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Ben edited this page Feb 2, 2021 · 14 revisions

I have an issue/error!

Make sure you have the latest version of VotingPlugin. If issues persist create a report file (See below. This will give me all the plugin information from VotingPlugin to debug issues quickly. And is much faster since you only send one file at a time.

Can I do a test vote?

Yes, use /av Vote (Player) (SiteName).

How do I add rewards for voting?

In each voting site file, there is an option for rewards, see here. You can view the default vote site file (Located in VotingPlugin/VoteSites) or the wiki page here.

How do I create & send a Report file?

Run "/av report". This will create a zip file in plugins/VotingPlugin/Report/Report.MILISECONDS with the plugin information of VotingPlugin. Send that (Make sure its the biggest number after the dot, to make sure its the latest created file), either via dropbox, discussion page, or another method. I recommend PMing me (BenCodez) so its private, but it does not matter. This is basiclly like giving me file access to only my plugins so I can debug a problem quickly rather then just pastebin (or some other method) each file, which can be a lot.

Think a question should be added? Let me know!

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