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@github-actions github-actions released this 18 Mar 23:50
· 73 commits to ethers-v5 since this release

5.6.0 (2024-03-18)

Bug Fixes

  • utils: add padding in apply and undo alias in order to return 20 bytes long address (3acaa8f)


  • extract all files from the src folder into the build folder (c678612)
  • provider: add support for era test node (6c744fa)
  • provider: parse all block fields from RPC endpoints (d58fb83)
  • provider: remove support for the ZKSYNC_WEB3_API_URL environment variable (0592ae4)


  • provider: Remove support for the ZKSYNC_WEB3_API_URL environment
    variable from the Provider.getDefaultProvider() to make it compatible
    with browser integration.
  • Previously, the build folder contained the src folder along
    with all the js and d.ts files. This setup resulted in a poor developer
    experience, as developers were required to use the src prefix in their imports
    (e.g., 'zksync-ethers/src/types'). Now, all files from the src folder are
    extracted, eliminating the need to specify the src prefix in the path.