Releases: Dangry98/Key-Ops-Toolkit
Note - This is outdated, for Blender 4.2 and higher its aviable on the Blender Extension Platform:
View Camera Pie - Removed, replaced with the new Remap Tab as it was just an internal shortcut change anyway. If you already had View Camera Pie enabled before, you might need to click the button two times in order for it to register again.
Click to two times to register if you already had View Camera Pie Enabled before.
Subdivde and Unsubdivide cylinder now gives better results, preservs UV and is way more intuitiv to use. Note that Subdivde Cylinder requires [EdgeFlow addon]( to be installed.
The Subdiv/unsubdiv direction is depending on the active edge selection, if no active edge, it will pick the first edge in the selection list (random).
Connect now works on many objects at once if in edge mode.
Polycount List - huge polish pass on performance and UI!
Polycount List - is now over 1000x times faster!!!
Polycount List - It now has a Auto Update option.
Polycount List - Improvde UI for Filter by.
Polycount List - Now works correctly in edit mode and many other bug fixes.
Remap - New WIP tab for quickly rebinding shortcuts and settings destructible in Blender.
UV Tools - unwrap in place is now significantly faster when many heavy modifiers are used.
UV Tools - unwrap in place, fix error when unwraping a objects with no uv map layer.
UV Tools - unwrap in place, fix error when nothing is selected.
UV Tools - unwrap in place fix error if the UV window was a seperat window or the 3d viewport was not open.
UV Tools - unwrap in place fix error if all uv points is in the the same location
New update! Key Ops: Toolkit 0.1.83!
Fast Merge - New limit option for fast merge “Confirm to Merge if No Active”, if no active vert is present, it only merges if first confirmed (press 1 key again). Helps to not merge stuff by mistake.
Utilities Panel - Fix Seam by Angle turning off all modifiers by mistake, if a auto smooth modifier is present, now it only turns auto smooth off if “Smooth by Sharp Edge” is on.
Fix issue where Toggle Retopolgy would reset some user theme settings.
Toggle Retopology now restores the previus snapping settings.
Toggle Retopology now have options for snap type
Added Transfer Normal option to Auto LOD
- Unwrap in Place is now even faster! From 0.0265ms to 0.0146ms on a simple mesh.
- Unwrap in Place no longer needs to go to object mode and back, so it should be much faster in many cases.
- Fixed an issue where Unwrap in Place would not unwrap if the selected UV is just a line with zero x or y depth.
- Unwrap in Place - New option to not unwrap stuff that is pinned.
- Fixed an issue where Unwrap in Place would not unwrap UV borders correctly if it has no seams.
- Modifier Key - new shortcut - Alt X to remove all modifier of the selected objects with the same name as the current active modifier.
- Copy modifier to selected has been aded to Alt C in the modifier panel if Modifier Key is activated.
- Fix Auto Smooth bugs that made it not work sometimes.
- New Unsubdivided and Subdivided Cylinder operations
- New triplanar and offset UV modifiers
- More clean UI for toggle retopology
Applying a modifer in edit mode with [modifer key]( (A) is now theoretically up to 1000x faster or more in some situations, but more realistically usually around 2-5x faster. This is with an experimental optimization.
Unwrap in Place is now up to 10x faster in some cases when heavy modifers are used.
By optimizing many of the functions, Unwrap in Place on simple meshes with no modifers present should be general faster, from 0.039ms to 0.0265ms and from 2.9s to 1.3s Unwrap in Place is now almost as fast as the regular unwrap on a singel object, 5s vs 4.5s on 63k tris.
It is now up to 3x faster when unwraping many objects at once.
Unwrap in Place with uv sync off on many objects (totall 4mil tris) in edit mode whent from 39s to to 4s.
Fix so that hide state stays the same after an unwrap inplace with uv sync turned off.
A bug that prevented Unwrap in Place from unwraping an object sometimes correctly is now fixed.
The active modifer index is now restored after using Unwrap in Place so the active modifer will stay the same.
Fixed many bugs that was introduced because of 4.1
New option in fast merge (defualt now) to merge to nearest vert if no activ vert can be found
Update for Blender 4.1
New in 0.1.80:
UV Tools - A collections of tools for the UV editor
Unwrap In Place - Unwrap Islands in place withoute packing it
Sharp Edges From UV Islands - Add sharp based on UV Islands to fix shading on uv unwraped meshes. With the only UV Island Borders option it will not add any sharp edges to for example an uv seam on a cylinder.
UV Cut - Cut an Island, works more similar to cut in Maya
Auto Smooth like in 4.0 - Will add and move the Auto Smooth modifier to the bottom of the stack and sync the angle and settings between instances when the operation is used,.
Retopology Toggle Panel
Documation for 0.1.80: