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ECCORestoring method accepts architecture and grid; validation required? #231

navidcy opened this issue Nov 10, 2024 · 6 comments · Fixed by #284

ECCORestoring method accepts architecture and grid; validation required? #231

navidcy opened this issue Nov 10, 2024 · 6 comments · Fixed by #284


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navidcy commented Nov 10, 2024

Do we want to check whether architecture is different from that of grid's? Does it matter?

function ECCORestoring(architecture::AbstractArchitecture,
mask = 1,
grid = nothing,
time_indices_in_memory = 2, # Not more than this if we want to use GPU!
time_indexing = Cyclical(),
inpainting = NearestNeighborInpainting(Inf))

@navidcy navidcy changed the title ECCORestoring method accepts architecture and grid ECCORestoring method accepts architecture and grid; validation required? Nov 10, 2024
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It does matter.

Note that grid does more than might appear based on the interface --- grid signifies that the ECCO data should be pre-interpolated to grid when it is loaded from file.

Also I think there is a bug and it doesn't work. We need to test this. Haha.

And of course in addition to writing jst the basic tests, some nice validation and error checking for users would be nice too.

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sb4233 commented Nov 13, 2024

Was trying to run the Mediterranean regional setup -

# # Mediterranean simulation with restoring to ECCO
# This example is a comprehensive example of setting up and running a high-resolution ocean
# simulation for the Mediterranean Sea using the Oceananigans and ClimaOcean packages, with
# a focus on restoring temperature and salinity fields from the ECCO (Estimating the Circulation
# and Climate of the Ocean) dataset.
# The example is divided into several sections, each handling a specific part of the simulation
# setup and execution process.
# ## Initial Setup with Package Imports
# We begin by importing necessary Julia packages for visualization (CairoMakie), ocean modeling
# (Oceananigans, ClimaOcean), and handling of dates and times (CFTime, Dates).
# These packages provide the foundational tools for creating the simulation environment,
# including grid setup, physical processes modeling, and data visualization.
using CairoMakie
using Oceananigans
using Oceananigans: architecture
using ClimaOcean
using ClimaOcean.ECCO
using ClimaOcean.ECCO: ECCO4Monthly
using Oceananigans.Units
using Printf
using CFTime
using Dates
# ## Grid Configuration for the Mediterranean Sea
# The script defines a high-resolution grid to represent the Mediterranean Sea, specifying the domain in terms of longitude (λ₁, λ₂),
# latitude (φ₁, φ₂), and a stretched vertical grid to capture the depth variation (`z_faces`).
# The grid resolution is set to approximately 1/15th of a degree, which translates to a spatial resolution of about 7 km.
# This section demonstrates the use of the LatitudeLongitudeGrid function to create a grid that matches the
# Mediterranean's geographical and bathymetric features.
λ₁, λ₂ = ( 0, 42) # domain in longitude
φ₁, φ₂ = (30, 45) # domain in latitude
z_faces = stretched_vertical_faces(depth = 5000,
surface_layer_Δz = 2.5,
stretching = PowerLawStretching(1.070),
surface_layer_height = 50)
Nx = 15 * Int(λ₂ - λ₁) # 1/15 th of a degree resolution
Ny = 15 * Int(φ₂ - φ₁) # 1/15 th of a degree resolution
Nz = length(z_faces) - 1
grid = LatitudeLongitudeGrid(GPU();
size = (Nx, Ny, Nz),
latitude = (φ₁, φ₂),
longitude = (λ₁, λ₂),
z = z_faces,
halo = (7, 7, 7))
# ### Bathymetry Interpolation
# The script interpolates bathymetric data onto the grid, ensuring that the model accurately represents
# the sea floor's topography. Parameters such as `minimum_depth` and `interpolation_passes`
# are adjusted to refine the bathymetry representation.
bottom_height = regrid_bathymetry(grid,
height_above_water = 1,
minimum_depth = 10,
interpolation_passes = 25,
connected_regions_allowed = 1)
grid = ImmersedBoundaryGrid(grid, GridFittedBottom(bottom_height))
# ## Downloading ECCO data
# The model is initialized with temperature and salinity fields from the ECCO dataset,
# using the function `ECCO_restoring_forcing` to apply restoring forcings for these tracers.
# This allows us to nudge the model towards realistic temperature and salinity profiles.
dates = DateTimeProlepticGregorian(1993, 1, 1) : Month(1) : DateTimeProlepticGregorian(1993, 12, 1)
temperature = ECCOMetadata(:temperature, dates, ECCO4Monthly())
salinity = ECCOMetadata(:salinity, dates, ECCO4Monthly())
