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🌱 I'm currently working on Food Delivery App
🔭 I'm currently learning Next js
- ⚡ Fun fact I am funny
Blood quest involves voluntarily giving blood to help patients in need supporting surgeries, treatments, and emergencies, saving lives.
- Live Link: BloodQuest
- Technologies Used: Tailwind css, React , Firebase, Express js, Node js, Mongodb, Stripe, Jwt
This is an online platform. Here, students can attend classes and provide feedback on the classes.
- Live Link: TeachEm
- Technologies Used: Tailwind css, React , Firebase, Express js, Node js, Mongodb, Stripe, Jwt.
Residential Zillow is a user-friendly real estate platform designed to help individuals find their ideal home with ease. The platform provides detailed property information, including photos, pricing, and location, allowing users to make informed decisions.
- Live Link: ResidentialZillow
- Technologies Used: Html5, Tailwind css, React , Firebase.