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Developer Setup

James Crean edited this page Jul 31, 2018 · 10 revisions

This documentation is deprecated and no longer maintained. Check out the new and improved documentation here.



Before Running vCDAT

  • Turn on/off uvcdat tracking:

  • download data


Running vCDAT

  • start the development server

    source activate nightly
  • open browser to localhost:5000

  • click the round + next to Variables in the upper left

  • click add

  • navigate to anaconda2/envs/nightly/share/uvcdat/sample/data/

  • click ctl.nv

  • click ctl

  • drag ctl on to the canvas

Developing a Feature

When developing a feature for vCDAT, please follow the process listed on the home page

Updating vCDAT npm Packages

cd vcdat
git pull
cd frontend
npm install

Local vcs-widgets

When running the autorun script you may see the following line displayed:

vcs-widgets is not symlinked, so will not be automatically watched.

This is generally fine, but is not what we want if we are developing on that package. To get a local version into vcdat we just need to tell npm to link it.

  1. Create a folder to store global npm modules. For this example we will use ~/npm-global
  2. Tell npm to use the global folder, otherwise it may get confused. npm config set prefix ~/npm-global/
  3. Navigate into the vcs-widgets directory: cd VCS-widgets
  4. Register that the package can be linked to: npm link
  5. Navigate back to the vcdat frontend directory: cd ../vcdat/frontend
  6. Run npm link vcs-widgets

Now when you execute the autorun script the symlink message should be gone, and the widgets should reflect the local version that was linked.

Important Links