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Validating Changes

jdkio edited this page Aug 8, 2024 · 2 revisions

At a bare minimum, make sure some test files process. First setup and compile your modified version. Then edit config/TMS_Default_Config.toml and set MaximumNEvents = 5000 or some other reasonable number. Then try running some test files

# Nersc files
ConvertToTMSTree.exe /pnfs/dune/persistent/users/abooth/Production/MiniProdN1p2-v1r1/run-spill-build/output/MiniProdN1p2_NDLAr_1E19_RHC.spill/EDEPSIM_SPILLS/00000/MiniProdN1p2_NDLAr_1E19_RHC.spill.00049.EDEPSIM_SPILLS.root
# events on TMS and LAr
ConvertToTMSTree.exe /pnfs/dune/persistent/users/kleykamp/nd_production/2024-04-18_rhc_test/edep/RHC/00m/00/antineutrino.0_1713482441.edep.root
# Lar-only but not from nersc
ConvertToTMSTree.exe /pnfs/dune/persistent/users/kleykamp/nd_production/2024-05-13_lar_only_rhc/edep/RHC/00m/00/antineutrino.0_1715654453.edep.root

All cases should complete within a reasonable time. The output can then be inspected with scripts. We're still working on them but currently using scripts in scripts/Validation

./Reco_Tracks ../../antineutrino.0_1713482441.edep_TMS_RecoCandidates_Hough_Cluster1.root && python /exp/dune/data/users/kleykamp/dune-tms/Validation/Reco_Tracks/antineutrino.0_1713482441.edep_TMS_RecoCandidates_Hough_Cluster1.root


There are many ways to debug code. If all else fails, the easiest remaining technique is gdb. Do gdb ConvertToTMSTree.exe, then r <file> when it's started.

Read some gdb guides online for help. You can set breakpoints, read memory, etc. If the code is an in infinite loop, ctrl-c once you think you're inside it. Then do bt and you'll see the backtrace where the code stopped exactly. You can continue with c, and repeat as needed

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