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Zscaler Terraformer Tool

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-> Disclaimer: Please refer to our General Support Statement before proceeding with the use of this provider. You can also refer to our troubleshooting guide for guidance on typical problems.


zscaler-terraformer is A CLI tool that generates tf and tfstate files based on existing ZPA and/or ZIA resources. It does this by using your respective API credentials in each platform to retrieve your configurations from the ZPA API and/or ZIA API and converting them to Terraform configurations so that it can be used with the ZPA Terraform Provider and/or ZIA Terraform Provider

This tool is ideal if you already have ZPA and/or ZIA resources defined but want to start managing them via Terraform, and don't want to spend the time to manually write the Terraform configuration to describe them.

NOTE: This tool has been developed and tested with Terraform v1.x.x only.

Zscaler Terraformer Migration Tool

Zscaler - OneAPI Authentication New Framework

As of version v4.0.0, this provider supports authentication via the new Zscaler API framework OneAPI

Zscaler OneAPI uses the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework to provide secure access to Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA) APIs. OAuth 2.0 allows third-party applications to obtain controlled access to protected resources using access tokens. OneAPI uses the Client Credentials OAuth flow, in which client applications can exchange their credentials with the authorization server for an access token and obtain access to the API resources, without any user authentication involved in the process.

NOTE As of version v2.0.0, Zscaler-Terraformer offers backwards compatibility to the Zscaler legacy API framework. This is the recommended authentication method for organizations whose tenants are still not migrated to Zidentity.

NOTE Notice that OneAPI and Zidentity is NOT currently supported for the following ZIA and ZPA clouds respectively: zscalergov and zscalerten or GOV and GOVUS. Refer to the Legacy API Framework for more information on how authenticate to these environments

zscaler-terraformer for ZPA supports the following environment variables:


Both ZPA and ZIA follow its respective authentication methods as described in the Terraform registry documentation:

For details on how to generate API credentials visit:

!> A note on storing your credentials securely: We recommend that you store your ZPA and/or ZIA credentials as environment variables as demonstrated below.

Examples Usage - ZPA OneAPI Client Secret Authentication (Environment Variables)

export ZSCALER_CLIENT_ID      = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export ZSCALER_CLIENT_SECRET  = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export ZSCALER_VANITY_DOMAIN  = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export ZPA_CUSTOMER_ID        = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export ZSCALER_CLOUD          = "beta" ## Optional for alternative clouds

Examples Usage - ZPA OneAPI Client Secret Authentication (Inline Authenticatiion)

zscaler-terraformer import \
--resources="zpa" \
--client_id="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
--client_secret="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
--vanity_domain="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
--customer_id="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
--zscaler_cloud="beta" ## Optional for alternative clouds

Examples Usage - ZIA OneAPI Client Secret Authentication (Environment Variables)

export ZSCALER_CLIENT_ID      = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export ZSCALER_CLIENT_SECRET  = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export ZSCALER_VANITY_DOMAIN  = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export ZSCALER_CLOUD          = "beta" ## Optional for alternative clouds

Examples Usage - ZIA OneAPI Client Secret Authentication (Inline Authenticatiion)

zscaler-terraformer import \
--resources="zia" \
--client_id="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
--client_secret="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
--vanity_domain="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
--zscaler_cloud="beta" ## Optional for alternative clouds

Default Environment variables

You can provide credentials via the ZSCALER_CLIENT_ID, ZSCALER_CLIENT_SECRET, ZSCALER_VANITY_DOMAIN, ZSCALER_CLOUD environment variables, representing your Zidentity OneAPI credentials clientId, clientSecret, vanityDomain and cloud respectively.

Argument Description Environment Variable
client_id (String) Zscaler API Client ID, used with clientSecret or PrivateKey OAuth auth mode. ZSCALER_CLIENT_ID
client_secret (String) Secret key associated with the API Client ID for authentication. ZSCALER_CLIENT_SECRET
privateKey (String) A string Private key value. ZSCALER_PRIVATE_KEY
customer_id (String) A string that contains the ZPA customer ID which identifies the tenant ZPA_CUSTOMER_ID
microtenant_id (String) A string that contains the ZPA microtenant ID which identifies the tenant ZPA_MICROTENANT_ID
vanity_domain (String) Refers to the domain name used by your organization. ZSCALER_VANITY_DOMAIN
cloud (String) The name of the Zidentity cloud, e.g., beta. ZSCALER_CLOUD

Alternative OneAPI Cloud Environments

OneAPI supports authentication and can interact with alternative Zscaler enviornments i.e beta. To authenticate to these environments you must provide the following values:

Argument Description Environment Variable
vanity_domain (String) Refers to the domain name used by your organization ZSCALER_VANITY_DOMAIN
cloud (String) The name of the Zidentity cloud i.e beta ZSCALER_CLOUD

For example: Authenticating to Zscaler Beta environment:

export ZSCALER_CLOUD="beta"

OneAPI (API Client Scope)

OneAPI Resources are automatically created within the ZIdentity Admin UI based on the RBAC Roles applicable to APIs within the various products. For example, in ZIA, navigate to Administration -> Role Management and select Add API Role.

