Swipe&Swap will allow people to trade their items. We wanted to give a boost to circular econonomies focusing on a responsible consumption and the exchange of stuff you do not need. You can access the page from this link:
Check the cards here:
Once downloaded, get in the root folder of the App and install all dependencies using
npm install
Then run
npm start
No we are starting the client
cd /cliente
yarn install
yarn start
Prepare the data by running the following commands
cd data/
mongoimport -d swipe -c objects --jsonArray --file swipe.json
For the development of the page, the technologies used were:
- JS
- Nodejs
- express
- mongoDB
- React
- Reactstrap
- mongoose
- Heroku
Here is a screenshot of the page
The web page was created by Zulma Castañeda and Juan Camilo Useche. You can find our presentaion pages here:
This project was possible thanks to William Ravelo and his amazing cards library https://github.com/ravelinx22/react-swipeable-cards
This repository has the standard MIT license. You can find it in the code