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Clean up Embedded scripts & add basis_isbitstype_bug.jl script
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zjwegert committed Nov 14, 2024
1 parent e63e6b6 commit 6302c38
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Showing 9 changed files with 87 additions and 148 deletions.
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions scripts/Embedded/Bugs/basis_isbitstype_bug.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
using Test

using GridapTopOpt
using Gridap, Gridap.Geometry, Gridap.Adaptivity
using GridapEmbedded, GridapEmbedded.LevelSetCutters
using Gridap.Arrays, Gridap.Polynomials, Gridap.Fields, Gridap.TensorValues

using Gridap.Arrays: Operation
using GridapTopOpt: get_conormal_vector,get_subfacet_normal_vector,get_ghost_normal_vector

function generate_model(D,n)
domain = (D==2) ? (0,1,0,1) : (0,1,0,1,0,1)
cell_partition = (D==2) ? (n,n) : (n,n,n)
base_model = UnstructuredDiscreteModel((CartesianDiscreteModel(domain,cell_partition)))
ref_model = refine(base_model, refinement_method = "barycentric")
model = ref_model.model
return model

D = 2
n = 10
model = generate_model(D,n)
φ = x -> sqrt((x[1]-0.5)^2+(x[2]-0.5)^2)-0.5223
f = x -> 1.0
order = 1
reffe = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,order)
V_φ = TestFESpace(model,reffe)

φh = interpolate(φ,V_φ)
fh = interpolate(f,V_φ)

# Correction if level set is on top of a node
x_φ = get_free_dof_values(φh)
idx = findall(isapprox(0.0;atol=10^-10),x_φ)
!isempty(idx) && @info "Correcting level values!"
x_φ[idx] .+= 10*eps(eltype(x_φ))

geo = DiscreteGeometry(φh,model)
cutgeo = cut(model,geo)

# A.1) Volume integral

Ω = Triangulation(cutgeo,PHYSICAL_IN)
Ω_AD = DifferentiableTriangulation(Ω)
= Measure(Ω_AD,2*order)

Γ = EmbeddedBoundary(cutgeo)
= Measure(Γ,2*order)

J_bulk(φ) = (fh)dΩ
dJ_bulk_AD = gradient(J_bulk,φh)
dJ_bulk_AD_vec = assemble_vector(dJ_bulk_AD,V_φ)

dJ_bulk_exact(q) = (-fh*q/(norm ((φh))))dΓ
dJ_bulk_exact_vec = assemble_vector(dJ_bulk_exact,V_φ)

@test norm(dJ_bulk_AD_vec - dJ_bulk_exact_vec) < 1e-10

# A.2) Volume integral

function Arrays.return_cache(
x::AbstractVector{<:Point}) where {D,V}
xi = testitem(x)
T = gradient_type(V,xi)

function Arrays.evaluate!(
x::AbstractVector{<:Point}) where {D,V}

fh = interpolate(x -> x[1]+x[2],V_φ)
g(fh) = (fh)(fh)

J_bulk(φ) = (g(fh))dΩ
#J_bulk(φ) = ∫(g(φ))dΩ
dJ_bulk_AD = gradient(J_bulk,φh)
dJ_bulk_AD_vec = assemble_vector(dJ_bulk_AD,V_φ)

dJ_bulk_exact(q) = (-g(fh)*q/(norm ((φh))))dΓ
dJ_bulk_exact_vec = assemble_vector(dJ_bulk_exact,V_φ)

@test norm(dJ_bulk_AD_vec - dJ_bulk_exact_vec) < 1e-10
148 changes: 0 additions & 148 deletions scripts/Embedded/Examples/test.jl

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File renamed without changes.

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