Once this role has been saved, return to the ZIdentity Admin UI and from the Integration menu select API Resources. Click the View icon to the right of Zscaler APIs and under the ZIA dropdown you will see the newly created Role. In the event a newly created role is not seen in the ZIdentity Admin UI a Sync Now button is provided in the API Resources menu which will initiate an on-demand sync of newly created roles.

Legacy API Framework

ZPA Environment Variables

  • As of version v2.0.0, Zscaler Terraformer offers backwards compatibility to the Zscaler legacy API framework. This is the recommended authentication method for organizations whose tenants are still not migrated to Zidentity.

NOTE The use of of the attribute use_legacy_client is mandatory when not authenticating through OneAPI.

zscaler-terraformer for ZPA supports the following environment variables:

export ZPA_CLIENT_ID      = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export ZPA_CLIENT_SECRET  = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export ZPA_CUSTOMER_ID    = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export ZPA_CLOUD          = "BETA", "GOV", "GOVUS", "PRODUCTION" or "ZPATWO"

ZPA Inline Authentication

zscaler-terraformer import --resources="zpa" \
--zpa_client_id="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
--zpa_client_secret="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
--zpa_customer_id="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
--zpa_cloud="BETA", "GOV", "GOVUS", "PRODUCTION" or "ZPATWO" \

ZPA Environment variables (Legacy)

You can provide credentials via the ZPA_CLIENT_ID, ZPA_CLIENT_SECRET, ZPA_CUSTOMER_ID, ZPA_CLOUD environment variables, representing your ZPA client_id, client_secret, customer_id and cloud of your ZPA account, respectively.

~> NOTE ZPA_CLOUD environment variable is required, and is used to identify the correct API gateway where the API requests should be forwarded to.

Argument Description Environment variable
client_id (String) The ZPA API client ID generated from the ZPA console. ZPA_CLIENT_ID
client_secret (String) The ZPA API client secret generated from the ZPA console. ZPA_CLIENT_SECRET
customer_id (String) The ZPA tenant ID found in the Administration > Company menu in the ZPA console. ZPA_CUSTOMER_ID
cloud (String) The Zscaler cloud for your tenancy. ZPA_CLOUD
use_legacy_client (Bool) Enable use of the legacy ZIA API Client. ZSCALER_USE_LEGACY_CLIENT

ZIA Environment Variables (Legacy)

  • As of version v2.0.0, Zscaler Terraformer offers backwards compatibility to the Zscaler legacy API framework. This is the recommended authentication method for organizations whose tenants are still not migrated to Zidentity.

NOTE The use of of the attribute use_legacy_client is mandatory when not authenticating through OneAPI.

zscaler-terraformer for ZIA supports the following environment variables:

export ZIA_USERNAME = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export ZIA_PASSWORD = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export ZIA_API_KEY  = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export ZIA_CLOUD    = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" (i.e zscalerthree)

ZIA Inline Authentication

zscaler-terraformer import --resources="zia" \
--zia_username="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
--zia_password="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
--zia_api_key="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
--zia_cloud=(i.e zscalerthree) \

ZIA Environment variables (Legacy)

You can provide credentials via the ZIA_USERNAME, ZIA_PASSWORD, ZIA_API_KEY, ZIA_CLOUD environment variables, representing your ZIA username, password, api_key and cloud respectively.

Argument Description Environment variable
username (String) A string that contains the email ID of the API admin. ZIA_USERNAME
password (String) A string that contains the password for the API admin. ZIA_PASSWORD
api_key (String) A string that contains the obfuscated API key (i.e., the return value of the obfuscateApiKey() method). ZIA_API_KEY
cloud (String) The host and basePath for the cloud services API is $zsapi.<Zscaler Cloud Name>/api/v1. ZIA_CLOUD
use_legacy_client (Bool) Enable use of the legacy ZIA API Client. ZSCALER_USE_LEGACY_CLIENT


  zscaler-terraformer [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  generate    Fetch resources from the ZPA and ZIA API and generate the respective Terraform stanzas
  help        Help about any command
  import      Output `terraform import` compatible commands in order to import resources into state
  version     Print the version number of zscaler-terraformer

