- Live Site:https://teach-em-client-site.vercel.app
- server-site-github-link:https://github.com/AlmasWD09/teachEm-server-site
- admin userName: [email protected]
- password: Aa$123
( A modern online course platform offering secure purchases, user-friendly course management, seamless learning, and robust user authentication )
- The student will be able to enroll in courses and give feedback.
- To enroll, the student must complete the payment through Stripe.
- The teacher will be able to add and update classes.
- admin can easily handle all user menagement and he also access to chenge all class update & delete.
- @stripe/react-stripe-js
- @tanstack/react-query
- axios
- react-helmet-async
- react-hot-toast
- react-icons
- react-router-dom
- @stripe/stripe-js
- firebase
- react-slick
- react-scroll-trigger
- react-loader-spinner
-[npm i]
-[firebase_key setup]
-[project start for------> npm run dev]
-[npm i]
-[mongo db user create]
-[project start for------> nodemon index.js]