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zjwegert committed Dec 6, 2024
1 parent 678308b commit 2f0846b
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Showing 14 changed files with 773 additions and 157 deletions.
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions scripts/Embedded/Bugs/connor_issue.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
module PoissonMultiFieldTests

using Gridap
using Test

u1(x) = x[1]^2
u2(x) = x[2]*x[1]

f1(x) = -Δ(u1)(x)
f2(x) = u1(x)*-(Δ(u2)(x))

domain = (0,1,0,1)
cells = (2,2)
model = CartesianDiscreteModel(domain,cells)

order = 2
V = FESpace(model, ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,order),conformity=:H1,dirichlet_tags="boundary")
U1 = TrialFESpace(V,u1)
U2 = TrialFESpace(V,u2)

Ω = Triangulation(model)
Γ = BoundaryTriangulation(model,tags=1)
n_Γ = get_normal_vector(Γ)

degree = 2*order
= Measure(Ω,degree)
= Measure(Γ,degree)

a1(u1,v1) = ( (v1)(u1) )*
l1(v1) = ( v1*f1 )*

op1 = AffineFEOperator(a1,l1,U1,V)
u1h = solve(op1)

a2(u2,v2) = ( u1h * (v2)(u2) )*
l2(v2) = ( v2*f2 )*

op2 = AffineFEOperator(a2,l2,U2,V)
u2h = solve(op2)

a3((u1,u2),(v1,v2)) = ( (v1)(u1) )dΩ + ( u1*(v2)(u2))dΩ
l3((v1,v2)) = ( v1*f1 )*+ ( v2*f2 )*

X = MultiFieldFESpace([U1,U2])
Y = MultiFieldFESpace([V,V])

op3 = FEOperator((u,v)->a3(u,v)-l3(v),X,Y)
solver = NLSolver(LUSolver(), show_trace=true, method=:newton, iterations=5)
(u1hm,u2hm) = solve(solver,op3)

op3 = AffineFEOperator(a3,l3,X,Y)

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ a(u,v,φ) = ∫(∇(v)⋅∇(u))Ωs.dΩin +
l(v,φ) = (v)dΓ_N

## Optimisation functionals
J(u,φ) = a(u,u,φ)
J(u,φ) = ((v)(u))Ωs.dΩin
Vol(u,φ) = (1/vol_D)Ωs.dΩin - (vf/vol_D)dΩ
dVol(q,u,φ) = (-1/vol_D*q/(1e-20 + norm ((φ))))Ωs.

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions scripts/Embedded/Examples/FCM_2d_thermal.jl
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Expand Up @@ -63,12 +63,12 @@ V_φ = TestFESpace(model,reffe_scalar)

## Weak form
const ϵ = 1e-3
ϵ = 1e-3
a(u,v,φ) = ((v)(u))Ωs.dΩin + *(v)(u))Ωs.dΩout
l(v,φ) = (v)dΓ_N

## Optimisation functionals
J(u,φ) = a(u,u,φ)
J(u,φ) = ((u)(u))Ωs.dΩin
Vol(u,φ) = (1/vol_D)Ωs.dΩin - (vf/vol_D)dΩ
dVol(q,u,φ) = (-1/vol_D*q/(norm ((φ))))Ωs.

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion scripts/Embedded/Examples/FCM_2d_thermal_MPI.jl
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Expand Up @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ function main(mesh_partition,distribute,el_size,path)
l(v,φ) = (v)dΓ_N

## Optimisation functionals
J(u,φ) = a(u,u,φ)
J(u,φ) = ((u)(u))Ωs.dΩin
Vol(u,φ) = (1/vol_D)Ωs.dΩin - (vf/vol_D)dΩ
dVol(q,u,φ) = (-1/vol_D*q/(norm ((φ))))Ωs.

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ a(u,v,φ) = ∫(∇(v)⋅∇(u))Ωs.dΩin + ∫(ϵ*∇(v)⋅∇(u))Ωs.dΩout
l(v,φ) = (v)dΓ_N

## Optimisation functionals
J(u,φ) = a(u,u,φ)
J(u,φ) = ((u)(u))Ωs.dΩin
Vol(u,φ) = (1/vol_D)Ωs.dΩin - (vf/vol_D)dΩ
dVol(q,u,φ) = (-1/vol_D*q/(norm ((φ))))Ωs.

