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James Crean edited this page Jul 24, 2018 · 15 revisions

vCDAT is a part of CDAT. You can install the full CDAT package by following the CDAT installation guide.

If you would like to install vCDAT by itself, choose one of the guides below.


  1. Create a fork of vCDAT and clone it.
  2. Add a remote named upstream that points to the main repo at
  3. Checkout the master branch and run git fetch upstream followed by git rebase upstream/master if fetch found any updates
  4. Your master branch is now synced. Make a new branch for your feature. git checkout -b my_feature_branch
  5. Pull Request (with tests)
    • Before making a pull request, run through the Manual Tests and confirm that no bugs were introduced
  6. Testing: Travis
  7. If the Travis tests pass, someone other than yourself needs to review your code to ensure that the coding guidlines were followed.
  8. After testing and review, the Pull Request is accepted and merged into master. Start again from step 3.



Instructions on how to install and set up KARMA + MOCHA + TRAVIS

Detailed information about how to write tests for the frontend can be found here.

Plotting Libraries:
