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Improve HPM efficiency for analytic sens cases
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zjwegert committed Jul 26, 2024
1 parent d1ff2ce commit 6528d1e
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Showing 3 changed files with 201 additions and 22 deletions.
108 changes: 86 additions & 22 deletions src/Optimisers/HilbertianProjection.jl
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Expand Up @@ -123,6 +123,13 @@ function compute_α(C,dC_orthog,dC,normsq,K,P,λ,α_min,α_max)
return α, ∑α², debug_flag

# Enable optimisations when not using auto diff. Without autodiff, we can compute
# sensitivities with a small cost and avoid recomputing the whole forward problem
# after the line search. When using AD we solve an adjoint problem for each constraint
# which is costly if done at each iteration of the line search.
struct WithAutoDiff end
struct NoAutoDiff end

struct HilbertianProjection <: Optimiser
Expand All @@ -141,7 +148,7 @@ A Hilbertian projection method as described by Wegert et al., 2023
- `has_oscillations::Function`: A function to check for oscillations.
- `params::NamedTuple`: Optimisation parameters.
struct HilbertianProjection <: Optimiser
struct HilbertianProjection{A} <: Optimiser
problem :: PDEConstrainedFunctionals
ls_evolver :: LevelSetEvolution
vel_ext :: VelocityExtension
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,18 +212,21 @@ struct HilbertianProjection <: Optimiser
- `ls_max_iters = 10`: Maximum number of line search iterations.
- `ls_δ_inc = 1.1`: Increase multiplier for `γ` on acceptance.
- `ls_δ_dec = 0.7`: Decrease multiplier for `γ` on rejection.
- `ls_ξ = 0.0025`: Line search tolerance for objective reduction.
- `ls_ξ_reduce_coef = 0.1`: Coeffient on `ls_ξ` if constraints within tolerance (see below).
- `ls_ξ = 1.0`: Line search tolerance for objective reduction.
- `ls_ξ_reduce_coef = 0.0025`: Coeffient on `ls_ξ` if constraints within tolerance (see below).
- `ls_ξ_reduce_abs_tol = 0.01`: Tolerance on constraints to reduce `ls_ξ` via `ls_ξ_reduce_coef`.
- `ls_γ_min = 0.001`: Minimum coeffient on the time step size for solving the HJ evolution equation.
- `ls_γ_max = 0.1`: Maximum coeffient on the time step size for solving the HJ evolution equation.
A more concervative evolution of the boundary can be achieved by decreasing `ls_γ_max`.
!!! note
For some problems (e.g., inverter mechanism), we have observed that a simple oscillation
detection algorithm leads to better convergence compared to the line search. By default
disabling the line search via `ls_enabled = false` will enable oscillation detection.
The line search has been adjusted so that it is only enforced once the constraints
are within a set tolerance. This generally leads to better optimisation histories, especically
for problems where constraints are far from saturation and the objective must decrease to
improve the constraints.
This can be set to always be enfored by taking `ls_ξ = 0.0025` and `ls_ξ_reduce_coef = 0.1`.
function HilbertianProjection(
problem :: PDEConstrainedFunctionals{N},
Expand All @@ -226,7 +236,7 @@ struct HilbertianProjection <: Optimiser
orthog = HPModifiedGramSchmidt(),
λ=0.5, α_min=0.1, α_max=1.0, γ=0.1, γ_reinit=0.5, reinit_mod = 1,
ls_enabled = true, ls_max_iters = 10, ls_δ_inc = 1.1, ls_δ_dec = 0.7,
ls_ξ = 0.0025, ls_ξ_reduce_coef = 0.1, ls_ξ_reduce_abs_tol = 0.01,
ls_ξ = 1, ls_ξ_reduce_coef = 0.0025, ls_ξ_reduce_abs_tol = 0.01,
ls_γ_min = 0.001, ls_γ_max = 0.1,
maxiter = 1000, verbose=false, constraint_names = map(i -> Symbol("C_$i"),1:N),
converged::Function = default_hp_converged, debug = false,
Expand All @@ -240,12 +250,15 @@ struct HilbertianProjection <: Optimiser
al_keys = [:J,constraint_names...,]
al_bundles = Dict(:C => constraint_names)
history = OptimiserHistory(Float64,al_keys,al_bundles,maxiter,verbose)

projector = HilbertianProjectionMap(N,orthog,vel_ext;λ,α_min,α_max,debug)

# Optimisation when not using AD
A = ((typeof(problem.analytic_dJ) <: Function) &&
all(@. typeof(problem.analytic_dC) <: Function)) ? NoAutoDiff : WithAutoDiff;

params = (;debug,γ,γ_reinit,reinit_mod,ls_enabled,ls_max_iters,ls_δ_inc,ls_δ_dec,ls_ξ,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -339,9 +352,26 @@ function Base.iterate(m::HilbertianProjection,state)
U_reg = get_deriv_space(m.problem.state_map)
V_φ = get_aux_space(m.problem.state_map)
J, C, dJ, dC, γ = _linesearch!(m,state)