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232 changes: 232 additions & 0 deletions scripts/Embedded/Examples/fsi/TO-2-CutFEM-stokes_fsi.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
using Gridap, Gridap.Geometry, Gridap.Adaptivity
using GridapEmbedded, GridapEmbedded.LevelSetCutters
using GridapTopOpt

using GridapTopOpt: StateParamIntegrandWithMeasure

path = "./results/TO-2-CutFEM-stokes_fsi/"

n = 100
γ_evo = 0.05
max_steps = floor(Int,n/5)
vf = 0.03
α_coeff = 2
iter_mod = 1

# Cut the background model
L = 2.0
H = 0.5
x0 = 0.5
l = 0.4
w = 0.05
a = 0.3
b = 0.03
vol_D = L*H

L - l/2

partition = (4n,n)
D = length(partition)
_model = CartesianDiscreteModel((0,L,0,H),partition)
base_model = UnstructuredDiscreteModel(_model)
ref_model = refine(base_model, refinement_method = "barycentric")
model = ref_model.model

el_Δ = get_el_Δ(_model)
h = maximum(el_Δ)
h_refine = maximum(el_Δ)/2

f_Γ_D(x) = x[1] 0
f_Γ_N(x) = x[1] L
f_Γ_NoSlipTop(x) = x[2] H
f_Γ_NoSlipBottom(x) = x[2] 0
f_NonDesign(x) = ((x0 - w/2 - eps() <= x[1] <= x0 + w/2 + eps() && 0.0 <= x[2] <= a + eps()) ||
(x0 - l/2 - eps() <= x[1] <= x0 + l/2 + eps() && 0.0 <= x[2] <= b + eps()))
update_labels!(6,model,x->f_NonDesign(x) && f_Γ_NoSlipBottom(x),"Gamma_s_D")
# writevtk(model,path*"model")

# Cut the background model
reffe_scalar = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,1)
V_φ = TestFESpace(model,reffe_scalar)
V_reg = TestFESpace(model,reffe_scalar;dirichlet_tags=["NonDesign","Gamma_s_D"])
U_reg = TrialFESpace(V_reg)

f0((x,y),W,H) = max(2/W*abs(x-x0),1/(H/2+1)*abs(y-H/2+1))-1
f1((x,y),q,r) = - cos(q*π*x)*cos(q*π*y)/q - r/q
fin(x) = f0(x,l,a)
fsolid(x) = min(f0(x,l,b),f0(x,w,a))
fholes((x,y),q,r) = max(f1((x,y),q,r),f1((x-1/q,y),q,r))
φf(x) = min(max(fin(x),fholes(x,15,0.5)),fsolid(x))
φh = interpolate(φf,V_φ)
# writevtk(get_triangulation(φh),path*"initial_lsf",cellfields=["φ"=>φh])

# Setup integration meshes and measures
order = 1
degree = 2*order

Ω_bg = Triangulation(model)
dΩ_bg = Measure(Ω_bg,2*order)
Γf_D = BoundaryTriangulation(model,tags="Gamma_f_D")
Γf_N = BoundaryTriangulation(model,tags="Gamma_f_N")
dΓf_D = Measure(Γf_D,degree)
dΓf_N = Measure(Γf_N,degree)
Ω = EmbeddedCollection(model,φh) do cutgeo,_
Ωs = DifferentiableTriangulation(Triangulation(cutgeo,PHYSICAL),V_φ)
Ωf = DifferentiableTriangulation(Triangulation(cutgeo,PHYSICAL_OUT),V_φ)
Γ = DifferentiableTriangulation(EmbeddedBoundary(cutgeo),V_φ)
Γg = GhostSkeleton(cutgeo)
:Ωs => Ωs,
:dΩs => Measure(Ωs,degree),
:Ωf => Ωf,
:dΩf => Measure(Ωf,degree),
:Γg => Γg,
:dΓg => Measure(Γg,degree),
:n_Γg => get_normal_vector(Γg),
=> Γ,
:dΓ => Measure(Γ,degree),
:n_Γ => get_normal_vector.trian),
:Ω_act_s => Triangulation(cutgeo,ACTIVE),
:Ω_act_f => Triangulation(cutgeo,ACTIVE_OUT),
:χ_s => GridapTopOpt.get_isolated_volumes_mask(cutgeo,["Gamma_s_D"];IN_is=IN),
:χ_f => GridapTopOpt.get_isolated_volumes_mask(cutgeo,["Gamma_f_D"];IN_is=OUT)

# Setup spaces
uin(x) = VectorValue(16x[2]*(H-x[2]),0.0)

reffe_u = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,VectorValue{D,Float64},order,space=:P)
reffe_p = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,order,space=:P)
reffe_d = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,VectorValue{D,Float64},order)

function build_spaces(Ω_act_s,Ω_act_f)
# Test spaces
V = TestFESpace(Ω_act_f,reffe_u,conformity=:H1,
Q = TestFESpace(Ω_act_f,reffe_p,conformity=:H1)
T = TestFESpace(Ω_act_s,reffe_d,conformity=:H1,dirichlet_tags=["Gamma_s_D"])

# Trial spaces
U = TrialFESpace(V,[uin,VectorValue(0.0,0.0),VectorValue(0.0,0.0),VectorValue(0.0,0.0)])
P = TrialFESpace(Q)
R = TrialFESpace(T)

