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Added some serial tests + bug fix in ChainRules
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zjwegert committed Apr 29, 2024
1 parent 637c228 commit 357e022
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Showing 8 changed files with 433 additions and 12 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion scripts/MPI/3d_thermal_compliance_ALM.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ function main(mesh_partition,distribute,el_size)
dom = (0,xmax,0,ymax,0,zmax)
γ = 0.1
γ_reinit = 0.5
max_steps = floor(Int,order*minimum(el_size)/step)
max_steps = floor(Int,order*minimum(el_size)/10)
tol = 1/(coef*order^2)/minimum(el_size)
κ = 1
η_coeff = 2
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/ChainRules.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,13 +65,15 @@ Gridap.gradient(F::IntegrandWithMeasure,uh) = Gridap.gradient(F,[uh],1)
Given an an `IntegrandWithMeasure` `F` and a vector of `FEFunctions` or `CellField` `uh`
(excluding measures) evaluate the Jacobian `F.F` with respect to `uh[K]`.
function Gridap.jacobian(F::IntegrandWithMeasure,uh::Vector{<:FEFunction},K::Int)
function Gridap.jacobian(F::IntegrandWithMeasure,uh::Vector{<:Union{FEFunction,CellField}},K::Int)
@check 0 < K <= length(uh)
_f(uk) = F.F(uh[1:K-1]...,uk,uh[K+1:end]...,F....)
return Gridap.jacobian(_f,uh[K])

function Gridap.jacobian(F::IntegrandWithMeasure,uh::Vector,K::Int)
DistributedFields = Union{DistributedCellField,DistributedMultiFieldCellField}

function Gridap.jacobian(F::IntegrandWithMeasure,uh::Vector{<:DistributedFields},K::Int)
@check 0 < K <= length(uh)
local_fields = map(local_views,uh) |> to_parray_of_arrays
local_measures = map(local_views,F.dΩ) |> to_parray_of_arrays
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/LevelSetTopOpt.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ using Gridap: writevtk
using GridapDistributed
using GridapDistributed: DistributedDiscreteModel, DistributedTriangulation,
DistributedFESpace, DistributedDomainContribution, to_parray_of_arrays,
allocate_in_domain, DistributedCellField, DistributedMultiFieldFEBasis,
BlockPMatrix, BlockPVector, change_ghost
allocate_in_domain, DistributedCellField, DistributedMultiFieldCellField,
DistributedMultiFieldFEBasis, BlockPMatrix, BlockPVector, change_ghost

using PartitionedArrays
using PartitionedArrays: getany, tuple_of_arrays, matching_ghost_indices
Expand Down
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions test/seq/InverseHomogenisationALMTests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
module InverseHomogenisationALMTests
using Test

using Gridap, LevelSetTopOpt

(Serial) Maximum bulk modulus inverse homogenisation with augmented Lagrangian method in 2D.
Optimisation problem:
Min J(Ω) = -κ(Ω)
s.t., Vol(Ω) = vf,
⎡For unique εᴹᵢ, find uᵢ∈V=H¹ₚₑᵣ(Ω)ᵈ,
⎣∫ ∑ᵢ C ⊙ ε(uᵢ) ⊙ ε(vᵢ) dΩ = ∫ -∑ᵢ C ⊙ ε⁰ᵢ ⊙ ε(vᵢ) dΩ, ∀v∈V.
function main(;AD)
## Parameters
order = 1
dom = (0,xmax,0,ymax)
el_size = (20,20)
γ = 0.05
γ_reinit = 0.5
max_steps = floor(Int,order*minimum(el_size)/10)
tol = 1/(5order^2)/minimum(el_size)
C = isotropic_elast_tensor(2,1.,0.3)
η_coeff = 2
α_coeff = 4max_steps*γ
vf = 0.5

## FE Setup
model = CartesianDiscreteModel(dom,el_size,isperiodic=(true,true))
el_Δ = get_el_Δ(model)
f_Γ_D(x) = iszero(x)