FT = ECCO_restoring_forcing(temperature; architecture = GPU(), timescale = 2days)
FS = ECCO_restoring_forcing(salinity; architecture = GPU(), timescale = 2days)
# Constructing the Simulation
# We construct an ocean simulation that evolves two tracers, temperature (:T), salinity (:S)
# and we pass the previously defined forcing that nudge these tracers
ocean = ocean_simulation(grid; forcing = (T = FT, S = FS))
# Initializing the model
# The model can be initialized with custom values or with ecco fields.
# In this case, our ECCO dataset has access to a temperature and a salinity
# field, so we initialize temperature T and salinity S from ECCO.
set!(ocean.model, T = temperature[1], S = salinity[1])
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
heatmap!(ax, interior(model.tracers.T, :, :, Nz), colorrange = (10, 20), colormap = :thermal)
ax = Axis(fig[1, 2])
heatmap!(ax, interior(model.tracers.S, :, :, Nz), colorrange = (35, 40), colormap = :haline)
function progress(sim)
u, v, w = sim.model.velocities
T, S = sim.model.tracers
@info @sprintf("Time: %s, Iteration %d, Δt %s, max(vel): (%.2e, %.2e, %.2e), max(T, S): %.2f, %.2f\n",
maximum(abs, u), maximum(abs, v), maximum(abs, w),
maximum(abs, T), maximum(abs, S))
ocean.callbacks[:progress] = Callback(progress, IterationInterval(10))
# ## Simulation warm up!
# We have regridded from the coarse solution of the ECCO dataset (half of a degree) to a
# fine grid (1/15th of a degree). The bathymetry might also have little mismatches
# that might crash the simulation. We warm up the simulation with a little
# time step for few iterations to allow the solution to adjust to the new grid
# bathymetry.
ocean.Δt = 10
ocean.stop_iteration = 1000
# ## Run the real simulation
# Now that the solution has adjusted to the bathymetry we can ramp up the time
# step size. We use a `TimeStepWizard` to automatically adapt to a CFL of 0.2.
wizard = TimeStepWizard(; cfl = 0.2, max_Δt = 10minutes, max_change = 1.1)
ocean.callbacks[:wizard] = Callback(wizard, IterationInterval(10))
# Let's reset the maximum number of iterations
ocean.stop_iteration = Inf
ocean.stop_time = 200days
ocean.output_writers[:surface_fields] = JLD2OutputWriter(model, merge(model.velocities, model.tracers);
indices = (:, :, Nz),
schedule = TimeInterval(1days),
overwrite_existing = true,
filename = "med_surface_field")
# Record a video
# Let's read the data and record a video of the Mediterranean Sea's surface
# (1) Zonal velocity (u)
# (2) Meridional velocity (v)
# (3) Temperature (T)
# (4) Salinity (S)
u_series = FieldTimeSeries("med_surface_field.jld2", "u")
v_series = FieldTimeSeries("med_surface_field.jld2", "v")
T_series = FieldTimeSeries("med_surface_field.jld2", "T")
S_series = FieldTimeSeries("med_surface_field.jld2", "S")
c_series = FieldTimeSeries("med_surface_field.jld2", "c")
iter = Observable(1)
u = @lift begin
f = interior(u_series[$iter], :, :, 1)
f[f .== 0] .= NaN
v = @lift begin
f = interior(v_series[$iter], :, :, 1)
f[f .== 0] .= NaN
T = @lift begin
f = interior(T_series[$iter], :, :, 1)
f[f .== 0] .= NaN
S = @lift begin
f = interior(S_series[$iter], :, :, 1)
f[f .== 0] .= NaN
c = @lift begin
f = interior(c_series[$iter], :, :, 1)
f[f .== 0] .= NaN
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], title = "surface zonal velocity ms⁻¹")
ax = Axis(fig[1, 2], title = "surface meridional velocity ms⁻¹")
ax = Axis(fig[2, 1], title = "surface temperature ᵒC")
ax = Axis(fig[2, 2], title = "surface salinity psu")
ax = Axis(fig[2, 3], title = "passive tracer -")
CairoMakie.record(fig, "mediterranean_video.mp4", 1:length(u_series.times); framerate = 5) do i
@info "recording iteration $i"
iter[] = i

Got the following errors -

first it gives

unsupported keyword argument "connected_regions_allowed"

for -

(Full error)

ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching regrid_bathymetry(::LatitudeLongitudeGrid{Float64, Bounded, Bounded, Bounded, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, CUDA.CuArray{Float64, 1, CUDA.DeviceMemory}}, Float64, Float64, Float64, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, CUDA.CuArray{Float64, 1, CUDA.DeviceMemory}}, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Int64}}, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Int64}}, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, CUDA.CuArray{Float64, 1, CUDA.DeviceMemory}}, GPU}; height_above_water::Int64, minimum_depth::Int64, interpolation_passes::Int64, connected_regions_allowed::Int64)
This error has been manually thrown, explicitly, so the method may exist but be intentionally marked as unimplemented.

