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Questionnaire Virgins New

Alabandit edited this page Jun 13, 2016 · 4 revisions

See Questionnaire for Top level of section.

  1. New Questionnaire – Virgins


As this is your first time at AfrikaBurn, you’ll need fill out this questionnaire. It’s designed to put you in the picture about what AfrikaBurn is, and is not.

You won’t be scored on your answers – but you do need to go through with it, in order to register your Bio profile so you can buy tickets. Ready? Hit it.

Form content:

  1. Did you know that AfrikaBurn is not a party or music festival?*

• Yes. • I do now.

  1. Are you aware that you’re heading to the desert, where the sun and wind will do their best to kill you, and destroy everything you bring with you?
  • Say what?

  • Oh my god, what? Hell, no – I’d rather go to a music festival.

  • Yep. I’m ready for the desert, bring it on.

  1. Did you know that AfrikaBurn's history is rooted in:*

(see this page for more info on the historical roots of AfrikaBurn)

• The concept of the Temporary Autonomous Zone

• Cacophony Society

• Counterculture

• Anarchism

• All of the above - with an African twist

  1. Will this be your first burn?*

• Hell no, I’ve been to many.

• Yes, and I can't wait to experience it!

  1. Are you aware that by participating, you're headed into a radical experiment in community and creativity?*

• Say what? I thought it was just a party in the desert?

• Radical's my middle name. Bring it!

· 6) The theme for AfrikaBurn 2017 is...?

(tip: head to this page to find out)

• Hellfire

• Brimstone


  1. Did you know AfrikaBurn’s informed by a set of guidelines known as the 11 Principles?*

Tip: They aren't rules, or commandments. Read all about them here: 11 Principles

• The 11 what?

• I thought it was 10?

• Yep, I know all about them.

  1. Complete the following sentence: “Gifting does not contemplate...*

(Tip: you can dig for that answer here)

  1. This ain't no party, and it ain't no disco - it's an experiment in community, and

a blank canvas where you’re free to express your creativity. So...are you

expecting a jol?*

• Hell no. There’s music, but it’s so much more than just a jol.

• Damn, so it's not a music festival? Looks like I need to do more reading.

•’s not actually a party? Screw this, I’m outta here.

  1. Have you read the Survival Guide?*

No? Seriously, read our Survival Guide before you hit the road.

• No. What the hell's a Survival Guide?

• Yep, and it's pretty damn helpful.

• You need a SURVIVAL GUIDE?!? I want my mummy.

  1. Are you ready to haul your entire camp, including 5 litres of water per person per day, into a remote and hostile environment where you’re expected to

rely on your own abilities to survive for the entire time?*

• Pfff. Do it in my sleep.

• Absolutely, I love this kind of thing.

• Wait, what? I’m not ready for this.

  1. Are you planning to party up a storm, develop an evil hangover and then hightail it home, leaving a pile of MOOP* behind? Or do you have a plan to

arrive early in the week, set up an amazing camp and proceed to become part of the community by participating?*

  • Don't know what MOOP is? Find out more about it here.

• I thought I was going to do the party thing, but by the sounds of it that’s not really what this is about.

• Community, participation, gifting - bring it on!

  1. Insert your madly creative project and / or gifting idea here:

• (it's OK to just describe it briefly - save the long version for your Art, Mutant Vehicle, Theme Camp or Performance registration)

  1. Are you aware that there’s nothing sold on site at all except ice?*

• Of course yes. It’s a Burn, after all.

• I didn’t know that.

• OMG this is a hardcore event. Hell, no – I don’t think I can do this.

  1. MOOP is an abbreviation for:*

• Medical Out Of Pocket

• Manual Of Operations & Procedures

• Matter Out Of Place

• Memory Of Our Participation

  1. Do you understand that there are no dustbins, trashcans or dumps at AfrikaBurn – because, in line with our event’s Leave No Trace policy - you’re

expected to bring everything in, and take it all away again (to be disposed of responsibly)?*

• Yep, I’m all sorted on this front and will remove & recycle everything I brought with me.

• No dustbins? Take it all home? Seriously? I dunno about this anymore; I’d rather go to a music festival.

  1. Are you aware that in Tankwa Town it’s entirely normal to see people dressed as unicorns, superheroes, fairytale characters (or even undressed)?*

• OK, whoa – this is all getting a bit weird. Seriously?

• Hell, yes – I’m one of the unicorns!

• So, normal is out? Hallelujah, I’ve found my people!

  1. Are you aware that in order to fly a drone or remotely-operated aircraft of any description, you have to contact our Airspace crew (so that nobody is

injured by flying chunks of metal)?

  • Say, what? But it’s just a little toy drone! (doesn’t matter mate: it’s still a flying chunk of metal)

  • I didn’t know that, but thanks for filling me in.

  1. As with drones, are you aware that it’s not possible to drive a Mutant Vehicle on site without registering it? This means any form of motorised

transport, significantly modified so it no longer looks like a ‘normal’ vehicle. Scooters, land boards and quads are not Mutants: mutate it - and register it - or

park it.

  • Huh. I kinda knew that, but totally ignored it last time. I’ll register my mutant this time round, thanks.

  • I know this, and am tooling up a Unicornus Rex from an old VW, thanks.

  1. Have you seen the pink wristbands that people wear? They’re a visual signal that the wearer is not interested in being captured on photo, or video.
  • Never seen them, but thanks for the heads up, I’ll keep an eye out in future.

  • Seen them, and I think they’re great.

  1. If you’re gifting booze, are you aware that anyone 18 or under wears a different coloured wristband, so you’re able to identify who’s OK (and not OK)

to gift your drink to?

  • Hell, that’s organised, thanks for letting me know.

  • I’d never gift booze to anyone that looks underage: I need it all for myself!

Final form: Pledge

OK, we’re nearly done here. What follows is a declaration of intent that you need to absorb and act on, once you get to Tankwa Town.

Before you sign off here, there’s one really important thing you need to bear in mind:


Why? Because – unlike a music festival or party - the event is entirely created by active participation. That’s why volunteering is such an important part of


This doesn’t mean you’re expected to work the entire time – but there is an expectation that you contribute and pull your weight. If there’s something that

needs doing, do it. If there’s someone who clearly doesn’t get it, take the time to explain it to them, kindly. That’s how the entire thing is held together – and

it’s where the magic happens.

Ready to do this? Make the pledge.

I pledge to honour the ethos of AfrikaBurn by being an active participant in Tankwa Town and apply myself to adding to the magic of the

community by gifting, participating and leaving no trace.

• I have read and agree to the pledge.

Proceed to create Bio


You made it through our gruelling questionnaire – well done – and now all you need to do is create your Burner Bio.

Ready? Go

[Create your Burner Bio] See Questionnaire for Top level of section.

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