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Releases: zingchart/ZingChart


03 Oct 17:40
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New Features

- Radar chart with piano aspect. Demo
- Clustering nodes attribute. Demo1 Demo2 Demo3 Demo4

Bug Fixes

- Fixed touch zoom pinch dragging on node.
- Fixed destroy method error.


25 Sep 19:15
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New Features

- New Sunburst type chart. Demo1 Demo2

Performance Features

- Memory management improvements.
- Improved error handling on edge case scenarios.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed edge case where scaleX had double month labels.
- Fixed issue where last two points would register as a single hover event.
- Fixed conflicts between chart resize and destroy calls.


21 Aug 20:46
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New Features

- Added rgba to include alpha properties.
- Allow getobjectinfo method for scales to return x/y information and height and width. Demo
- Added functionality to right click export csv, xls and showing a html table with the data.
- New Heatbar chart. Demo
- New Grouped Data Bar chart. Demo
- New Hexmaps plugin. Demo1 Demo2 Demo3
- New Sparklines chart. Demo
- New Pictograph Module. Demo
- New Scatterplot Matrices. Demo 
- New Variable Width Bar Chart. Demo
- New Vector Plot Chart. Demo1 Demo2
- Improved column highlighting. Demo

Bug Fixes

- Fixed CSS transform tooltip issue.
- Allow alpha to work on markers with label tolerance.
- Fixed ring chart issue with value 99.99.
- Fixed legend overflow issue
- Fixed treemap labelclick event issues with pathway.
- Fixed memory leak issues.
- Fixed edge case zooming bug.
- Fixed pre build exception error.
- Fixed rgba issue causing blue lines.
- Fixed range band working with rgba.


20 Jun 17:25
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New Features

- New Scorecard type charts! Article
- New Zoom style buttons! Demo1 Demo2
- Added new parameter to specify file name when using exportimage api. Demo
- OffsetX now works on tick objects. 
- Drag zooming now works if started on a node. Demo
- fixed-items attribute now works on the default chart state.
- New Angular 5 integration demo. Demo
- New React JS integration demo. Demo
- New Vue JS integration demo. Demo

Bug Fixes

- Fixed hooked labels not aligning properly on horizontal bar charts.
- Fixed an edge case zooming bug when using preview and legend hover.
- Fixed getdata to work in fullscreen mode.
- Fixed zooming and appendseriesdata api causing charts to disappear.


03 May 21:20
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New Features

- Added new scale label placement options. Demo
- Added new Preview Scales format. Demo
- Added crosshair timeout for mobile charts. Demo
- Added labels to be parsed on %kt and values to be parsed on %kv and %kt. Demo

Performance features

- Implemented performance updates on 3D systems.
- Improved optimization for charts with large data sets.
- Improved export server performance speed.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed selection on individual bars with desktop/mobile.
- Fixed animated gifs in the noData object.
- Fixed Chord Diagram small white ghost cords.
- Fixed png/pdf export failing in old IE versions in fullscreen mode.
- Fixed scaleX tooltips that would not show up if values were set in scaleX object.
- Fixed edge case where zooming in/out and hovering legend would sometimes leave unwanted lines on line charts.


10 Apr 20:58
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New Features

- Improved preview window usability and feature improvements. Demo
- New “Spark” theme available. Demo
- Added new legend checkbox types. Demo1, Demo2, Demo3
- Added show-zero attribute in the plot object to show zero percent in a pie chart. Demo
- Added Singapore in the world countries map. Demo
- Added feature to allow disabling right click context menu but still allowing the context menu to be opened with API calls. Demo
- Made the scroll handle easier to click when zooming. Demo

Performance features

- Minor tweaks to library to improve performance with large datasets.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed bug where crosshair plot-area guide labels were not showing for series with only one point.
- Fixed issue where noData attribute was not being applied via theme. Note: noData object is required in the main JSON for this to work. Demo
- WordCloud charts are now forced to show all items regardless of the size of the chart. Demo
- Fixed a ZingChart library console error associated with Chrome 65.
- Fixed bug where the Valley county of Montana was missing.
- Fixed issues with appendseriesvalues api.
- Fixed issue where removenode method was not working if there was a null value.
- Fixed phantomJS export bug where labels were not exported correctly.


