- Part I: Introduction
- Part II: Creation vs. Runtime
- Part III: The Function Selector
- Part IV: Function Wrappers
- Part V: Function Bodies
- Part VI: The Metadata Hash
- A deep-dive into Solidity – contract creation and the init code
- A deep-dive into Solidity – function selectors, encoding and state variables
- Understanding the Ethereum virtual machine – part I
- Understanding the Ethereum virtual machine – part II
- Understanding the Ethereum virtual machine – part III
- Uniswap v3 详解(一):设计原理
- Uniswap v3 详解(二):创建交易对/提供流动性
- Uniswap v3 详解(三):交易过程
- Uniswap v3 详解(四):交易手续费
- Uniswap v3 详解(五):Oracle 预言机
- Uniswap v3 详解(六):闪电贷
- Prices and oracles
- Moving average filters
- Uniswap Oracle Attack Simulator
- Euler Oracle Tools
- Euler Protocol’s Oracle Risk Grading System