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Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

Mathis Dröge edited this page Feb 18, 2022 · 1 revision

Works fine both with and without DXVK, but there are some oddities:


The BrothersLauncher.exe file is present in the install directory, but is not launched by default. You can override the EXE by adding

override_exe = Binaries/Win32/BrothersLauncher.exe

to your Legendary config file however, I've found that the resolution setting in the launcher does not actually apply. Thus, I'd recommend the following:

Display resolution

Add the following to your Legendary config file:

start_params = ResX=1920 ResY=1080

and replace 1920 and 1080 with your desired horizontal and vertical resolution

(Optional) Skipping credits at startup

Add the -nomovies start parameter (just like you did for the resolution, just add it before/after)

(Optional) Hiding the splash screen

Add the -nosplash start parameter

Game compatibility list:

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