NOTE: This is currently a work in development.
UPDATE: This package has been tested to work under Ubuntu 16.04 now.
UPDATE: Support for following multiple sets of waypoint available now.
- cleanly handle multiple sets of waypoints received (second set, third set, fourth set, ...)
- streamlining of code
This package has been tested to work under Ubuntu 14.04.
Initial set up (follow this only after you have ardupilot installed. Instructions for setting up ardupilot with ROS can be found here:
$ cd catkin_ws/src
$ git clone>
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
First, run roscore in a new terminal
$ roscore
Second, run the autopilot & mavros in a new terminal. If you have not added these lines to the end of your ”.bashrc” in the home directory during ardupilot installation, export these paths once now:
cd $HOME
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/jsbsim/src
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/ardupilot/Tools/autotest
export PATH=/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH
. ~/.bashrc
Run the autopilot
$ cd catkin_ws
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ cd src/soi_waypoint_work/scripts
$ chmod +x
$ ./
Third, in a new terminal, run subscriber node
$ cd catkin_ws
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ cd src/soi_waypoint_work/scripts
$ python
Fourth, give Test command to be sent for publishing waypoint msg
rostopic pub -l /UAV1/testGeoPoint soi_waypoint_work/LatLongWayptList "geopoints:
- latitude: 149.161697
longitude: -35.359467
altitude: 99.800003"
or, another way of publishing a waypoint msg
rostopic pub -l /UAV1/testGeoPoint soi_waypoint_work/LatLongWayptList "geopoints: [latitude: 149.161697, longitude: -35.359267, altitude: 99.800003]"
If you want to send multiple waypoints together, here's an example below:
rostopic pub -l /UAV1/testGeoPoint soi_waypoint_work/LatLongWayptList "geopoints: [{latitude: 149.161697, longitude: -35.359267, altitude: 99.800003}, {latitude: 149.161597, longitude: -35.359367, altitude: 99.800003}, {latitude: 149.161527, longitude: -35.359467, altitude: 99.800003}]"