30 Jan 18:46
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New Features

- Added vrange type charts. Demo
- Added sticky tooltips on labels with HTML content. Demo

Performance Features

- Fixed memory leak introduced by map node cloning.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed bug making the treemap turn all black when "aspect-type":"default" and when all values are the same. Demo
- Fixed treemap transitions when the chart contains multiple treemaps.
- Fixed side effects from 2.6.1 to 2.6.2 update:
	- Fixed broken defaults like palettes are not being applied.
	- Fixed value boxes being displayed by default.
	- Fixed legends being displayed by default.
- Fixed issue where multiple boxplots in one graphset would cause whiskers to disappear or connect to the other boxplot. Demo1, Demo2
- Fixed bug where horizontal histograms were not accepting offsetX/offsetY on scaleX. 
- Fixed issue with pie valueboxes showing wrong values when plots are toggled.
- Fixed issue with crosshair control on specific page positioning.
- Fixed issue where tooltip would stay after selection of bars.
- Fixed error in FireFox caused by draggable legends.
- Fixed issue with horizontal bar charts where if step was set the chart would disappear.
- Made draggable work properly on shared charts.


18 Dec 19:03
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New Features

- Labels for groups of bars. Demo
- Set max width of bars using bar-max-width. Demo
- Set title as clickable url. Demo
- Allows y-axis to function like the x-axis with zooming and using string labels. Need to use step:1, fixed-step:true on scale-y object. Demo
- Allows Legend state as collapsed using collapse:true in the legend object. Demo
- Allows aligning 0 on multiple Y-Axis'. Demo
- For valueBox placement with radar added placement options (in/out/over).
- Set scaleY 0 index to be plotted at 0%. Demo
- Added additional layouts for plotLabel, especially useful when plotLabels are too large and cut off. Demo
- scalableyaxis plugin allows for users to drag scales. Demo
- Added "preview-state" object to series items to be able to override style displayed in the preview box. This only applies to bar, line and area charts. Demo
- Added custom alpha-area for a specific node in a series. Demo
- Added additional layout for plot label. Demo
- Added functionality to allow linking in the chart title. Demo

Updated Features

- Updated NodeJS build
- New chord attribute "group-padding": 110 allow for radial space between bands for a different chord look. Demo
- Added multiguide plugin to pin crosshairs to the chart by clicking. Demo

Performance Features

- Complete reset of ZC.cache when reaching the max cache limit in the browser.
- New development flag DEV.SKIPTCONTEXTMENU to skip rendering the context menu. Demo

Bug Fixes

- Fixed issue with mobile plugin causing errors when crosshairX is disabled.
- Fixed issue with 1px borderTop not rendering on some bars.
- Fixed issue with exporting charts when output set to 'SVG' on IE returning image data of -1.
- Fixed Line Issue with newest Node.js build throwing error.
- Fixed issue with getxyinfo method returning wrong values when chart containers has CSS matrix transformations.
- Fixed issue with preview not toggling with legend click.
- Fixed issue with tooltip not being destroyed with realtime charts.
- Fixed issue when resizing the window the chart series order gets mixed up making the chord chart relationships invalid.
- Fixed issue with download svg on context menu.
- Fixed issue with crosshairY not working with hotfix4.
- Fixed issue on zooming on maps with "scaled" items (AK in USA for example). Demo
- Fixed issue with area charts not stacking correctly.
- Fixed issue with value box showing double values due to overlap. Demo
- Fixed Y-scale zooming. Demo
- Fixed value boxes disappearing on selected state the first click and appearing on subsequent states. Demo
- Fixed selected state for calendars. Demo
- Fixed issue displaying single bar plot on X axis having extra space. Demo
- Fixed bug with preview not toggling on modify plot. Demo
- Fixed issue where tooltip persisted on real-time plots. Demo


