The project can grab description of every card from HearthStone. The dataset is obtained from duowan hearthstone forum. The dataset is updated and descciptive. Every record contains card name, skills, card description, crystal cost, health and attack(the last two characters are for minions.)
At first step, the project is written in Python. Currrently, it grab information from HTML scripts of each web page by Regular Expression. With correct regular expression pattern and simple extraction from results generated, it can offer key information which are wanted. Bascially, it used urllib, urllib2 and re library were imported.
Im a HearthStone player and I found it is inconvenient for gamers like me to broswer cards in game thus I came up with an idea that grab key information from every card and collect them so I can build deck easier.(At the beginning, I want to collecte dispersed information from League of Legend but I have not figured out how to deal with more complex websites.)
Fork it. Download it. Run it. Done!
urllib, urllib2, re
Zheyuan Fu([email protected])