## Triangulations and measures
Ω = Triangulation(model)
= Measure(Ω,2*order)
vol_D = sum((1)dΩ)

## Spaces
reffe = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,VectorValue{2,Float64},order)
reffe_scalar = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,order)
V = TestFESpace(model,reffe;dirichlet_tags=["origin"])
U = TrialFESpace(V,VectorValue(0.0,0.0))
V_reg = V_φ = TestFESpace(model,reffe_scalar)
U_reg = TrialFESpace(V_reg)

## Create FE functions
lsf_fn = x->max(initial_lsf(2,0.4)(x),initial_lsf(2,0.4;b=VectorValue(0,0.5))(x))
φh = interpolate(lsf_fn,V_φ)

## Interpolation and weak form
interp = SmoothErsatzMaterialInterpolation= η_coeff*maximum(el_Δ))
I,H,DH,ρ = interp.I,interp.H,interp.DH,interp.ρ

εᴹ = (TensorValue(1.,0.,0.,0.), # ϵᵢⱼ⁽¹¹⁾≡ϵᵢⱼ⁽¹⁾
TensorValue(0.,0.,0.,1.), # ϵᵢⱼ⁽²²⁾≡ϵᵢⱼ⁽²⁾
TensorValue(0.,1/2,1/2,0.)) # ϵᵢⱼ⁽¹²⁾≡ϵᵢⱼ⁽³⁾

a(u,v,φ,dΩ) = ((I φ) * C ε(u) ε(v) )dΩ
l = [(v,φ,dΩ) -> (-(I φ)* C εᴹ[i] ε(v))dΩ for i in 1:3]

## Optimisation functionals
Cᴴ(r,s,u,φ,dΩ) = ((I φ)*(C (ε(u[r])+εᴹ[r]) εᴹ[s]))dΩ
dCᴴ(r,s,q,u,φ,dΩ) = (-q*(C (ε(u[r])+εᴹ[r]) (ε(u[s])+εᴹ[s]))*(DH φ)*(norm (φ)))dΩ
κ(u,φ,dΩ) = -1/4*(Cᴴ(1,1,u,φ,dΩ)+Cᴴ(2,2,u,φ,dΩ)+2*Cᴴ(1,2,u,φ,dΩ))
(q,u,φ,dΩ) = -1/4*(dCᴴ(1,1,q,u,φ,dΩ)+dCᴴ(2,2,q,u,φ,dΩ)+2*dCᴴ(1,2,q,u,φ,dΩ))
Vol(u,φ,dΩ) = (((ρ φ) - vf)/vol_D)dΩ
dVol(q,u,φ,dΩ) = (-1/vol_D*q*(DH φ)*(norm (φ)))dΩ

## Finite difference solver and level set function
ls_evo = HamiltonJacobiEvolution(FirstOrderStencil(2,Float64),model,V_φ,tol,max_steps)

## Setup solver and FE operators
state_map = RepeatingAffineFEStateMap(3,a,l,U,V,V_φ,U_reg,φh,dΩ)
pcfs = if AD

## Hilbertian extension-regularisation problems
α = α_coeff*maximum(el_Δ)
a_hilb(p,q) =^2*(p)(q) + p*q)dΩ
vel_ext = VelocityExtension(a_hilb,U_reg,V_reg)

## Optimiser
optimiser = AugmentedLagrangian(pcfs,ls_evo,vel_ext,φh;

# Do a few iterations
vars, state = iterate(optimiser)
vars, state = iterate(optimiser,state)

# Test that these run successfully
@test main(;AD=true)
@test main(;AD=false)

end # module
114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions test/seq/InverterHPMTests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
module InverterHPMTests
using Test

using Gridap, LevelSetTopOpt

(Serial) Inverter mechanism with Hilbertian projection method in 2D.
Optimisation problem:
Min J(Ω) = ηᵢₙ*∫ u⋅e₁ dΓᵢₙ/Vol(Γᵢₙ)
s.t., Vol(Ω) = vf,
C(Ω) = 0,
⎣∫ C ⊙ ε(u) ⊙ ε(v) dΩ + ∫ kₛv⋅u dΓₒᵤₜ = ∫ v⋅g dΓᵢₙ , ∀v∈V.
where C(Ω) = ∫ -u⋅e₁-δₓ dΓₒᵤₜ/Vol(Γₒᵤₜ). We assume symmetry in the problem to aid
function main()
## Parameters
order = 1
dom = (0,1,0,0.5)
el_size = (20,20)
γ = 0.1
γ_reinit = 0.5
max_steps = floor(Int,order*minimum(el_size)/10)
tol = 1/(5order^2)/minimum(el_size)
C = isotropic_elast_tensor(2,1.0,0.3)
η_coeff = 2
α_coeff = 4max_steps*γ
vf = 0.4
δₓ = 0.2
ks = 0.1
g = VectorValue(0.5,0)

