PHP version manager written in BASH. Easy to install and easy to use. Compile different versions of PHP and switch between them in a moment.
$ sudo sh -c "curl -LO && chmod +x pvers && mv pvers /usr/bin/pvers"
pvers [ option ... ] [php-version]
Where options are:
-h or --help Print this message.
-v or --version Print pvers version.
-l or --list List locally installed PHP versions.
-d or --delete Remove locally installed PHP version (as root only).
-i or --install Install (only) PHP of given version (as root only).
-s or --select Select (only) PHP of given version (as root only).
-vv or --verbose Verbose output (show all warnings and errors).
-O or --replace Replace compilation options with user options. (All the following options will be passed directly to the compiler)
-o or --options Add user options to the list of existed options. (All the following options will be passed directly to the compiler)
To install or select (if already installed) PHP of version 5.6.6 just type:
$ pvers 5.6.6
As you see, if neither '-i', nor '-s' flag are declared, a package will be first installed (if not already) and then selected (linked). So you can easy skip both of this flags.
- Install the latest PHP version:
$ sudo pvers latest
Applying php.ini...
Applying php-fpm.conf...
Successfully installed!
Current PHP version is 5.6.6
- You can find out which version is currently used by typing:
$ php -v
PHP 5.6.6 (cli) (built: Feb 26 2015 10:51:33)
Copyright (c) 1997-2015 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.6.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2015 Zend Technologies
- Now select another version:
$ sudo pvers 5.3
You are trying to install an old version of PHP. Its support is highly experimental. Really want to continue? [Y/n] Y
Current PHP version is 5.3.29
- Check version is currently used by typing:
$ php -v
PHP 5.3.29 (cli) (built: Mar 1 2015 13:34:21)
Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies
- List all versions installed locally:
$ pvers -l
5.3.29 [*]
If you get in troubles while installation, first of all remove broken distro using sh $ pvers -d 5.3.4
command. Then try running again in verbose mode: sh $ pvers 5.3.4 -vv
to see all errors and warnings.