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CommandMC edited this page May 16, 2021 · 2 revisions

Subnautica kinda-works on the latest Wine. The only issue is that Alt-Tabbing makes keyboard input no longer work. Only force-closing the game can fix that.

The workaround for that issue is to use Wine's Virtual Desktop feature. See the main recommendations page for details.

Sadly, using this feature presents yet another issue: Suddenly, looking around no longer works! Luckily, there's also a fix for that:

Open up Wine's regedit.exe by running wine regedit (notice that it now starts in virtual desktop mode). Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Wine/X11 Driver (create the X11 Driver key if it doesn't exist already) and create a new string value. Name it "UseTakeFocus" and set its data/value to "N". You should now be able to look around just fine again.

Game compatibility list:

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