This is divided into two parts the frontend and backend.The compulsory Resume Builder API is in Backend folder created using Node.js while the optional Resume Builder UI is in frontend folder created using React.js
Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository.
Run the following command to clone the repository:
git clone <Repo URL>
Open the terminal in the downloaded folder and run command:
cd backend
When in backend folder run command:
npm install
Open the terminal in the downloaded folder and run command:
cd frontend
When in backend folder run command:
npm install
Open the terminal in the downloaded folder and run command:
cd backend
When in backend folder either run command:
nodemon app.js
You can also use:
npm start
Once the Server is active, feel free to use Postman or any other service for testing using "http://localhost:5000/api/resume"
note: Api documentation is specified inside backend folder.
Note: It uses local port 5000
Open the terminal in the downloaded folder and run command:
cd frontend
When in frontend folder run command:
npm install
After all dependencies are installed, run:
npm start
Note: It uses local port 3000
Incase any issue arises feel free to contact me.