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@jvdwetering jvdwetering released this 02 Feb 14:38
· 569 commits to master since this release

[0.7.1] - 2022-02-02

This release improves support and documentation for routing circuits (courtesy of @aborgna-q). In particular it implements the architecture-aware synthesis technique for phase polynomials of this paper.

The way that the D3 library is loaded is also changed, meaning that the D3 visualization should now work on more systems, in particular on Google Colab. This should also hopefully fix some errors with loading the diagram editor (although this still relies on Jupyter's widget library so that that will only work locally).


  • New routing method for phase polynomial circuits zx.routing.route_phase_poly adapted from this paper (courtesy of @Aerylia and @aborgna-q).
  • Support for more architectures in routing library (@Aerylia and @aborgna-q).
  • Support for more gates of PyQuil (@Aerylia and @aborgna-q).
  • New phase polynomial circuit generation functions zx.generate.phase_poly, zx.generate.phase_poly_approximate and zx.generate.phase_poly_from_gadgets
  • New scripts cnots and phasepoly that generates random CNOT and phase polynomial circuits (@aborgna-q).
  • Basic support for symbolic angles using sympy when doing rewriting (courtesy of @y-richie-y).
  • Support for Quipper files that do not contain the "nocontrol" keyword.
  • Added support for ry gates in QASM files (courtesy of @mgrzesiuk).


  • Requirement of ipywidgets has been updated from ipywidgets>= 7.5 to ipywidgets>=7.5,<8 as newer version broke the diagram editor.
  • Script mapper has been renamed to router.


  • Fixed bug in Circuit.verify_equality where it would sometimes say that circuits are equal while they are not (courtesy of Julian Verweij).