10 Jul 23:48
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New Features

- scalableyaxis plugin allows for users to drag scales Demo
- Added "preview-state" object to series items to be able to override style displayed in the preview box. This only applies to bar, line and area charts. Demo
- Added "connect-nulls" to series items (works currently only on line/area in fast mode) to draw lines through large breaks in data that are filled with null values Demo
- Arrow tip removal through aspect: [0,0] Demo
- New zoom variables emitted xzoomed : true || false
yzoomed : true || false. Hiding and showing buttons on Zoom is now a breeze. Demo
- Added support for CSS matrix transformations on chart containers Demo

Updated Features

- New chord attribute "group-padding": 110 allow for radial space between bands for a different chord look Demo
- Added multiguide plugin to pin crosshairs to the chart by clicking Demo
- Maps scrolling flag allows you to turn scroll zoom on and off Demo
- gauge charts to csv parser Demo
- placement option for radar value box  placement: (in | over | out). Position can also be tweaked with offset-r attribute Demo
- Added collapse:true to legend to force minimized initial state Demo
- Added single-line: true attribute in crosshairX. Ised with exact: false it will show all plot labels but display only one crosshair line and scale label. Typicall used when null values are present and multiple guides are showing up.
- Added alt tags to image map for 508 compliance. Alt tag is empty and will pass the 508 compliance test telling screen readers it is decorative and not informational.
- Image export APIs and routines now export preview window state (both SVG and CANVAS) Demo
- "auto-fit": true || false as an option of the 3d-aspect object. If true, the zoom attribute is modified automatically so that the chart will fit into the container (takes into account plotarea margins).
- label_click events for title and scale label objects
- Custom tokens added for scale-x and scale-y to allow for custom scale tooltip textarea Demo

Performance Features

- Complete reset of ZC.cache when reaching the max cache limit in the browser.
- New development flag DEV.SKIPTCONTEXTMENU to skip rendering the context menu Demo
- New development flag  DEV.SKIPPROGRESS to skip rendering the waiting log  Demo
- Updates for speed when rendering bar charts Demo
- Updates for speed when rendering bubble charts Demo
- optimization for checking the logo only once when there are multiple charts on the page
- preview chart rendering optimizations for speed
- Replaced eval() statement on jsRule which was causing a minor memory leak

Bug Fixes

- Fixed issue on zooming on maps with "scaled" items (AK in USA for example) Demo
- Draggable legends will now retain their relative position in case chart resizes.
- plotarea margin: 'dynamic' accounts for rotated text spacing
- Scrolling over charts when maps are loaded on the same page causing script errors
- Legend state (with toggle-action:remove) will persist on chart update/reload
- Fixed zingchart.maps.zoomTo() being obfuscated
- Duplicate gui object in the chart JSON after render
- stacked bar charts throws script error when first series contains all null values
- Disabled zooming and scrolling on funnel charts because those attributes flipped the chart upside down
- Fixed error on null funnel nodes
- Fixed issue with printable versions of charts being left in a "detached" state, on the left-top area of the window
- preview fix for VML charts
- Changed floating point detection amongst pie charts
- legend broken with charts created through CSV
- Fixed SVG gradients not being destroyed on guide move
- Fixed zoom/scroll behavior on mirrored scales
- Fixed bug with zoomTo call when scale-x is not defined
- Fixed legend DOM node not being cleared on chart repaint
- Fixed issue with labels displaying that have the hook attributes and the hooked nodes are not visible


05 Apr 18:57
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ZingChart Build 2.6.0 release notes

Maps Now Have Zooming

Potentially breaking change!

ZingChart now added new ZingChart maps functionality. The new updates include:

- zoom controls
- double click to zoom where cursor is 
- scroll to zoom where cursor is 
- panning 
- zoomTo API Demo
- styling/placement of the zoom controls Demo

In previous versions of ZingChart the maps supported an unconventional and obsolete way of Zooming with x/y coordinates. The new updates allow for zooming, panning and scrolling on maps. We plan to increase the efficiency of this zoom in upcoming releases.

