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Releases: zingchart/ZingChart


05 Jan 22:20
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New Features

- '%stack-total' will allow you to easily figure out which bar plot is at the top of your stack. You can now easily display a `valueBox` at the top of your stack!
  - Demo
- `valueBox` array for bullet charts. You can define the two types of `valueBoxe`'s you want through `placement: goal || top`.
  - Demo

Updated Features

- Selection tool allows `click` to be registered. This enables the capability to click and clear selection
  - Demo
- Added 'data-append-selection: true | false' to plot to allow for multiple groups of selection.
  - Demo
- Hiding a plot with `hooked` labels to nodes will also hide the labels now. Whether or not you have `legend.toggleAction` defined as `remove` or `hide`.

Bug Fixes

- Gauge value-box missing on non-animated charts
- Fixed bar bounds not being updated on animation (causing selection tool failing to detect proper intersections)
- Fixed bug with `stack` attribute
- Left side (global ranking) can now be completely hidden via `"options"` -> `"global-ranking" : false`
  Updates on layout
- Fixed issue with bar indexes not being reset on mixed charts resulting in bad display when zooming the chart
- Resize event using cached size values fixed
- Responsiveness in firefox fixed
- Microsoft edge/ie bug with floating point error values
- Fixed issue with bar sizing on legend toggle when a chart has animation and `"legendToggle": "remove"`
- Fixed bug with scale markers and resize event changing alpha of marker.
  - Cool Demo
- Fixed valueBox disappearing on animated guage chart when resizing window
- Updated setdata event caching old chart attributes
- scale markers changing color on resize fixed
- Stacked bar misaligning labels
- highlight plot and then legend tooltip with mediaRules
- powered by ZingChart logo being appended multiple times
- offsetValue and actual value within 1 getting plotted incorrectly
- multiple crosshairs showing up on data with array of array logic `[[]]`
  - an adjacent solution might be add `crosshairX.exact = true`
- certain animation configurations fixed on waterfall charts


01 Dec 21:29
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New Features

- Multiple divs + shared crosshairs is finally here!
  - Demo
- Grouped scale text is easily achievable
  - Demo
- Full width crosshair line will highlight tick sections
  - Demo
- `%offset-values` token was added for floating bars
  - Demo
- `scale-v` and `scale-k` tooltips added
  - Demo
- Implemented `active-area` by default for radar charts. `active-area` triggers the `hover-state` when user mouses over the area portion of the plot.
  - Demo
- Grouping of shapes so updates can be applied to them as a whole. Works for maps and shapes.
  - Maps Demo
  - Shapes Demo

Updated Features

- Callback for feeds now passes back graph information so you can use a single function to return different values to different charts
  - Demo
- Selection tool works better with more chart types and styling
  - Comprehensive selection tool information here
  - Bar Graph Demo
- Updated animations with `value-box` for smoother appearance
  - Demo
- Improved performance for stream graphs and feeds
  - Demo
- 3D facets added to the DOM to allow `hover-state` styling for 3D charts
  - Demo
- Extended label hook functionality for scales
  - Demo
- Crosshair `scale-labels` now have better callout positions
  - Demo

Bug Fixes

- Feeds now work with API appropriately. No longer speeds up.
  - This Demo dynamically applies a new set of rules to the chart to determine color during feed runtime.
- Fixed `globals` inheritance issues
- Fixed legend minimization hiding legend issue
- Fixed `preview` window caching old values issue when using API
- Fixed API events causing resize issues
- Fixed issue that when rendering multiple charts, tooltip is sometimes fired on both charts
- Fixed stream chart animation 
- Fixed bug ignoring `scale-r.ring.size` attribute
- Fixed rounding error with `%total` token when total sums to 0 in stacked bar charts
- Fixed preview displaying opposite color when rules are applied to change a chart's color
- Fixed setting `zingchart.ASYNC = true` resize and repaint issues.
- Fixed value box issue for charts starting with plots initially hidden (`visible:false`)
- Fixed `margin:dynamic` issue for chord charts
- Fixed so chord charts with all 0 values will now render
- Fixed dynamically updating pie charts with all plots hidden
- Fixed `offsetStart` and `offsetEnd` on bubble charts

Documentation Updates

- New Kitchen Sink
- New no data JSON attribute
- New Markers Tutorial
- New Graphset Tutorial
- Updated Drilldown Tutorial
- Updated CSV Tutorial


13 Oct 17:13
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Potentially breaking change!

ZingChart now works well with Flexbox. This is a potential breaking change as ZingChart now has some new behaviors related to zingchart.render({height}) attribute.