      --client_id string                    OneAPI client_id (required in V3 mode)
      --client_secret string                OneAPI client_secret (required in V3 mode)
      --customer_id string                  OneAPI optional customer_id
      --exclude string                      Which resources you wish to exclude
  -h, --help                                Show help for zscaler-terraformer
      --microtenant_id string               OneAPI optional microtenant_id
      --resource-type string                Which resource you wish to generate
      --resources string                    Which resources you wish to import
      --supported-resources string          List supported resources for ZPA or ZIA
      --terraform-install-path string       Path to the default Terraform installation (default ".")
      --use_legacy_client                   Enable Legacy Mode (true/false)
      --vanity_domain string                OneAPI vanity_domain (required in V3 mode)
  -v, --verbose                             Enable verbose debug output
      --version                             Display the release version
      --zia-provider-namespace string       Custom namespace for the ZIA provider
      --zia-terraform-install-path string   Path to the ZIA Terraform installation (default ".")
      --zia_api_key string                  ZIA legacy api_key (required)
      --zia_cloud string                    ZIA Cloud environment (required for ZIA legacy, e.g. zscalerthree)
      --zia_password string                 ZIA legacy password (required)
      --zia_username string                 ZIA legacy username (required if using legacy mode for ZIA resources)
      --zpa-provider-namespace string       Custom namespace for the ZPA provider
      --zpa-terraform-install-path string   Path to the ZPA Terraform installation (default ".")
      --zpa_client_id string                ZPA legacy client ID (required if using legacy mode for ZPA resources)
      --zpa_client_secret string            ZPA legacy client secret
      --zpa_cloud string                     ZPA Cloud (``BETA``, ``GOV``, ``GOVUS``, ``PRODUCTION``, ``ZPATWO``)
      --zpa_customer_id string              ZPA legacy customer ID
      --zpa_microtenant_id string           ZPA legacy microtenant_id (optional)
      --zscaler_cloud string                OneAPI optional zscaler_cloud (e.g. PRODUCTION)

Use "zscaler-terraformer [command] --help" for more information about a command.

ZPA Example usage

To get started with the zscaler-terraformer CLI to export your ZPA configuration, create a directory where you want the configuration to stored. See ZPA Demo:


Option 1

Import All ZPA Configuration

zscaler-terraformer import --resources="zpa"

Import Specific ZPA Resource

zscaler-terraformer import --resources="zpa_application_segment"

Exclude specific ZPA resources from Importing

zscaler-terraformer import --resources="zpa" --exclude='zpa_segment_group, zpa_server_group'

By default, zscaler-terraformer will create a local configuration directory where it is being executed. You can also indicate the path where the imported configuration should be stored by using the folowing environment variable ZSCALER_ZPA_TERRAFORM_INSTALL_PATH.

$ export ZSCALER_ZPA_TERRAFORM_INSTALL_PATH="$HOME/Desktop/zpa_configuration"
$ zscaler-terraformer generate \
  --resource-type "zpa_application_segment"

ZIA Example usage

To get started with the zscaler-terraformer CLI to export your ZIA configuration, create a directory where you want the configuration to stored.


Option 1

Import All ZIA Configuration

zscaler-terraformer import --resources="zia"

Import Specific ZIA Resource

zscaler-terraformer import --resources="zia_firewall_filtering_rule"

Exclude specific ZIA resources from Importing

zscaler-terraformer import --resources="zia" --exclude='zia_forwarding_control_rule,zia_forwarding_control_zpa_gateway,zia_user_management'

By default, zscaler-terraformer will create a local configuration directory where it is being executed. You can also indicate the path where the imported configuration should be stored by using the folowing environment variable ZSCALER_ZIA_TERRAFORM_INSTALL_PATH.

$ export ZSCALER_ZIA_TERRAFORM_INSTALL_PATH="$HOME/Desktop/zia_configuration"
$ zscaler-terraformer generate \
  --resource-type "zia_firewall_filtering_rule"

Generate HCL Configuration

To simply generate the HCL configuration output without importing and creating the state file, use the command zscaler-terraformer generate

$ zscaler-terraformer generate \
  --zia-terraform-install-path $HOME/Desktop/zia_configuration \
  --resource-type "zia_firewall_filtering_rule"


  • A ZIA and/or ZPA tenant with resources defined.
  • Valid ZIA and or/ZPA API credentials with sufficient permissions to access the resources you are requesting via the API
  • zscaler-terraformer utility installed on the local machine.


