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PlaceHolderAPI Expansion
There is a placeholderapi expansion available to be downloaded on the expansion cloud of the plugin PlaceHolderAPI. List of placeholders below. These can be used in other plugins that have placeholderapi support.
"No player" - Using a player placeholder without a player to reference
".." - Using a placeholder that is not cached, should return a value once pulled again from cache (if enabled)
"." or "..." - Using a placeholder that is not cached for the specific player, should almost never happen
- Add _process to end of placeholder to force a return value rather than . or .. if no cached value is ready, best option if you always need a value returned, do not use on main thread
- Add _nocache to end of placeholder to skip cache and retrive a live value, uses a direct mysql connection, do not use on main thread
# ---------------------------------------
# Placeholderapi placeholders settings
# ---------------------------------------
# When enabled the command /vote setprimaryaccount (playername)
# will be shown (after restart)
# Primary account will be used instead of the players account to get
# placeholder and other data such as vote reminding
# Mainly to be used for alts and such
UsePrimaryAccountForPlaceholders: false
# Valid Options:
# AUTO - Auto cache after they have been used (Recommended)
# SPECIFIC - Only cache certain placeholders
# NONE - Don't cache any placeholders
PlaceholderCacheLevel: AUTO
# Placeholder controls
# Add _process to end of placeholder to force a return value rather than . or .. if no cached value is ready
# Add _nocache to end of placeholder to skip cache and retrive a live value, uses a direct mysql connection, do not use on main thread
# Set which placeholders to cache at all times
# Use for placeholders to are pulled constantly or on the main thread
# Mainly aimed for scoreboards that pull placeholders often
# Placeholders may auto cache in certain conditions (if enabled above)
# Will use additional memory, but not a lot
# Still in early stages, please report bugs
# Please remove VotingPlugin_ from the placeholder listed here
CachedPlaceholders: []
#- Total_AllTime
View up to date placeholders in game with /av placeholders and /av placeholdersplayer (player) to get the list with all values.
votingplugin_total - Month total
votingplugin_alltimetotal - Alltime total
votingplugin_lastmonthtotal - Last month total
votingplugin_disablebroadcast - Returns true/false if user has broadcast disabled
votingplugin_milestonecount - User milestonecount
votingplugin_total_alltime - User total for AllTime
votingplugin_total_monthly - User total for Monthly
votingplugin_total_weekly - User total for Weekly
votingplugin_total_daily - User total for Daily
votingplugin_bestdailytotal - Best daily total
votingplugin_bestweeklytotal - Best weekly total
votingplugin_bestmonthlytotal - Best monthly total
votingplugin_dailyvotestreak - Current daily votestreak
votingplugin_weeklyvotestreak - Current weekly votestreak
votingplugin_monthvotestreak - Current month votestreak
votingplugin_bestdailyvotestreak - Best daily votestreak
votingplugin_bestweeklyvotestreak - Best weekly votestreak
votingplugin_bestmonthvotestreak - Best month votestreak
votingplugin_points - User points
votingplugin_points_format - User points
votingplugin_canvote - Return true/false if player can vote on all sites
votingplugin_canvotesites - Return number of votesites available
votingplugin_next_anysite - How long until user can vote on anysite
VotingPlugin_Next_VOTESITE - How long until user can vote on VOTESITE
VotingPlugin_Last_VOTESITE - How long ago user voted on VOTESITE
VotingPlugin_CanVote_VOTESITE - Whether or not player can vote on VOTESITE
votingplugin_top_all_position - Get user top voter position
votingplugin_top_month_position - Get user top voter position
votingplugin_top_week_position - Get user top voter position
votingplugin_top_daily_position - Get user top voter position
votingplugin_votepartycontributedvotes - See vote party placeholders contributed
votingplugin_top_allvotes_# - Get user votes at position in top voter
votingplugin_top_all_# - Get user at postion in top voter
votingplugin_top_month_# - Get user at position in top voter
votingplugin_top_monthvotes_# - Get user votes at position in top voter
votingplugin_top_week_# - Get user at postion in top voter
votingplugin_top_weekvotes_# - Get user votes at position in top voter
votingplugin_top_daily_# - Get user at postion in top voter
votingplugin_top_dailyvotes_# - Get user votes at position in top voter
votingplugin_votepartyvotescurrent - Current amount of voteparty votes
votingplugin_votepartyvotesneeded - Voteparty votes needed
votingplugin_votepartyvotesrequired - Amount of votes needed for voteparty
votingplugin_bungeevotepartyvotescurrent - Current amount of bungee voteparty votes
votingplugin_bungeevotepartyvotesneeded - Voteparty bungee votes needed
votingplugin_bungeevotepartyvotesrequired - Amount of votes needed for bungee voteparty
votingplugin_globalmonthtotal - Global month total
votingplugin_globalalltimetotal - Global alltime total
votingplugin_globalweeklytotal - Global weekly total
votingplugin_globaldailytotal - Global daily total
votingplugin_timeuntildayreset - Time until plugin time day changes
"No player" - Using a player placeholder without a player to reference
".." - Using a placeholder on the main thread that isn't cached and AlwaysWaitForCache set to false
"...." - Using a placeholder that isn't just cached yet and with AlwaysProcessPlaceholders set to false
Note: These are most performance efficient settings (without using cache), however placeholders can sometimes return values like the ones above instead of the intended value. If you get the other values as shown above set AlwaysWaitForCache and AlwaysProcessPlaceholders to true, that will always return a value. Just note it can crash the server if using with scoreboards.
# ---------------------------------------
# Placeholderapi placeholders settings
# ---------------------------------------
# When enabled the command /vote setprimaryaccount (playername)
# will be shown (after restart)
# Primary account will be used instead of the players account to get
# placeholder and other data such as vote reminding
# Mainly to be used for alts and such
UsePrimaryAccountForPlaceholders: false
# Always force placeholders to return value if the value isn't cached
# This should prevent server from crashing when pulling placeholders on main thread
# Only affects placeholderapi placeholders
AlwaysWaitForCachePlaceholders: false
# Always force placeholders to be processed and return a proper value
# This has small chance of crashing the server (mainly with mysql and using placeholders on main thread)
AlwaysProcessPlaceholders: false
# Enable auto caching placeholders
# Generally this works well, but if you need to cache placeholders manually set them below
AutoCachePlaceholders: false
# Set which placeholders to cache at all times
# Use for placeholders to are pulled constantly or on the main thread
# Mainly aimed for scoreboards
# Placeholders may auto cache in certain conditions
# Will use additional memory, but not a lot
# Still in early stages, please report bugs
# Please remove VotingPlugin_ from the placeholder listed here
CachedPlaceholders: []
#- Total_AllTime
BungeeCord/Velocity Setups:
Proxy Setups
- REDIS (Second best)
- Global Data Handling
- Multi-Proxy Setups
Knowledge base:
- Commands & Permissions
- Special Rewards
- File Layout
- Converting data storage
- Vote Reminding
- Time Changes
- Minecraft Server Lists
- Performance Settings
- Bedrock Player Support
- Debug
- Minecraft Server Lists
- PlaceHolderAPI Expansion
- Signs
- Online/Offline Mode
- WIP MonthDateTotals
More setups: