Py4Uview provides a set of tools for images saved by Uivew, which is used by SPEELEEM in MAXPEEM to save the user's data in format of .dat file. Py4Uview can read the image and metadata from the file saved by Uview software.
python -m pip install py4uview
>>> import py4uview
- use
function to read the data and metadata.
In [1]: import py4uview as pu
In [2]: data = pu.read_uv_dat("./testfiles/LEEM.dat")
In [3]: data.metadata
{'id': b'UKSOFT2001',
'size': 104,
'version': 8,
'bitsperpix': 16,
'width': 1024,
'height': 1024,
'noimg': 1,
'attachedRecipeSize': 0,
'isize': 288,
In [4]:
array([[3047, 2880, 2652, ..., 2716, 2630, 2562],
[2789, 2848, 2862, ..., 2549, 2485, 2655],
[2808, 2840, 2739, ..., 2640, 2602, 2747],
[3054, 2675, 2656, ..., 1926, 2017, 2021],
[2885, 2949, 2705, ..., 1907, 1886, 1945],
[2810, 2688, 2807, ..., 2009, 2025, 2641]], dtype=uint16)
- Use
class methodread_dat()
to read the dat file
In [1]: import py4uview as pu
In [2]: data = pu.Uview.read_dat("./testfiles/LEEM.dat")
In [3]: data.attrs
{'id': b'UKSOFT2001',
'size': 104,
'version': 8,
'bitsperpix': 16,
'width': 1024,
'height': 1024,
'noimg': 1,
'attachedRecipeSize': 0,
'isize': 288,
In [4]:
array([[3047, 2880, 2652, ..., 2716, 2630, 2562],
[2789, 2848, 2862, ..., 2549, 2485, 2655],
[2808, 2840, 2739, ..., 2640, 2602, 2747],
[3054, 2675, 2656, ..., 1926, 2017, 2021],
[2885, 2949, 2705, ..., 1907, 1886, 1945],
[2810, 2688, 2807, ..., 2009, 2025, 2641]], dtype=uint16)