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How to sync your BioCRNPyler fork

Zoltan Tuza edited this page Jul 31, 2020 · 2 revisions

If you want to keep up with the developments on the main repo, you need to configure your git accordingly.

Step 1: Add the upstream repository (detailed Tutorial).

In your terminal:

$ git remote add upstream

You can check that you have added upstream correctly:

$ git remote -v

Same steps in Pycharm

Same steps in VScode

You need to do this step only once!

Step 2: Fetch updates from the main repo (detailed Tutorial).

  • Get the updates to your computer
$ git fetch upstream
  • If you work on a different branch, switch back to the master branch
$ git checkout master
> Switched to branch 'master' 
  • Merge the latest changes with your repo
$ git merge upstream/master
> Updating a422352..5fdff0f
> Fast-forward

Git will apply 'Fast-forward' merge if you haven't touched the files on your master branch. Otherwise, you will have a merge conflict, which you have to resolve on your own.

You need to do this step every time there's a bugfix or you want to contribute to BioCRNPyler