Closest candidates are:
 regrid_bathymetry(::Any; height_above_water, minimum_depth, dir, url, filename, interpolation_passes, major_basins) got unsupported keyword argument "connected_regions_allowed"
  @ ClimaOcean /g/data/er50/sb4233/.julia/packages/ClimaOcean/nctgo/src/Bathymetry.jl:85

[1] kwerr(::@NamedTuple{height_above_water::Int64, minimum_depth::Int64, interpolation_passes::Int64, connected_regions_allowed::Int64}, ::Function, ::LatitudeLongitudeGrid{Float64, Bounded, Bounded, Bounded, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, CUDA.CuArray{Float64, 1, CUDA.DeviceMemory}}, Float64, Float64, Float64, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, CUDA.CuArray{Float64, 1, CUDA.DeviceMemory}}, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Int64}}, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Int64}}, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, CUDA.CuArray{Float64, 1, CUDA.DeviceMemory}}, GPU})
  @ Base ./error.jl:165
[2] top-level scope
  @ /g/data/er50/sb4233/Oceananigans/test_julia/ClimaOcean.jl/examples/mediterranean_simulation_with_ecco_restoring.jl:62
in expression starting at /g/data/er50/sb4233/Oceananigans/test_julia/ClimaOcean.jl/examples/mediterranean_simulation_with_ecco_restoring.jl:62

Then if I try to remove the connected_regions_allowed argument and proceed, I get -

ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: `ECCO_restoring_forcing` not defined in `Main`
Suggestion: check for spelling errors or missing imports.
 [1] top-level scope
   @ /g/data/er50/sb4233/Oceananigans/test_julia/ClimaOcean.jl/examples/mediterranean_simulation_with_ecco_restoring.jl:81
in expression starting at /g/data/er50/sb4233/Oceananigans/test_julia/ClimaOcean.jl/examples/mediterranean_simulation_with_ecco_restoring.jl:81

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Was trying to run the Mediterranean regional setup -

