First of all, clone it to your ros workspace source file then go to your root workspace and type catkin_make and after that source it. Now you can follow the steps to view the demo BMT test!
In order to start the simulation go to your terminal and hit roslaunch demo_navi mybot_world.launch
. After to the gazebo insert then Add Path and click object_sdf directory. (demo_navi/src/gazebo_worlds/)
Because we have two LiDAR we must somehow merge their scan's so launch
roslaunch ira_laser_tools laserscan_multi_merger.launch
Finally we can see our robot moving autonomously just launch amcl roslaunch amcl move_base_teb.launch
roslaunch arm widowx_arm_planning_execution.launch
roslaunch flexbe_app flexbe_full.launch
. Click Load Behaviour then Final_BMT_Test at the bottom right, finally go to Runtime Controll and hit Start
Execution. (Note we will add this behaviour as soon as possible!)
Go to the bags_DIR directory and hitrosbag play wm21test_DIR_BMT.bag
. And the robot should start the BMT test!
The simulation is in an early stage a lot of things need to be optimized from navigation, manipulation, state-machine and of course vision. We had troubles with the transformations between the arm and the camera so that's why we didn't managed to complete the BMT task. Overall the results until now are satsfying (most of nav goals were successful)for us and we will continue to add new features and optimize it!
Thank you!