- Insert script into docsify document:
<script src="//unpkg.com/docsify-kroki"></script>
## embedding it directly
graph TD;
Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response
Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response
## load from external files

window.$docsify = {
// default
kroki: {
langs: [
// default
serverPath: "//kroki.io/",
By default, those markdown language render by kroki:
actdiag |
blockdiag |
bpmn |
bytefield |
c4plantuml |
d2 |
dbml |
ditaa |
erd |
excalidraw |
graphviz |
mermaid |
nomnoml |
nwdiag |
packetdiag |
pikchr |
plantuml |
rackdiag |
seqdiag |
structurizr |
svgbob |
symbolator |
tikz |
vega |
vegalite |
wavedrom |
wireviz |
you can add more to langs array.
By default, the official Kroki server is used. If you have your own, configure
it using the serverPath