👋 Hi there, I’m @zoedesimone, but I also go by Zoe.
👀 I’m primarily interested in ML, design & sustainability, but often stray into software development and comuptational design.
🌱 I’m a dual EECS & Building Technology MS student @ MIT.
🔭 I’m currently working prof. Ashia Wilson and Arvind Satyanarayan in CSAIL on Human AI-alignment in Generative AI models.
🔭 and with prof. Christoph Reinhart in the Sustainable Design Lab (SDL) on decision making tools for building decarbonization.
👩💻 Previously studied at Cornell University and co-developed Eddy3D.
💬 Ask me about ML, computational design, & architecture.
📫 Reach me at zoe at mit dot edu
😄 Pronouns: she/her/hers.