Ivory: Early Stage Design Exploration Tool for Integrated Voltage Regulator
Ivory contains two parts: static model part and dynamic model part. Static Model part gives out efficiency, area and ripple of an integrated voltage regulator. Dynamic Model part gives out the transient voltage waveform based on ngspice(SPICE3) circuit simulator.
main.cc is the main function. Users can choose the type of IVR and also can select to use the static model or dynamic model. static_buck.cc is the static model for integrated buck converter. static_switched_capacitor.cc is the static model for integrated switched capacitor converter. Technology.csv is the technology parameters, which is used in static model.
ivr_functions.cc defines the flow of dynamic model OnChipPDN.cir is the circuit netlist ivr.cc defines the IVR behavior such as measure and update IVR output voltage. Users do not need to edit this file. circuit_simulator.cc provides the interface of SPICE circuit simulator(ngspice). Users do not need to edit this file. sharedspice.cc is the spice circuit simulator ngspice. Users do not need to edit it.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.(An Zou: [email protected])