## Hilbertian extension-regularisation
θ = update_descent_direction!(m.projector,dJ,C,dC,m.vel_ext.K)

## Update history and build state
uh = get_state(m.problem)
state = (;it=it+1, J, C, θ, dJ, dC, uh, φh, vel, φ_tmp, γ, os_it)
vars = params.debug ? (it,uh,φh,state) : (it,uh,φh)
return vars, state

function _linesearch!(m::HilbertianProjection{WithAutoDiff},state)
it, J, C, θ, dJ, dC, uh, φh, vel, φ_tmp, γ, os_it = state

ls_enabled = params.ls_enabled
reinit_mod = params.reinit_mod
params = m.params; history = m.history
ls_enabled = params.ls_enabled; reinit_mod = params.reinit_mod
ls_max_iters,δ_inc,δ_dec = params.ls_max_iters,params.ls_δ_inc,params.ls_δ_dec
ξ, ξ_reduce, ξ_reduce_tol = params.ls_ξ, params.ls_ξ_reduce_coef, params.ls_ξ_reduce_abs_tol
γ_min, γ_max = params.ls_γ_min,params.ls_γ_max
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -375,18 +405,52 @@ function Base.iterate(m::HilbertianProjection,state)

## Calculate objective, constraints, and shape derivatives after line search
J, C, dJ, dC = Gridap.evaluate!(m.problem,φh)
uh = get_state(m.problem)

## Hilbertian extension-regularisation
θ = update_descent_direction!(m.projector,dJ,C,dC,m.vel_ext.K)
return J, C, dJ, dC, γ

## Update history and build state
state = (;it=it+1, J, C, θ, dJ, dC, uh, φh, vel, φ_tmp, γ, os_it)
vars = params.debug ? (it,uh,φh,state) : (it,uh,φh)
return vars, state
function _linesearch!(m::HilbertianProjection{NoAutoDiff},state)
it, J, C, θ, dJ, dC, uh, φh, vel, φ_tmp, γ, os_it = state

params = m.params; history = m.history
ls_enabled = params.ls_enabled; reinit_mod = params.reinit_mod
ls_max_iters,δ_inc,δ_dec = params.ls_max_iters,params.ls_δ_inc,params.ls_δ_dec
ξ, ξ_reduce, ξ_reduce_tol = params.ls_ξ, params.ls_ξ_reduce_coef, params.ls_ξ_reduce_abs_tol
γ_min, γ_max = params.ls_γ_min,params.ls_γ_max

ls_it = 0; done = false
φ = get_free_dof_values(φh); copy!(φ_tmp,φ)
while !done && (ls_it <= ls_max_iters)
# Advect & Reinitialise
iszero(it % reinit_mod) && reinit!(m.ls_evolver,φ,params.γ_reinit)

# Check enabled
if ~ls_enabled
J, C, dJ, dC = Gridap.evaluate!(m.problem,φh)
return J, C, dJ, dC, γ

# Calcuate new objective and constraints
J_interm, C_interm, dJ_interm, dC_interm = Gridap.evaluate!(m.problem,φh)

# Reduce line search parameter if constraints close to saturation
= all(Ci -> abs(Ci) < ξ_reduce_tol, C_interm) ? ξ*ξ_reduce : ξ

# Accept/reject
if (J_interm < J +*abs(J)) ||<= γ_min)
γ = min(δ_inc*γ, γ_max)
done = true
print_msg(history," Accepted iteration with γ = $(γ) \n";color=:yellow)
J, C, dJ, dC = J_interm, C_interm, dJ_interm, dC_interm
γ = max(δ_dec*γ, γ_min)
print_msg(history," Reject iteration with γ = $(γ) \n";color=:red)

return J, C, dJ, dC, γ

function debug_print(orthog,dV,dC,dC_orthog,K,P,nullity,debug_code,debug)
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114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions test/seq/ThermalComplianceHPMTests.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
module ThermalComplianceHPMTests
using Test

using Gridap, GridapTopOpt
using GridapTopOpt: WithAutoDiff, NoAutoDiff
(Serial) Minimum thermal compliance with augmented Lagrangian method in 2D.
Optimisation problem:
Min J(Ω) = ∫ κ*∇(u)⋅∇(u) dΩ
s.t., Vol(Ω) = vf,
⎣∫ κ*∇(u)⋅∇(v) dΩ = ∫ v dΓ_N, ∀v∈V.
function main(;order,AD_case)
## Parameters
xmax = ymax = 1.0
prop_Γ_N = 0.2
prop_Γ_D = 0.2
dom = (0,xmax,0,ymax)
el_size = (20,20)
γ = 0.1
γ_reinit = 0.5
max_steps = floor(Int,order*minimum(el_size)/10)
tol = 1/(5*order^2)/minimum(el_size)
κ = 1
vf = 0.4
η_coeff = 2
α_coeff = 4max_steps*γ

