cached into internally allocated buffers. See e3sm_io_driver_h5blob::put_vara() in file src/drivers/e3sm_io_driver_h5blob.cpp. All cached write data is flushed out to the file only when closing the file. See e3sm_io_driver_h5blob::close(). The flush makes only one call to MPI collective write function.
  • The I/O pattern of this design is that each process writes to a contiguous file space no matter how many variables are defined and written in the file. In other words, there is only one blob per MPI process in the file. This design is referred to as process-centric data layout.
  • In contrast to PnetCDF blob I/O design, there is one blob per process per variable in the file in the variable-centric data layout.
  • ADIOS and its BP file format also use the process-centric data layout.
  • Drawbacks of process-centric data layout
    • Memory footprint can be large, as all write requests are cached in internally allocated buffers until file close time.
    • It will be very expensive to add new time records to the existing variables in a previous closed file. This is because the data layout is process centric, i.e. all data written by a process must be packed into a blob and appended to another blob in the file. Expanding a process's blob is required to move all blobs of the processes with higher ranks to higher file offset locations. In PnetCDF blob I/O which uses a variable-centric data layout, there is no such penalty when adding new time records to variables.