日本語の説明: https://github.com/rtorii/Mask-Removal/blob/main/README_ja.md
Note: I originally deployed the app on Google App Engine, but since it costs about $20 / month, the app is currently disabled.
This app removes a face mask from an image of a person wearing it. Technically, it replaces the bottom half of the face with the face of another person.
- detects a face from an image using the pretrained Pytorch face detection model (MTCNN) from https://github.com/timesler/facenet-pytorch.
- replaces the bottom half of the face(face mask portion) with an image of a random person using GAN from https://github.com/zsyzzsoft/co-mod-gan.
- displays the processed image.
How to use the app:
- Open the app and press the
button. - Allow the app to access the webcam if it ask for the permission. Then the app displays the image from the webcam.
- The app processes the image from the webcam and displays it.
Note: To run the app locally, please download co-mod-gan-ffhq-9-025000_net_G_ema.pth
file from https://maildluteducn-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/zengyu_mail_dlut_edu_cn/Ee1YPJG2Y7NDnUjJBf-SipoBBSlbv8QfFy6K7lsiiiiFHg?download=1. Then place the file in the same directory as app.py
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Created on 05/04/22 by team UUU.