Welcome to CollegeZone! CollegeZone is a custom application made for National University of Singapore (NUS) Residential College 4 (RC4) students.
CollegeZone is designed for a RC4 student to manage their contacts with other RC4 students, manage their goals and to manage their time.
You can find many interesting features available in CollegeZone such as:
recording meetups
rating friends
creating goals
creating reminders
and many more!
The main reasons NUS freshmen chooses to stay in RC4 is to forge new friendships and to perform well in their studies. CollegeZone aims to aid in RC4 residents tasks management and maintaining the friendships forged in RC4.
With CollegeZone’s unique features, we aim to benefit your everyday life.
Head over to our user guide to get started with CollegeZone!
Some parts of this sample application were inspired by the excellent Java FX tutorial by Marco Jakob.
Libraries used: EasyBind, TextFX, ControlsFX, Jackson, Guava, JUnit4
Credits to Joestalmach for the date parsing NLP library
Credits to to Dirk Lemmermann for his calendar software