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Brinkmann navier-stokes
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zjwegert committed Nov 27, 2024
1 parent e65cb1b commit a78ff9c
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@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
using Gridap, Gridap.Geometry, Gridap.Adaptivity
using GridapEmbedded, GridapEmbedded.LevelSetCutters
using GridapTopOpt

path = "./results/navier-stokes testing/"

# Formulation taken from
# André Massing · Mats G. Larson · Anders Logg · Marie E. Rognes,
# A Stabilized Nitsche Fictitious Domain Method for the Stokes Problem
# J Sci Comput (2014) 61:604–628 DOI 10.1007/s10915-014-9838-9

# Cut the background model
n = 200
partition = (n,n)
D = length(partition)
_model = CartesianDiscreteModel((0,1,0,1),partition)
base_model = UnstructuredDiscreteModel(_model)
ref_model = refine(base_model, refinement_method = "barycentric")
model = ref_model.model

el_Δ = get_el_Δ(_model)
h = maximum(el_Δ)
f_Γ_D(x) = x[1] 0
f_Γ_NoSlip(x) = x[2] 0 || x[2] 1

# Cut the background model
reffe_scalar = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,1)
V_φ = TestFESpace(model,reffe_scalar)
φh = interpolate(x->-sqrt((x[1]-0.5)^2+(x[2]-0.5)^2)+0.1,V_φ)
geo = DiscreteGeometry(φh,model)
cutgeo = cut(model,geo)
cutgeo_facets = cut_facets(model,geo)

# Generate the "active" model (here we use whole domain as active)
Ω_act = Triangulation(model)

# Setup integration meshes
Ω = Triangulation(cutgeo,PHYSICAL)
Ωout = Triangulation(cutgeo,PHYSICAL_OUT)
Γ = EmbeddedBoundary(cutgeo)
Γg = GhostSkeleton(cutgeo)
Γi = SkeletonTriangulation(cutgeo_facets)

# Setup normal vectors
n_Γ = get_normal_vector(Γ)
n_Γg = get_normal_vector(Γg)
n_Γi = get_normal_vector(Γi)

# Setup Lebesgue measures
order = 1
degree = 2*order
= Measure(Ω,degree)
dΩout = Measure(Ωout,degree)
= Measure(Γ,degree)
dΓg = Measure(Γg,degree)
dΓi = Measure(Γi,degree)

# Setup FESpace

uin(x) = VectorValue(x[2]*(1-x[2]),0.5)

reffe_u = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,VectorValue{D,Float64},order,space=:P)
reffe_p = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,order,space=:P)

V = TestFESpace(Ω_act,reffe_u,conformity=:H1,dirichlet_tags=["Gamma_D","Gamma_NoSlip"])
Q = TestFESpace(Ω_act,reffe_p,conformity=:H1)

U = TrialFESpace(V,[x->uin(x),VectorValue(0.0,0.0)])
P = TrialFESpace(Q)

X = MultiFieldFESpace([U,P])
Y = MultiFieldFESpace([V,Q])

# Stabilization parameters
β1 = 0.2
γ = 1000.0

# Weak form
a_Ω(u,v) = (u) (v)
b_Ω(v,p) = - (∇v)*p
c_Ω(p,q) = (β1*h^2)*(p)(q)

a((u,p),(v,q)) =
( a_Ω(u,v)+b_Ω(u,q)+b_Ω(v,p)-c_Ω(p,q) ) *+
( a_Ω(u,v)+b_Ω(u,q)+b_Ω(v,p)-c_Ω(p,q) +/h)*uv ) * dΩout

l((v,q)) = 0.0

const Re = 700.0
conv(u,∇u) = Re*(∇u')u
dconv(du,∇du,u,∇u) = conv(u,∇du)+conv(du,∇u)
c(u,v) = ( v(conv(u,(u))) )dΩ
dc(u,du,v) = ( v(dconv(du,(du),u,(u))) )dΩ

res((u,p),(v,q)) = a((u,p),(v,q)) + c(u,v)
jac((u,p),(du,dp),(v,q)) = a((du,dp),(v,q)) + dc(u,du,v)

op = FEOperator(res,jac,X,Y)

solver = GridapSolvers.NewtonSolver(LUSolver();verbose=true)
uh, ph = solve(solver,op)



writevtk(Γ,path*"5-results-stress",cellfields=["uh"=>uh,"ph"=>ph,"σn"=>(uh)n_Γ - ph*n_Γ])

σ5 = (uh)n_Γ - ph*n_Γ
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
using Gridap, Gridap.Geometry, Gridap.Adaptivity
using GridapEmbedded, GridapEmbedded.LevelSetCutters
using GridapTopOpt

path = "./results/navier-stokes testing/"

# Formulation taken from
# André Massing · Mats G. Larson · Anders Logg · Marie E. Rognes,
# A Stabilized Nitsche Fictitious Domain Method for the Stokes Problem
# J Sci Comput (2014) 61:604–628 DOI 10.1007/s10915-014-9838-9

# Cut the background model
n = 200
partition = (n,n)
D = length(partition)
_model = CartesianDiscreteModel((0,1,0,1),partition)
base_model = UnstructuredDiscreteModel(_model)
ref_model = refine(base_model, refinement_method = "barycentric")
model = ref_model.model

el_Δ = get_el_Δ(_model)
h = maximum(el_Δ)
f_Γ_D(x) = x[1] 0
f_Γ_NoSlip(x) = x[2] 0 || x[2] 1

# Cut the background model
reffe_scalar = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,1)
V_φ = TestFESpace(model,reffe_scalar)
φh = interpolate(x->-sqrt((x[1]-0.5)^2+(x[2]-0.5)^2)+0.1,V_φ)
geo = DiscreteGeometry(φh,model)
cutgeo = cut(model,geo)
cutgeo_facets = cut_facets(model,geo)

# Generate the "active" model (here we use whole domain as active)
Ω_act = Triangulation(model)

# Setup integration meshes
Ω = Triangulation(cutgeo,PHYSICAL)
Ωout = Triangulation(cutgeo,PHYSICAL_OUT)
Γ = EmbeddedBoundary(cutgeo)
Γg = GhostSkeleton(cutgeo)
Γi = SkeletonTriangulation(cutgeo_facets)

# Setup normal vectors
n_Γ = get_normal_vector(Γ)
n_Γg = get_normal_vector(Γg)
n_Γi = get_normal_vector(Γi)

# Setup Lebesgue measures
order = 2
degree = 2*order
= Measure(Ω,degree)
dΩout = Measure(Ωout,degree)
= Measure(Γ,degree)
dΓg = Measure(Γg,degree)
dΓi = Measure(Γi,degree)

# Setup FESpace

uin(x) = VectorValue(x[2]*(1-x[2]),0.5)

reffe_u = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,VectorValue{D,Float64},order,space=:P)
reffe_p = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,order-1,space=:P)

V = TestFESpace(Ω_act,reffe_u,conformity=:H1,dirichlet_tags=["Gamma_D","Gamma_NoSlip"])
Q = TestFESpace(Ω_act,reffe_p,conformity=:H1)

U = TrialFESpace(V,[x->uin(x),VectorValue(0.0,0.0)])
P = TrialFESpace(Q)

X = MultiFieldFESpace([U,P])
Y = MultiFieldFESpace([V,Q])

# Stabilization parameters
γ = 1000.0

# Weak form
a_Ω(u,v) = (u) (v)
b_Ω(v,p) = - (∇v)*p

a((u,p),(v,q)) =
( a_Ω(u,v)+b_Ω(u,q)+b_Ω(v,p)) *+
((a_Ω(u,v) + b_Ω(u,q)+b_Ω(v,p)) +/h)*uv) * dΩout

l((v,q)) = 0.0

const Re = 700.0
conv(u,∇u) = Re*(∇u')u
dconv(du,∇du,u,∇u) = conv(u,∇du)+conv(du,∇u)
c(u,v) = ( v(conv(u,(u))) )dΩ
dc(u,du,v) = ( v(dconv(du,(du),u,(u))) )dΩ

res((u,p),(v,q)) = a((u,p),(v,q)) + c(u,v)
jac((u,p),(du,dp),(v,q)) = a((du,dp),(v,q)) + dc(u,du,v)

op = FEOperator(res,jac,X,Y)

solver = GridapSolvers.NewtonSolver(LUSolver();verbose=true)
uh, ph = solve(solver,op)



writevtk(Γ,path*"6-results-stress",cellfields=["uh"=>uh,"ph"=>ph,"σn"=>(uh)n_Γ - ph*n_Γ])

σ6 = (uh)n_Γ - ph*n_Γ

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