The new zooming does not work with bounding-box. This shouldn't be a problem for many, just something that deserves an honorable mention. In this case you should turn off the new zooming functionality.

- turning off new maps zoom functionality Demo

New Features

- ZingChart Maps Zooming Demo
- Stacked bar attributes `%stack-average` and `%stack-length` Demo
- Previously released in v2.5.2 was `%stack-total` Demo
- New svg export functionality. You no longer need just canvas to use `getimagedata` Demo
- Improved Bar Chart rendering speed with `mode:'fast'` coupled with `maxTrackers:0` will increase the render time by over half. Demo
- SVG scatter charts rendering speed were improved. This is the custom code to gain back `tooltips` and `hoverState` Demo
- 3d toolbar has been added back into the build Demo

Updated Features

- TimeZone attribute now supports float values Demo
- plotLabel now supports `rules` and `jsRule`. Great for mapping variables within your `plotLabel.text`Demo
- added extra tokens usable also on node related rules (`%node-x`, `%node-y`, `%node-width`, `%node-height`, `%node-size`)
  - extended parameters passed in the `jsRule` handlers (containing node info: x, y, width, height, size)
  - scaleLabel on `crosshairY` (for value scales), not being bound by nodes, accept the following tokens (%scale-value, %scale-text and %coord) or parameters in `jsRule` (value, text, coord). Coord can be either the x position or the y position, depending on chart type (line vs vline for example)
  - scaleLabel now supports `rules` and `jsRule` Demo
  - `removenode` API method now accepts `nodekeyvalue` as parameter Demo
  - node information now contains selection status for that node
  - added `minMarker` and `maxMarker` objects to allow for different marker styling on **Range** charts Demo
- New Logic for the attribute `exact:true` and displaying crosshair appropriately. 
- 3d chart logic was revamped to allow annotations and cooler depth styling Demo
  - improved 3d layout online,area, reverted display order on z axis, fixed clipping
  - added depth attribute for plot (to be able to force size of the plot band) 
  - added axis object on scales
  - implemented both toggle actions (hide | remove)
  - fixed placement of objects using hook attributes in the 3d space
- added a global object `graph`, positioned at same level as `graphset` which will propagate on all graphs of the graphset. Much like`plot` does to `series` Demo
- Added `object:true` option to `update` API to ease the work with objects. Multiple additions of objects have to be set with `update:false` parameter and after all object additions, `update` API needs to be called.
- Added 'max-values' parameter to `addseriesvalues` to force the chart to remove old nodes when appending new ones Demo

Bug Fixes

- Line chart with `aspect:'spline'` works with `preview` object
- Scale tooltips always displaying 0 index of scale in tooltip
- Chord diagram labels fixed. Original `plotarea` changes in v2.5.0 broke the vertical item labels Demo
- `background-color` within `ring` object on Gauge charts
- `%total` and `thousandsSeparator` within the `tooltip` object now works Demo
- Borders on `legend.header` and `legend.footer` work independently
- 100% height and fixed chart width no longer resizes the chart on load
- Rendering bug on html-tooltips with `placement` attribute
- Issue with crosshairs when `plotLabel` has `header-text`
- Selection tool no longer fires when dragging `preview` window
- `zoomTo` issues with graphs in a `graphset`
- dual plotted line with Line chart with `aspect:'spline'`, a couple points and small chart width
- Pie Chart disappearing with odd values like `values:[110.67]`
- `valueBox.backgroundColor` fixed on charts with `output:'canvas'` Demo
- Bar sizing issue when `hooked` labels exists in JSON and user is zooming in & out of the chart.
- `crosshairs` on multiple vertical charts with shared `crosshairs` Demo

Range Charts

- rendering issues with `aspect:spline`
- markers disappearing on chart zoom
- implemented `preview` window