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Stefan Lobbenmeier edited this page Jan 28, 2021 · 4 revisions

When first starting the application I got this error:

LogShaders: Error: The global shader cache file $INSTALL_PATH/QUBE2/Engine/GlobalShaderCache-GLSL_430.bin is missing. Your application is built to load COOKED content. No COOKED content was found; This usually means you did not cook content for this build. > It also may indicate missing cooked data for a shader platform(e.g., OpenGL under Windows): Make sure your platform's packaging settings > > include this Targeted RHI.

To fix this change the executable from $INSTALL_PATH/QUBE2/QUBE.exe to $INSTALL_PATH/QUBE2/QUBE/Binaries/Win64/QUBE-Win64-Shipping.exe. I left the working directory as $INSTALL_PATH/QUBE2/ though.

Increase FPS beyond 60 hz

Change FrameRateLimit to your desired FPS in this file: $WINEFOLDER/drive_c/users/username/Local Settings/Application Data/QUBE/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/GameUserSettings.ini


Game compatibility list:

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