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Adding VoteSites

Ben edited this page Apr 7, 2024 · 33 revisions

See the default here

Creating VoteSite:

  • Vote on website, will cause file to be autocreated (recommended)
    • SiteName will be the service site by default
    • Service site will also be set (No need to do that manually)
  • Create site manually, take a look at the VoteSites.yml
  • Create ingame, /av gui (Middle click votesites)


  • Define rewards: Anything in the example reward files can be put under Rewards, as seen here

  • Enable the votesite and your all good to go

  • Name - Display name

  • VoteDelay is how often you can vote, this won't prevent votes but is used for stuff like /vnext

  • VoteDelayDaily - For those certain sites that need this

  • Item - Item to be disabled in certain GUI's (Will be a warning if this doesn't exist)

  • Priority - For sorting sites in the list (order they are shown)

  • VoteURL - URL in /vote or GUI's, highest priority is first

  • ServiceSite - This is how the plugin determines which voting site matches the one in the config, won't work if incorrect

  • ForceOffline - Execute rewards while player is offline (Otherwise not waiting until player is online)

      # Enable voteSite
      # If false, votesite will not be loaded by plugin
      # Default: false
      Enabled: false
      # Display name of voting site
      Name: 'ExampleVoteSite'
      # Priority of this site
      # Used for sorted list
      # High prority, higher on the list
      Priority: 5
      # If true, voteside will be hidden from some GUI's, similar to being disabled
      Hidden: false
      # The serviceName from the vote, has to be correct to work correctly
      # Gotten from voting on the site (will be in console/log)
      # Usually is the main part of the url(e.g., but not always
      # See console when you vote (it will notify you if the plugin didn't find a votingsite matching the service site
      ServiceSite: ''
      # vote url for /vote
      # Format for this can be set in Config.yml
      # Do not include colors here
      # If you need to force a url set the url as this:
      # VoteURL: '[Text="ANY TEXT TO CLICK ON HERE",url="URLHERE"]'
      VoteURL: 'link to vote URL here, used in /vote'
      # Time between votes in hours (used for /vote next)
      # Most sites are 24 hours
      VoteDelay: 24
      # Use to have a minute votedelay
      #VoteDelayMin: 30
      # Require waiting until votedelay time has pasted in order to accept vote
      # Recommend: false
      WaitUntilVoteDelay: false
      # Reset vote delay each day (for certain sites that do this)
      # Recommend: false
      VoteDelayDaily: false
      # Replaces offset, set the exact hour based on server time
      # Include server time offset when setting this
      # 2 = 2 am server time
      # Use 1-24
      #VoteDelayDailyHour: 14
      # If true, rewards can be executed offline (requires ForceOffline to be true in the reward)
      # Setting this to true will execute the reward offline while the player is offline
      # This basiclly disables offline voting if set to true, don't misinterpret this option
      ForceOffline: false
      # VoteSite Material for some GUI's
      # Removing this may result in an error, required on each site
        Material: 'DIAMOND'
        Amount: 1
      # Reward to run when cooldown ends for this votesite
      # Enable PerSiteCoolDownEvents in Config.yml to use this
      #  Messages:
      #    Player: '&aTime to go vote on site1'
      # Rewards to give
        # Execute console commands
        - 'say hello'
        # Send player a message
          Player: 'You voted'
    # Site 2 example
      Enabled: false
      Name: 'Site2'
      ServiceSite: ''
      VoteURL: 'link to vote URL here, used in /vote'
      VoteDelay: 24
        Material: 'DIAMOND'
        Amount: 1
        - 'say hello'
        # Advanced example
        # 50% chance for reward1, if reward1 not given then 20% chance to get reward2, if reward2 not given then fallback
          # Similar to priority, but no need to have to use reward files
          # Add requirements under each reward
          # Will go in order from list here and try to run each of the following rewards...
          # This name can be anything, but they need to be different
            Chance: 50
            # Any other requirement here
            # If any requirement fails, the next reward will be attempted
            # Use permission requirement for rank based rewards
            #RequirePermission: true
            #Permission: 'permhere'
              Player: 'You got first reward'
            Chance: 20
              Player: 'You got second reward'
          # Fallback, 100% chance, after other rewards fail chances
              Player: 'You got unlucky'
        # Give 1 diamond
            Material: DIAMOND
            Amount: 1
          Player: 'You voted'

Extra Notes:

  • Service sites must be correct in order to work
  • Follow yml rules
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