# # Mediterranean simulation with restoring to ECCO
# This example is a comprehensive example of setting up and running a high-resolution ocean
# simulation for the Mediterranean Sea using the Oceananigans and ClimaOcean packages, with
# a focus on restoring temperature and salinity fields from the ECCO (Estimating the Circulation
# and Climate of the Ocean) dataset.
# The example is divided into several sections, each handling a specific part of the simulation
# setup and execution process.
# ## Initial Setup with Package Imports
# We begin by importing necessary Julia packages for visualization (CairoMakie), ocean modeling
# (Oceananigans, ClimaOcean), and handling of dates and times (CFTime, Dates).
# These packages provide the foundational tools for creating the simulation environment,
# including grid setup, physical processes modeling, and data visualization.
using CairoMakie
using Oceananigans
using Oceananigans: architecture
using ClimaOcean
using ClimaOcean.ECCO
using ClimaOcean.ECCO: ECCO4Monthly
using Oceananigans.Units
using Printf
using CFTime
using Dates
# ## Grid Configuration for the Mediterranean Sea
# The script defines a high-resolution grid to represent the Mediterranean Sea, specifying the domain in terms of longitude (λ₁, λ₂),
# latitude (φ₁, φ₂), and a stretched vertical grid to capture the depth variation (`z_faces`).
# The grid resolution is set to approximately 1/15th of a degree, which translates to a spatial resolution of about 7 km.
# This section demonstrates the use of the LatitudeLongitudeGrid function to create a grid that matches the
# Mediterranean's geographical and bathymetric features.
λ₁, λ₂ = ( 0, 42) # domain in longitude
φ₁, φ₂ = (30, 45) # domain in latitude
z_faces = stretched_vertical_faces(depth = 5000,
surface_layer_Δz = 2.5,
stretching = PowerLawStretching(1.070),
surface_layer_height = 50)
Nx = 15 * Int(λ₂ - λ₁) # 1/15 th of a degree resolution
Ny = 15 * Int(φ₂ - φ₁) # 1/15 th of a degree resolution
Nz = length(z_faces) - 1
grid = LatitudeLongitudeGrid(GPU();
size = (Nx, Ny, Nz),
latitude = (φ₁, φ₂),
longitude = (λ₁, λ₂),
z = z_faces,
halo = (7, 7, 7))
# ### Bathymetry Interpolation
# The script interpolates bathymetric data onto the grid, ensuring that the model accurately represents
# the sea floor's topography. Parameters such as `minimum_depth` and `interpolation_passes`
# are adjusted to refine the bathymetry representation.
bottom_height = regrid_bathymetry(grid,
height_above_water = 1,
minimum_depth = 10,
interpolation_passes = 25,
connected_regions_allowed = 1)
grid = ImmersedBoundaryGrid(grid, GridFittedBottom(bottom_height))
# ## Downloading ECCO data
# The model is initialized with temperature and salinity fields from the ECCO dataset,
# using the function `ECCO_restoring_forcing` to apply restoring forcings for these tracers.
# This allows us to nudge the model towards realistic temperature and salinity profiles.
dates = DateTimeProlepticGregorian(1993, 1, 1) : Month(1) : DateTimeProlepticGregorian(1993, 12, 1)
temperature = ECCOMetadata(:temperature, dates, ECCO4Monthly())
salinity = ECCOMetadata(:salinity, dates, ECCO4Monthly())
FT = ECCO_restoring_forcing(temperature; architecture = GPU(), timescale = 2days)
FS = ECCO_restoring_forcing(salinity; architecture = GPU(), timescale = 2days)
# Constructing the Simulation
# We construct an ocean simulation that evolves two tracers, temperature (:T), salinity (:S)
# and we pass the previously defined forcing that nudge these tracers
ocean = ocean_simulation(grid; forcing = (T = FT, S = FS))
# Initializing the model
# The model can be initialized with custom values or with ecco fields.
# In this case, our ECCO dataset has access to a temperature and a salinity
# field, so we initialize temperature T and salinity S from ECCO.
set!(ocean.model, T = temperature[1], S = salinity[1])
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
heatmap!(ax, interior(model.tracers.T, :, :, Nz), colorrange = (10, 20), colormap = :thermal)
ax = Axis(fig[1, 2])
heatmap!(ax, interior(model.tracers.S, :, :, Nz), colorrange = (35, 40), colormap = :haline)
function progress(sim)
u, v, w = sim.model.velocities
T, S = sim.model.tracers
@info @sprintf("Time: %s, Iteration %d, Δt %s, max(vel): (%.2e, %.2e, %.2e), max(T, S): %.2f, %.2f\n",
maximum(abs, u), maximum(abs, v), maximum(abs, w),
maximum(abs, T), maximum(abs, S))
ocean.callbacks[:progress] = Callback(progress, IterationInterval(10))
# ## Simulation warm up!
# We have regridded from the coarse solution of the ECCO dataset (half of a degree) to a
# fine grid (1/15th of a degree). The bathymetry might also have little mismatches
# that might crash the simulation. We warm up the simulation with a little
# time step for few iterations to allow the solution to adjust to the new grid
# bathymetry.
ocean.Δt = 10
ocean.stop_iteration = 1000
# ## Run the real simulation
# Now that the solution has adjusted to the bathymetry we can ramp up the time
# step size. We use a `TimeStepWizard` to automatically adapt to a CFL of 0.2.
wizard = TimeStepWizard(; cfl = 0.2, max_Δt = 10minutes, max_change = 1.1)
ocean.callbacks[:wizard] = Callback(wizard, IterationInterval(10))
# Let's reset the maximum number of iterations
ocean.stop_iteration = Inf
ocean.stop_time = 200days
ocean.output_writers[:surface_fields] = JLD2OutputWriter(model, merge(model.velocities, model.tracers);
indices = (:, :, Nz),
schedule = TimeInterval(1days),
overwrite_existing = true,
filename = "med_surface_field")
# Record a video
# Let's read the data and record a video of the Mediterranean Sea's surface
# (1) Zonal velocity (u)
# (2) Meridional velocity (v)
# (3) Temperature (T)
# (4) Salinity (S)
u_series = FieldTimeSeries("med_surface_field.jld2", "u")
v_series = FieldTimeSeries("med_surface_field.jld2", "v")
T_series = FieldTimeSeries("med_surface_field.jld2", "T")
S_series = FieldTimeSeries("med_surface_field.jld2", "S")
c_series = FieldTimeSeries("med_surface_field.jld2", "c")
iter = Observable(1)
u = @lift begin
f = interior(u_series[$iter], :, :, 1)
f[f .== 0] .= NaN
v = @lift begin
f = interior(v_series[$iter], :, :, 1)
f[f .== 0] .= NaN
T = @lift begin
f = interior(T_series[$iter], :, :, 1)
f[f .== 0] .= NaN
S = @lift begin
f = interior(S_series[$iter], :, :, 1)
f[f .== 0] .= NaN
c = @lift begin
f = interior(c_series[$iter], :, :, 1)
f[f .== 0] .= NaN
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], title = "surface zonal velocity ms⁻¹")
ax = Axis(fig[1, 2], title = "surface meridional velocity ms⁻¹")
ax = Axis(fig[2, 1], title = "surface temperature ᵒC")
ax = Axis(fig[2, 2], title = "surface salinity psu")
ax = Axis(fig[2, 3], title = "passive tracer -")
CairoMakie.record(fig, "mediterranean_video.mp4", 1:length(u_series.times); framerate = 5) do i
@info "recording iteration $i"
iter[] = i

