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zjwegert committed Nov 25, 2024
1 parent 2a76004 commit c47c249
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Showing 4 changed files with 66 additions and 14 deletions.
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions scripts/Embedded/Bugs/odes_skeleton_distributed_bug.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
using Test

using GridapTopOpt
using Gridap, Gridap.Geometry, Gridap.Adaptivity
using GridapEmbedded

using GridapDistributed, PartitionedArrays

parts = (2,2)
ranks = DebugArray(LinearIndices((prod(parts),)))

n = 200
order = 1

_model = CartesianDiscreteModel(ranks,parts,(0,1,0,1),(n,n))
base_model = UnstructuredDiscreteModel(_model)
ref_model = refine(base_model, refinement_method = "barycentric")
model = Adaptivity.get_model(ref_model)
el_Δ = get_el_Δ(_model)
h = maximum(el_Δ)
h_refine = maximum(el_Δ)/2

Ω = Triangulation(model)
= Measure(Ω,2*order)
reffe_scalar = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,order)
V_φ = TestFESpace(model,reffe_scalar)
Γg = SkeletonTriangulation(get_triangulation(V_φ))
dΓg = Measure(Γg,2order)
n_Γg = get_normal_vector(Γg)

φh = interpolate(x->-sqrt((x[1]-0.5)^2+(x[2]-0.5)^2)+0.25,V_φ)

velh = interpolate(x->-1,V_φ)

γg = 0.1
dt = GridapTopOpt._compute_Δt(h,0.1,get_free_dof_values(velh))
ϵ = 1e-20

ode_ls = LUSolver()
ode_nl = NLSolver(ode_ls, show_trace=false, method=:newton, iterations=10)
oode_solver = RungeKutta(ode_nl, ode_ls, 0.1, :DIRK_CrankNicolson_2_2)

β = velh*(φh)/+ norm (φh))
stiffness(t,u,v) = ((β (u)) * v)dΩ + (γg*h^2*jump((u) n_Γg)*jump((v) n_Γg))dΓg
mass(t, ∂ₜu, v) = (∂ₜu * v)dΩ
forcing(t,v) = (0v)dΩ
Ut_φ = TransientTrialFESpace(V_φ)
ode_op = TransientLinearFEOperator((stiffness,mass),forcing,Ut_φ,V_φ;
ode_sol = solve(oode_solver,ode_op,0.0,dt*10,φh)

march = Base.iterate(ode_sol)
28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions src/LevelSetEvolution/UnfittedEvolution/StabilisedReinit.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,24 +3,24 @@ abstract type StabilisationMethod end
mutable struct StabilisedReinit{V,M} <: Reinitialiser
Stabilised FE method for level-set reinitialisation. Artificial viscosity
approach (`ArtificialViscosity`) based on Mallon et al. (2023). DOI: `10.48550/arXiv.2303.13672`.
Stabilised FE method for level-set reinitialisation. Artificial viscosity
approach (`ArtificialViscosity`) based on Mallon et al. (2023). DOI: `10.48550/arXiv.2303.13672`.
Interior jump penalty approach (`InteriorPenalty`) adapted from that work and replaces
the artifical viscosity term with an interior jump penalty term.
the artifical viscosity term with an interior jump penalty term.
# Parameters
- `nls::NonlinearSolver`: Nonlinear solver for solving the reinitialisation equation
- `stabilisation_method::A`: A `StabilisationMethod` method for stabilising the problem
- `stabilisation_method::A`: A `StabilisationMethod` method for stabilising the problem
- `Ωs::B`: `EmbeddedCollection` holding updatable triangulation and measures from GridapEmbedded
- `dΩ_bg::D`: Background mesh measure
- `space::C`: FE space for level-set function
- `assembler::Assembler`: Assembler for LS FE space
- `assembler::Assembler`: Assembler for LS FE space
- `params::E`: Tuple of Nitsche parameter `γd` and mesh size `h`
- `cache`: Cache for evolver, initially `nothing`.
# Note
- We expect the EmbeddedCollection `Ωs` to contain `:dΓ`. If this is not
available we add it to the recipe list in `Ωs` and a warning will appear.
- We expect the EmbeddedCollection `Ωs` to contain `:dΓ`. If this is not
available we add it to the recipe list in `Ωs` and a warning will appear.
mutable struct StabilisedReinit{A,B,C,D} <: Reinitialiser
Expand All @@ -36,16 +36,16 @@ mutable struct StabilisedReinit{A,B,C,D} <: Reinitialiser
nls = NewtonSolver(LUSolver();maxiter=50,rtol=1.e-14,verbose=true),
stabilisation_method::A = InteriorPenalty(V_φ)) where {A,B,C}

if !(:dΓ keys(Ωs.objects))
@warn "Expected measure ':dΓ' not found in the
EmbeddedCollection. This has been added to the recipe list.
@warn "Expected measure ':dΓ' not found in the
EmbeddedCollection. This has been added to the recipe list.
Ensure that you are not using ':dΓ' under a different
name to avoid additional computation for cutting."
function dΓ_recipe(cutgeo)
Γ = DifferentiableTriangulation(EmbeddedBoundary(cutgeo),V_φ)
:dΓ => Measure(Γ,2get_order(V_φ))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ function solve!(s::StabilisedReinit,φh,nls_cache)
return φh

struct ArtificialViscosity <: StabilisationMethod
struct ArtificialViscosity <: StabilisationMethod

Expand All @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ function get_residual_and_jacobian(s::StabilisedReinit{ArtificialViscosity},φh)

struct InteriorPenalty <: StabilisationMethod
function InteriorPenalty(V_φ::FESpace)
Λ = SkeletonTriangulation(get_triangulation(V_φ))
Expand Down

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