## FE Setup
model = CartesianDiscreteModel(dom,el_size)
el_Δ = get_el_Δ(model)
f_Γ_in(x) = (x[1] 0.0) && (x[2] <= 0.03 + eps())
f_Γ_out(x) = (x[1] 1.0) && (x[2] <= 0.07 + eps())
f_Γ_D(x) = (x[1] 0.0) && (x[2] >= 0.4)
f_Γ_D2(x) = (x[2] 0.0)

## Triangulations and measures
Ω = Triangulation(model)
Γ_in = BoundaryTriangulation(model,tags="Gamma_in")
Γ_out = BoundaryTriangulation(model,tags="Gamma_out")
= Measure(Ω,2order)
dΓ_in = Measure(Γ_in,2order)
dΓ_out = Measure(Γ_out,2order)
vol_D = sum((1)dΩ)
vol_Γ_in = sum((1)dΓ_in)
vol_Γ_out = sum((1)dΓ_out)

## Spaces
reffe = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,VectorValue{2,Float64},order)
reffe_scalar = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,order)
V = TestFESpace(model,reffe;dirichlet_tags=["Gamma_D","SymLine"],
U = TrialFESpace(V,[VectorValue(0.0,0.0),VectorValue(0.0,0.0)])
V_φ = TestFESpace(model,reffe_scalar)
V_reg = TestFESpace(model,reffe_scalar;dirichlet_tags=["Gamma_in","Gamma_out"])
U_reg = TrialFESpace(V_reg,[0,0])

## Create FE functions
lsf_fn(x) = min(max(initial_lsf(6,0.2)(x),-sqrt((x[1]-1)^2+(x[2]-0.5)^2)+0.2),
φh = interpolate(lsf_fn,V_φ)

## Interpolation and weak form
interp = SmoothErsatzMaterialInterpolation= η_coeff*maximum(el_Δ))
I,H,DH,ρ = interp.I,interp.H,interp.DH,interp.ρ

a(u,v,φ,dΩ,dΓ_in,dΓ_out) = ((I φ)*(C ε(u) ε(v)))dΩ + (ks*(uv))dΓ_out
l(v,φ,dΩ,dΓ_in,dΓ_out) = (vg)dΓ_in

## Optimisation functionals
e₁ = VectorValue(1,0)
J(u,φ,dΩ,dΓ_in,dΓ_out) = ((ue₁)/vol_Γ_in)dΓ_in
Vol(u,φ,dΩ,dΓ_in,dΓ_out) = (((ρ φ) - vf)/vol_D)dΩ
dVol(q,u,φ,dΩ,dΓ_in,dΓ_out) = (-1/vol_D*q*(DH φ)*(norm (φ)))dΩ
UΓ_out(u,φ,dΩ,dΓ_in,dΓ_out) = ((u⋅-e₁-δₓ)/vol_Γ_out)dΓ_out

## Finite difference solver and level set function
ls_evo = HamiltonJacobiEvolution(FirstOrderStencil(2,Float64),model,V_φ,tol,max_steps)

## Setup solver and FE operators
state_map = AffineFEStateMap(a,l,U,V,V_φ,U_reg,φh,dΩ,dΓ_in,dΓ_out)
pcfs = PDEConstrainedFunctionals(J,[Vol,UΓ_out],state_map,analytic_dC=[dVol,nothing])

## Hilbertian extension-regularisation problems
α = α_coeff*maximum(el_Δ)
a_hilb(p,q) = ^2*(p)(q) + p*q)dΩ;
vel_ext = VelocityExtension(a_hilb,U_reg,V_reg)