# Multifield spaces
X = MultiFieldFESpace([U,P,R])
Y = MultiFieldFESpace([V,Q,T])
return X,Y

# Weak form
## Fluid
# Properties
Re = 60 # Reynolds number
ρ = 1.0 # Density
cl = H # Characteristic length
u0_max = 1.0 # Maximum velocity on inlet
μ = 1.0#ρ*cl*u0_max/Re # Viscosity
# Stabilization parameters
β0 = 0.25
β1 = 0.2
β2 = 0.1
β3 = 0.05
γ = 100.0

# Terms
σf_n(u,p,n) = μ*(u)n - p*n
a_Ω(u,v) = μ*((u) (v))
b_Ω(v,p) = - (∇v)*p
c_Γi(p,q) = (β0*h)*jump(p)*jump(q) # this will vanish for p∈P1
c_Ω(p,q) = (β1*h^2)*(p)(q)
a_Γ(u,v) = -.n_Γ(u))v - u.n_Γ(v)) +/h)*uv
b_Γ(v,p) =.n_Γv)*p
i_Γg(u,v) = (β2*h)*jump.n_Γg(u))jump.n_Γg(v))
j_Γg(p,q) = (β3*h^3)*jump.n_Γg(p))*jump.n_Γg(q)) + c_Γi(p,q)

a_fluid((u,p),(v,q)) =
( a_Ω(u,v)+b_Ω(u,q)+b_Ω(v,p)-c_Ω(p,q) )Ω.dΩf +
( a_Γ(u,v)+b_Γ(u,q)+b_Γ(v,p) )Ω.+
( i_Γg(u,v) - j_Γg(p,q) )Ω.dΓg +
.χ_f*(p*q + uv))Ω.dΩf # Isolated volume term

## Structure
# Stabilization and material parameters
function lame_parameters(E,ν)
λ = (E*ν)/((1+ν)*(1-2*ν))
μ = E/(2*(1+ν))
(λ, μ)
λs, μs = lame_parameters(1.0,0.3) #0.1,0.05)
γg = (λs + 2μs)*0.1
# Terms
σ(ε) = λs*tr(ε)*one(ε) + 2*μs*ε
a_solid(d,s) = (ε(s) ε(d)))Ω.dΩs +
((γg*h^3)*jump.n_Γg(s)) jump.n_Γg(d)))Ω.dΓg +
.χ_s*ds)Ω.dΩs # Isolated volume term

## Full problem
# minus sign because of the normal direction
function a_coupled((u,p,d),(v,q,s),φ)
n_AD = get_normal_vector.Γ)
return a_fluid((u,p),(v,q)) + a_solid(d,s) + (-σf_n(u,p,n_AD) s)Ω.
l_coupled((v,q,s),φ) = (0.0q)Ω.

## Optimisation functionals
J_pres((u,p,d),φ) = (p)dΓf_D - (p)dΓf_N
J_comp((u,p,d),φ) = (ε(d) ε(d)))Ω.dΩs
Vol((u,p,d),φ) = (100*1/vol_D)Ω.dΩs - (100*vf/vol_D)dΩ_bg

## Setup solver and FE operators
state_collection = EmbeddedCollection(model,φh) do _,_
X,Y = build_spaces.Ω_act_s,Ω.Ω_act_f)
state_map = AffineFEStateMap(a_coupled,l_coupled,X,Y,V_φ,U_reg,φh)
:state_map => state_map,
:J => StateParamIntegrandWithMeasure(J_comp,state_map),
:C => map(Ci -> StateParamIntegrandWithMeasure(Ci,state_map),[Vol,])
pcfs = EmbeddedPDEConstrainedFunctionals(state_collection)

## Evolution Method
evo = CutFEMEvolve(V_φ,Ω,dΩ_act,h;max_steps)
reinit = StabilisedReinit(V_φ,Ω,dΩ_act,h;stabilisation_method=ArtificialViscosity(3.0))
ls_evo = UnfittedFEEvolution(evo,reinit)

## Hilbertian extension-regularisation problems
α = α_coeff*h_refine
a_hilb(p,q) =^2*(p)(q) + p*q)dΩ_act;
vel_ext = VelocityExtension(a_hilb,U_reg,V_reg)

optimiser = AugmentedLagrangian(pcfs,ls_evo,vel_ext,φh;
for (it,(uh,ph,dh),φh) in optimiser
if iszero(it % iter_mod)
cellfields=["φ"=>φh,"|∇(φ)|"=>(norm (φh)),"uh"=>uh,"ph"=>ph,
writevtk.Γ,path*"Gamma_$it",cellfields=["σ⋅n"=> ε(dh))Ω.n_Γ,"σf_n"=>σf_n(uh,ph,φh)])
it = get_history(optimiser).niter; uh,ph,dh = get_state(pcfs)
cellfields=["φ"=>φh,"|∇(φ)|"=>(norm (φh)),"uh"=>uh,"ph"=>ph,"dh"=>dh])
writevtk.Γ,path*"Gamma_$it",cellfields=["σ⋅n"=> ε(dh))Ω.n_Γ,"σf_n"=>σf_n(uh,ph,φh)])

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