## FE Setup
model = CartesianDiscreteModel(dom,el_size);
el_Δ = get_el_Δ(model)
f_Γ_D(x) = (x[1] 0.0 && (x[2] <= ymax*prop_Γ_D + eps() ||
x[2] >= ymax-ymax*prop_Γ_D - eps()))
f_Γ_N(x) = (x[1] xmax && ymax/2-ymax*prop_Γ_N/2 - eps() <= x[2] <=
ymax/2+ymax*prop_Γ_N/2 + eps())

## Triangulations and measures
Ω = Triangulation(model)
Γ_N = BoundaryTriangulation(model,tags="Gamma_N")
= Measure(Ω,2*order)
dΓ_N = Measure(Γ_N,2*order)
vol_D = sum((1)dΩ)

## Spaces
reffe_scalar = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,order)
V = TestFESpace(model,reffe_scalar;dirichlet_tags=["Gamma_D"])
U = TrialFESpace(V,0.0)
V_φ = TestFESpace(model,reffe_scalar)
V_reg = TestFESpace(model,reffe_scalar;dirichlet_tags=["Gamma_N"])
U_reg = TrialFESpace(V_reg,0)

## Create FE functions
φh = interpolate(initial_lsf(4,0.2),V_φ)

## Interpolation and weak form
interp = SmoothErsatzMaterialInterpolation= η_coeff*maximum(el_Δ))
I,H,DH,ρ = interp.I,interp.H,interp.DH,interp.ρ

a(u,v,φ,dΩ,dΓ_N) = ((I φ)*κ*(u)(v))dΩ
l(v,φ,dΩ,dΓ_N) = (v)dΓ_N

## Optimisation functionals
J(u,φ,dΩ,dΓ_N) = ((I φ)*κ*(u)(u))dΩ
dJ(q,u,φ,dΩ,dΓ_N) = *(u)(u)*q*(DH φ)*(norm (φ)))dΩ;
Vol(u,φ,dΩ,dΓ_N) = (((ρ φ) - vf)/vol_D)dΩ;
dVol(q,u,φ,dΩ,dΓ_N) = (-1/vol_D*q*(DH φ)*(norm (φ)))dΩ

## Finite difference solver and level set function
ls_evo = HamiltonJacobiEvolution(FirstOrderStencil(2,Float64),model,V_φ,tol,max_steps)

## Setup solver and FE operators
state_map = AffineFEStateMap(a,l,U,V,V_φ,U_reg,φh,dΩ,dΓ_N)
pcfs = if AD_case == :no_ad
elseif AD_case == :with_ad
elseif AD_case == :partial_ad1
elseif AD_case == :partial_ad2
@error "AD case not defined"

## Hilbertian extension-regularisation problems
α = α_coeff*maximum(el_Δ)
a_hilb(p,q) =^2*(p)(q) + p*q)dΩ;
vel_ext = VelocityExtension(a_hilb,U_reg,V_reg)

## Optimiser
optimiser = HilbertianProjection(pcfs,ls_evo,vel_ext,φh;

AD_case (:with_ad,:partial_ad1,:partial_ad2) && @test typeof(optimiser) <: HilbertianProjection{WithAutoDiff}
AD_case (:no_ad,) && @test typeof(optimiser) <: HilbertianProjection{NoAutoDiff}

# Do a few iterations
vars, state = iterate(optimiser)
vars, state = iterate(optimiser,state)

# Test that these run successfully
@test main(;order=1,AD_case=:with_ad)
@test main(;order=1,AD_case=:partial_ad1)
@test main(;order=1,AD_case=:partial_ad2)
@test main(;order=1,AD_case=:no_ad)

end # module
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/seq/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module LSTOSequentialTests
using Test

@time @testset "Thermal Compliance - ALM" begin include("ThermalComplianceALMTests.jl") end
@time @testset "Thermal Compliance - HPM" begin include("ThermalComplianceHPMTests.jl") end
@time @testset "Nonlinear Thermal Compliance - ALM" begin include("NonlinearThermalComplianceALMTests.jl") end
@time @testset "Nonlinear Neohook with Jacobian - ALM" begin include("NeohookAnalyticJacALMTests.jl") end
@time @testset "Inverse Homogenisation - ALM" begin include("InverseHomogenisationALMTests.jl") end
Expand Down

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