## Optimiser
optimiser = HilbertianProjection(pcfs,ls_evo,vel_ext,φh;

# Do a few iterations
vars, state = iterate(optimiser)
vars, state = iterate(optimiser,state)

# Test that these run successfully
@test main()

end # module
101 changes: 101 additions & 0 deletions test/seq/NonlinearThermalComplianceALMTests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
module NonlinearThermalComplianceALMTests
using Test

using Gridap, LevelSetTopOpt

(Serial) Minimum thermal compliance with augmented Lagrangian method in 2D with nonlinear diffusivity.
Optimisation problem:
Min J(Ω) = ∫ κ(u)*∇(u)⋅∇(u) dΩ
s.t., Vol(Ω) = vf,
⎣∫ κ(u)*∇(u)⋅∇(v) dΩ = ∫ v dΓ_N, ∀v∈V.
In this example κ(u) = κ0*(exp(ξ*u))
function main()
## Parameters
order = 1
prop_Γ_N = 0.2
prop_Γ_D = 0.2
dom = (0,xmax,0,ymax)
el_size = (20,20)
γ = 0.1
γ_reinit = 0.5
max_steps = floor(Int,order*minimum(el_size)/10)
tol = 1/(5order^2)/minimum(el_size)
η_coeff = 2
α_coeff = 4max_steps*γ
vf = 0.4

## FE Setup
model = CartesianDiscreteModel(dom,el_size);
el_Δ = get_el_Δ(model)
f_Γ_D(x) = (x[1] 0.0 && (x[2] <= ymax*prop_Γ_D + eps() ||
x[2] >= ymax-ymax*prop_Γ_D - eps()));
f_Γ_N(x) = (x[1] xmax && ymax/2-ymax*prop_Γ_N/2 - eps() <= x[2] <=
ymax/2+ymax*prop_Γ_N/2 + eps());

## Triangulations and measures
Ω = Triangulation(model)
Γ_N = BoundaryTriangulation(model,tags="Gamma_N")
= Measure(Ω,2*order)
dΓ_N = Measure(Γ_N,2*order)
vol_D = sum((1)dΩ)

## Spaces
reffe_scalar = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,order)
V = TestFESpace(model,reffe_scalar;dirichlet_tags=["Gamma_D"])
U = TrialFESpace(V,0.0)
V_φ = TestFESpace(model,reffe_scalar)
V_reg = TestFESpace(model,reffe_scalar;dirichlet_tags=["Gamma_N"])
U_reg = TrialFESpace(V_reg,0)

## Create FE functions
φh = interpolate(initial_lsf(4,0.2),V_φ)

## Interpolation and weak form
interp = SmoothErsatzMaterialInterpolation= η_coeff*maximum(el_Δ))
I,H,DH,ρ = interp.I,interp.H,interp.DH,interp.ρ

κ0 = 1
ξ = -1
κ(u) = κ0*(exp*u))
res(u,v,φ,dΩ,dΓ_N) = ((I φ)* u)*(u)(v))dΩ - (v)dΓ_N

## Optimisation functionals
J(u,φ,dΩ,dΓ_N) = ((I φ)* u)*(u)(u))dΩ
Vol(u,φ,dΩ,dΓ_N) = (((ρ φ) - vf)/vol_D)dΩ;
dVol(q,u,φ,dΩ,dΓ_N) = (-1/vol_D*q*(DH φ)*(norm (φ)))dΩ

## Finite difference solver and level set function
ls_evo = HamiltonJacobiEvolution(FirstOrderStencil(2,Float64),model,V_φ,tol,max_steps)

## Setup solver and FE operators
state_map = NonlinearFEStateMap(res,U,V,V_φ,U_reg,φh,dΩ,dΓ_N)
pcfs = PDEConstrainedFunctionals(J,[Vol],state_map,analytic_dC=[dVol])

## Hilbertian extension-regularisation problems
α = α_coeff*maximum(el_Δ)
a_hilb(p,q) =^2*(p)(q) + p*q)dΩ
vel_ext = VelocityExtension(a_hilb,U_reg,V_reg)

## Optimiser
optimiser = AugmentedLagrangian(pcfs,ls_evo,vel_ext,φh;

# Do a few iterations
vars, state = iterate(optimiser)
vars, state = iterate(optimiser,state)

# Test that these run successfully
@test main()

end # module

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