This repository accompanies the TGRS publication "Going Beyond One-Hot Encoding: Can Human Uncertainty Improve Model Performance in Earth Observation?". The experiments are based on the So2Sat LCZ42 data set [1], which includes aerial satellite images of cities around the world from the Sentinel satellite mission. Every satellite image is linked to either a single Local Climate Zone (LCZ) class (original data set), or has a corresponding vector of label votes from multiple human annotators (label evaluation study). In our work we study label evaluation data the So2Sat LCZ42 data set, which yields information about the labeling process. The studied dataset can be downloaded here: (Direkt download, rscync and FTP available). Please copy the downloaded data into the pre-existing data folder (see details below) .
The individual python executable files are structured as follows:
- Training script, saves results to 'results' folder
- Evaluation script, computes all metrics shown in paper and saves results to 'results' folder
- Performs temperature scaling on trained models, saves results to 'results' folder
- Performs Monte Carlo Dropout on trained models, saves results to 'results' folder
- Performs Ensemble method on trained models, saves results to 'results' folder
- configs:
- model_settings.yaml: Stores model settings (can be manually changed if single run is desired)
- utils:
- Sen2LCZ model as presented in [2]. Corresponding repository:
- Adapted version of Sen2LCZ which returns logits instead of probabilities
- Adapted version of Sen2LCZ for Monte Carlo Dropout
- Code for computing calibration metrics and for visualizing model calibration via reliability table, adapted from
- Sub-function of
- Custom data loader
- Custom learning rate scheduler
- figures:
- confusion_matrix: Diplays confusion matrices as shown in paper
- entropy_barplot: Grouped barplot of voting entropies
- reliability_diagram: Diplays reliability diagrams as shown in paper
- results: Stores results in the form of model weights and model performance metrics evaluated on test set
- data: Stores data sets, in particular train/val/test, voting counts, entropies, label distributions etc. Please move downloaded files here.
conda create -y --name lczenv python=3.8
conda install --file requirements.txt
All configs: python
Single model with configs as in model_settings.yaml: python --single_run True
All configs: python
All configs: python
All configs: python
All configs: python
All scripts are python executables and compute the images as seen in the paper.
[1]: Zhu, X. X., Hu, J., Qiu, C., Shi, Y., Kang, J., Mou, L., ... & Wang, Y. (2020). So2Sat LCZ42: a benchmark data set for the classification of global local climate zones [Software and Data Sets]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, 8(3), 76-89.
[2]: Qiu, C., Tong, X., Schmitt, M., Bechtel, B., & Zhu, X. X. (2020). Multilevel feature fusion-based CNN for local climate zone classification from sentinel-2 images: Benchmark results on the So2Sat LCZ42 dataset. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13, 2793-2806.