Homebrew on MacOS

If you use Homebrew on MacOS, you can run one of the following commands:

brew tap zscaler/tap
brew install zscaler/tap/zscaler-terraformer


brew tap zscaler/tap
brew install --cask zscaler/tap/zscaler-terraformer

Windows - Chocolatey Package Manager

If you want to run the tool on Windows, you can use Chocolatey package manager:

choco install zscaler-terraformer


From releases you can execute the following commands:

LATEST_TAG=$(curl -s | grep '"tag_name":' | cut -d '"' -f 4)
LATEST_VERSION=$(echo "$LATEST_TAG" | sed 's/v//')
curl -LO "${LATEST_TAG}/${ZIP_FILE}"
unzip "$ZIP_FILE"
chmod +x zscaler-terraformer
sudo mv zscaler-terraformer /usr/local/bin

Importing with Terraform state

zscaler-terraformer will output the terraform import compatible commands for you when you invoke the import command. This command assumes you have already ran zscaler-terraformer generate ... to output your resources.

In the future this process will be further automated; however for now, it is a manual step to allow flexibility in directory structure.

$ zscaler-terraformer import \
  --resource-type "zpa_app_connector_group"

ZPA Supported Resources

Any resources not listed are currently not supported.

Last updated July 11, 2024

Use the following command once the tool is installed to visualize the table of supported ZPA resources:

zscaler-terraformer --supported-resources="zpa"
Resource Resource Scope Generate Supported Import Supported
zpa_app_connector_group group
zpa_service_edge_group group
zpa_application_server application
zpa_application_segment application segment
zpa_application_segment_browser_access application segment
zpa_application_segment_inspection application segment
zpa_application_segment_pra application segment
zpa_cloud_browser_isolation_banner isolation
zpa_cloud_browser_isolation_certificate isolation
zpa_cloud_browser_isolation_external_profile isolation
zpa_segment_group group
zpa_server_group group
zpa_lss_config_controller lss
zpa_microtenant_controller microtenant
zpa_provisioning_key key
zpa_inspection_custom_controls Inspection
zpa_pra_approval_controller PRA
zpa_pra_console_controller PRA
zpa_pra_credential_controller PRA
zpa_pra_portal_controller PRA
zpa_policy_access_rule Policy
zpa_policy_timeout_rule Policy
zpa_policy_forwarding_rule Policy
zpa_policy_access_inspection_rule Policy
zpa_policy_redirection_rule Policy

ZIA Supported Resources

Any resources not listed are currently not supported.

Last updated July 11, 2024

Use the following command once the tool is installed to visualize the table of supported ZIA resources:

zscaler-terraformer --supported-resources="zia"
Resource Resource Scope Generate Supported Import Supported
zia_dlp_engines DLP
zia_dlp_dictionaries DLP
zia_dlp_notification_templates DLP
zia_dlp_web_rules DLP
zia_firewall_filtering_destination_groups Cloud Firewall
zia_firewall_filtering_ip_source_groups Cloud Firewall
zia_firewall_filtering_network_application_groups Cloud Firewall
zia_firewall_filtering_network_service Cloud Firewall
zia_firewall_filtering_network_service_groups Cloud Firewall
zia_firewall_filtering_rule Cloud Firewall
zia_firewall_dns_rule Cloud Firewall
zia_firewall_ips_rule Cloud Firewall
zia_location_management Location
zia_traffic_forwarding_gre_tunnel Traffic
zia_traffic_forwarding_static_ip Traffic
zia_traffic_forwarding_vpn_credentials Traffic
zia_rule_labels Labels
zia_url_categories URL
zia_url_filtering_rules URL
zia_auth_settings_urls URL
zia_security_policy_settings URL
zia_sandbox_behavioral_analysis URL
zia_forwarding_control_rule Forward
zia_forwarding_control_zpa_gateway Forward
zia_sandbox_rules Sandbox
zia_file_type_control_rules File Types
zia_ssl_inspection_rules SSL Inspection
zia_advanced_settings Settings
zia_advanced_threat_settings Threat Settings
zia_atp_malware_inspection Malware Protection
zia_atp_malware_policy Malware Protection
zia_atp_malware_protocols Malware Protection
zia_atp_malware_protocols Malware Protection
zia_atp_malware_settings Malware Protection
zia_atp_security_exceptions Threat Protection
zia_atp_malicious_urls Threat Protection
zia_url_filtering_and_cloud_app_settings URL
zia_end_user_notification Notification


To ensure changes don't introduce regressions this tool uses an automated test suite consisting of HTTP mocks via go-vcr and Terraform configuration files to assert against. The premise is that we mock the HTTP responses from the ZPA and/or ZIA APIs to ensure we don't need to create and delete real resources to test. The Terraform files then allow us to build what the resource structure is expected to look like and once the tool parses the API response, we can compare that to the static file.


MIT License


Copyright (c) 2022 Zscaler

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.