In previous versions of ZingChart the height would default to 480px if no container height was defined and no height was defined in zingchart.render()

If a user defines zingchart.render({height:100%}) then the default height is no longer 480px. Now, if the container height is 0px it will look like the chart has not rendered because the chart inherited that height.

The easiest way to alleviate this problem is to set a min height on the container element using CSS.

ZingChart now works well with Flexbox. Demo

New Features

- Selection tool. Demo
- Stream Graphs. Demo
- Stream Graph feed. Demo
- New event for context menu. You can use it to turn off right click on nodes in the following Demo

Updated Features

- added `jsRule` on radar charts. Demo
- background image position has been adjusted for radial charts. Demo
- treemap has new layout options:
  - random
  - squarify
  - squarifyV2
  - balancedV2 default is `balanced`
- added a new hover layer for plot hover state. You can now have hoverstate behind certain items like scales. This option can be enabled with `zingchart.DEV.PLOTSHLAYER`.  Demo
- added new `active` attribute in the `zoom` object to allow disabling of the `zoom mask.` Demo
- If legend item and marker are set to `{visible: false}` the legend will become invisible. Demo
- Selected state now preserved on graph API interactions and resize events. Demo
- Token `%pie-total-value` works with decimals attribute. Demo
- Gauge default tooltip color now inherits from background color. Demo

Bug Fixes

- Fixed individual plot toggling visibility through API methods `appendseriesdata` and `setseriesdata`
- Fixed issue with trailing `$` crashing `JVM` on `plot_name`
- Fixed treemap bug with clicking and deleting characters from title name
- Fixed `jsRule` in `valueBox` objects only being called once
- Fixes on canvas text rendering
- Zooming a chart, hovering nodes, then returning zoom level with `viewall` issue fixed. 
- Fixed bug with multiple scales and multiple stacked chart types.
- Fixed bug with multiple chords on the same page.
- Fixed bug with bar plots not being drawn at all when visible:false is set to a series.
- Fixed issue 3d ring charts side wall missing.

Documentation Updates

- New Maps Documentation
- New Docs Navigation


03 Aug 19:16
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New Media Rules for Responsive Charts

- Media Rules allow you to create responsive charts that can be viewed across different desktop and mobile devices.

Updated Features

- Logarithmic scales are now available on `scaleX`
- Added `zoom:false` flag on zoomto API (to skip the actual zoom on chart)
- Added cubic bezier curves; fixed curves on VML
- Preview is set to live by default for the light and dark themes

Bug Fixes

- Fixed `styles` array bug
- Updated time-series step values for month and year
- Disabled the default `hover-state` on pareto
- Fixed graphset layout not being reset on a setdata API call
- Fixed graph height when absolute positioning is used and 'height' attribute is not provided.
- Fixed crosshair issues on [k, v] data with duplicate k values
- Fixed bugs detecting plots via plotid param on showplot/hideplot API Calls.
- Fixed selection issues
- Legend fixes (bottom position no longer forces the layout)
- Fixed guide issues (guide appearing on wrong chart when graphset has multiple charts)
- Fixed bar dimensions when multiple key scales are used
- Fixed tooltips on drilldown charts
- API Methods appendseriesdata and setseriesdata properly toggle plot visibility now

Documentation Updates

- New Media Rules Tutorial! - this new feature allows you to create responsive charts to be viewed across various desktop and mobile devices.
- ZingChart Help Center - is continually updated with new questions and answers.
- Context Menu
- Scales