Got the following errors -

first it gives

unsupported keyword argument "connected_regions_allowed"

for -

(Full error)

ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching regrid_bathymetry(::LatitudeLongitudeGrid{Float64, Bounded, Bounded, Bounded, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, CUDA.CuArray{Float64, 1, CUDA.DeviceMemory}}, Float64, Float64, Float64, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, CUDA.CuArray{Float64, 1, CUDA.DeviceMemory}}, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Int64}}, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Int64}}, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, CUDA.CuArray{Float64, 1, CUDA.DeviceMemory}}, GPU}; height_above_water::Int64, minimum_depth::Int64, interpolation_passes::Int64, connected_regions_allowed::Int64)
This error has been manually thrown, explicitly, so the method may exist but be intentionally marked as unimplemented.

Closest candidates are:
 regrid_bathymetry(::Any; height_above_water, minimum_depth, dir, url, filename, interpolation_passes, major_basins) got unsupported keyword argument "connected_regions_allowed"
  @ ClimaOcean /g/data/er50/sb4233/.julia/packages/ClimaOcean/nctgo/src/Bathymetry.jl:85

[1] kwerr(::@NamedTuple{height_above_water::Int64, minimum_depth::Int64, interpolation_passes::Int64, connected_regions_allowed::Int64}, ::Function, ::LatitudeLongitudeGrid{Float64, Bounded, Bounded, Bounded, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, CUDA.CuArray{Float64, 1, CUDA.DeviceMemory}}, Float64, Float64, Float64, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, CUDA.CuArray{Float64, 1, CUDA.DeviceMemory}}, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Int64}}, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, StepRangeLen{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}, Int64}}, OffsetArrays.OffsetVector{Float64, CUDA.CuArray{Float64, 1, CUDA.DeviceMemory}}, GPU})
  @ Base ./error.jl:165
[2] top-level scope
  @ /g/data/er50/sb4233/Oceananigans/test_julia/ClimaOcean.jl/examples/mediterranean_simulation_with_ecco_restoring.jl:62
in expression starting at /g/data/er50/sb4233/Oceananigans/test_julia/ClimaOcean.jl/examples/mediterranean_simulation_with_ecco_restoring.jl:62

Then if I try to remove the connected_regions_allowed argument and proceed, I get -

ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: `ECCO_restoring_forcing` not defined in `Main`
Suggestion: check for spelling errors or missing imports.
 [1] top-level scope
   @ /g/data/er50/sb4233/Oceananigans/test_julia/ClimaOcean.jl/examples/mediterranean_simulation_with_ecco_restoring.jl:81
in expression starting at /g/data/er50/sb4233/Oceananigans/test_julia/ClimaOcean.jl/examples/mediterranean_simulation_with_ecco_restoring.jl:81

can you open a new issue for this? The syntax has changed. If you're able to update the script that is much appreciated. For cexample, you have to use ECCOForcing not ECCO_restoring_forcing.

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glwagner commented Dec 2, 2024

Okay just to summarize the decision tree for ECCOFieldTimeSeries grids:

What grid are we using?
1. User-specified grid -> interpolate data to that grid when loaded from file.
2. Native grid -> need to tell us what architecture to use
i. On CPU?
ii. On GPU?

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glwagner commented Dec 2, 2024

I think the grid / architecture should be positional arguments so that the user cannot possibly supply conflicting inputs, like this:

grid_restoring = ECCORestoring(:temperature, grid)
gpu_restoring = ECCORestoring(:temperature, GPU())

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sounds good!

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4 participants