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VotingPlugin Specific Rewards

Ben edited this page Jun 24, 2024 · 3 revisions

Specific rewards for VotingPlugin (Not in AdvancedCore by default)

#Vote total requirements
  # If enabled you only need atleast the amount of votes required, otherwise it has to match
  AtleastMode: false
  # Value of -1 is disabled (default value)
  Daily: -1
  Weekly: -1
  Monthly: -1
  AllTime: -1
  Points: -1
  MilestoneCount: -1

# Voting points to be given
Points: 10

# Bossbar with progress based on voting sites voted on
  Enabled: true
  Message: '&aBossbar'
  # Bar Colors:
  Color: 'BLUE'
  # Bar Styles:
  Style: 'SOLID'
  # Delay until bar goes away (in ticks)
  Delay: 30
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