06 Jul 23:30
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New Features

- We created a new Mobile Charts Plugin that allows users to interact with and use touch gestures when reading JavaScript charts on mobile devices. The plugin is currently supported on bar, line, area, scatter, bubble, pie, and donut charts.
  Updated Features
- Enabled heat map scrolling on both x- and y-axes.
- Enabled styling for legend scrollbar and handle.
- Improved the logic on the following bar chart-related attributes:
  - "bar-space"
  - "bar-width"
  - "bars-overlap"
  - "bars-space-left"
  - "bars-space-right
- Improved logic on boxplot legend plotting so that only one legend item/marker is plotted if no data outlier is specified.
- Improved data normalization on bubble charts so that if excess parameters are included in the "values" array, they are automatically omitted.
- Introduced graphid parameter when calling showmenu API.
- Added x and y parameters to the showmenu API to enable context menu positioning.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed addnode API method so that it works for 2D data sets and time-series data sets.
- Fixed calendar charts. Learn more with the Calendar Charts Tutorial.
- Fixed %npv token on standalone labels.
- Fixed "wrap-text" attribute.
- Removed default value boxes from nested pie charts.
- Fixed scale-x.opposite items shift on zoom bug.
- Fixed tooltip.wrap-text.
- Fixed disappearing pie chart on continual legend click (canvas).
- Fixed zoom-to-values so that on a graphset, it applies to all graphs in the graphset.
- Fixed API showplot/hideplot and window re-size so that it doesn't lose legend state.
- Fixed pie chart hover tooltip with window-resize.
- Fixed scale-x.item.flat = false.
- Fixed hideprogresslogo and crosshairX bug.
- Fixed crosshairX so that it displays with multiple series containing null values.
- Fixed dynamic margins on plotarea.
- Fixed so that generated SVG validates against BasicSVG
- Fixed inline HTML and getimagedata so that it parses/renders correctly.

Documentation Updates

- We launched a new ZingChart Help Center! Intended to supplement our existing docs and tutorials, you can search for information on specific chart types and tools. Our recent blog post provides more information.
- New Mobile Charts Tutorial for our new mobile charts plugin.
- Interactive Legends
- Shared Interactions 
- Pie Charts
- Nested Pie Charts


12 May 17:27
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New Features

- Pie Chart / Apple Watch - Demo
- Added detached: true attribute.  This allows designated pie slices to start in the detached position and still maintain expected functionality.
- Added additional API “clicknode”.  The used with the existing label_click event will allow developers to fire the clicknode api via the existing label_click event.
- Added ability to set visibility for preview window.
- Implemented full zooming behavior for heatmaps

Updated Features

- Added %node-percent-value (or %npv) token to standalone labels. Demo
- Added “hover-state” object to error bars. This allows users to turn off hover visibility on the error bars, which is especially helpful on bar charts. Demo
- Expanded error bars to work on inverted charts (hbar, vline, varea), in addition to bar, line, area, and scatter.
- “handle” object on preview charts updated to style all four handles simultaneously. (For individual styling, use “handle-left”, “handle-right”, “handle-top”, and “handle-bottom” objects.)
- HOVER STATE stuff:
  - AREA and LINE charts only: “hover-state” is turned off by default. It turns on when the user creates a “hover-state” object. By default, the “alpha” is now set to 1 and the “alpha-area” is set to 0.25. (Markers are styled separately in a “hover-marker” object.)
- Tokens
- Scale tooltips display scale values by default
- Default line width on range charts changed to 2
- Solution for crosshair z sorting with legend.  Implemented new attributes to allow developers to set: “top-layer”:”guide” | “legend”
- Added %scale-value as default text in tooltip if nothing is specified

Bug Fixes

- Fixed issue with drawing scale when a plot was set visible:false on chart load then updated via api.
- Fixed small visual inconsistency in the context menu button.
- Fixed hover issue with bubble charts
- Fixed default line-width on range charts to be consistent with current theme.
- Fixed thousandsSeparator in legend
- Fixed issue with zoom-to on scaleX and fixed issue with zoom-to-values on scaleY
- Fixed bug with shard legend.
- Fixed issue with wrapped-text
- Fixex alpha and alpha-area updates for line and area charts
- Fixed setdata on preview console error
- Fixed issue with accuracy of crosshairs
- Fixed hoverState and hoverMarker issue on range charts
- Fixed issue with accepting “scale-y-2”:{},  as scaleY2:{}
- Fixed hoverState issue with funnel chart
- Fixed getplotvalues bug
- Fixed reset preserved zoom status on feed reset bug
- Fixed error with plot info object when chart starts with no data

Documentation Updates

- Error Bars
- Plot/Series Styling
- Standalone Labels
- ZingChart Tokens
- Zooming, Scrollbar, and Preview Chart


01 Apr 23:02
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New Features

- Extended rules to work with “cursor” attribute in plot:{ } and series:[ ]

Updated Features

- Improved styles:[ ] to now also accept objects for configuring multiple attributes.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed preview window visibility issue
- Fixed ‘setdata’ on preview zoom bug in console
- Fixed IE8 Legend-item interactions


01 Apr 00:37
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New Features

- valueRange attribute for allowing markers:[] to be associated to scaleX and ScaleY values as opposed to indices.
- Short units for KB, MB, GB, TB, PB 1024 multiples
- Data Normalization Plugin

Updated Features

- Improved animation to allow triggers for legend and api interactions
- Zooming labels improved
- Added alias for radar charts with rose aspect == polar
- Set internal default width to 100%
- Removed explicit default max children for treemaps
- Improve logic for adjust-layout
- Improved logic for dynamic margins

Bug Fixes

- Fixed adjustLayout to compensate for legend paging
- Fixed bug with labels inside of scaleR:{}
- Fixed bug with legend toggleAction: “remove” with shift click
- Fixed nested pie legend bug
- Fixed legend bug with zoom interactions
- Fixed legend cursor bug
- Fixed preview:{visible : false} console error
- Fixed inconsistency between zoomTo and zoomToValues
- Fixed rendering bug for error with incomplete border attribute
- Fixed bug in boxplot drawing logic
- Fixed null data for venn diagrams
- Fixed scroll bars on horizontal bar charts
- Fixed bug when including Δ (delta) in tooltips


11 Feb 18:57
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New Features

1. Blended Scales - can be used with interactive features such as crosshairs, zooming, scrollbars, and preview charts.
2. Preview charts can be now added to stock charts
3. Fixed Placement Tooltips utilizing `placement` with attributes `node:center`,`node:top`,`node:bottom`,`node:left`,`node:right`, `node:out`

Updated Features

Stock Charts

1. offset-start and offset-end to accept percentage values
2. Added tokens for %open, %high, %low, %close
3. Default tooltip text displays OHLC data

Improved Tokens

Added and improved upon tokens accessible from a tooltip or value-box:

- %scale-value-value (%vv) and %scale-key-value(%kv)
- %scale-value-label (%vl) and %scale-key-label(%kl)
- %scale-value-text (%vt) and %scale-key-value(%kv)

Legend Highlight

`highlight-state` and `highlight-marker` added to highlight a series when a user mouses over a legend item.

Bug fixes

1. Fixed a bug where the view source output order was reversed
2. Fixed an issue where Windows devices with touch and mouse capabilities were not registering crosshair events.
3. Added label inside of scaleR
4. Fixed an issue with stacked bars and null values
5. Alpha area not competing with different colors
6. Issue where batched API calls were not being executed in order.
7. Fixed an issue where markers were sometimes not showing with animated delay.
8. Improved auto margins on 3d charts
9. Added a polyfill for the SVG.offset removal warning in chrome.
10. Fixes to the `styles` object, and it's hover-state behavior
11. Fixed alpha-area attribute on area charts.


22 Dec 18:28
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- Defaults object was being overwritten on certain events; functionality restored. 
- No-data object is functional again.
- Fix on background images for animated and svg charts.


- Removed log-scale and fullscreen options in the context menu by default.
- Reverted new theme hover-state functionality when overriding default styles. Hover state now has to be explicitly defined when overriding color.  
- Node markers for radar charts with area aspect are now disabled by default.
- Placement, tokens, and value box improvements for venn diagrams.
- Ability to align different chart types when using the mixed chart type option. Previously lines and bars were plotted differently according to it's scale-x tick. By setting scale-x.offset = 0, this will auto align the charts to the outer edges.