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ED2IN Namelist

Name Description
NL%EXPNME Simulation Name
NL%RUNTYPE Type of run sought:
  • 'INITIAL' - ED will start a new run, that can be based on a previous run (restart/history), but then it will use only
the biomass information as a simple initial condition, and assume thermal equilibrium.
  • 'HISTORY' - ED will resume a simulation from the last history, and every variable will be assigned based on the history file (biomass and thermodynamics).
NL%IMONTHA Together with IDATEA, IYEARA, and ITIMEA, this variable specifies the time corresponding to the initial state. It is an integer ranging from 1 to 12. When doing a HISTORY run, these variables are unmodified. Instead, change IMONTHH, IDATEH, IYEARH, and ITIMEH (see below).
NL%IDATEA The day of the month that corresponds to the initial state. This is an integer ranging from 1 to 31.
NL%IYEARA The year that corresponds to the initial state. This is an integer.
NL%ITIMEA The time of day corresponding to the initial state. It is in UTC, and has the form hhmm. It is an integer.
NL%IMONTHZ Together with IDATEZ, IYEARZ, and ITIMEZ, this variable specifies the time at which integration of the state variables should cease. It is an integer ranging from 1 to 12.
NL%IDATEZ Day of the month on which integration ceases. It is an integer ranging from 1 to 31.
NL%IYEARZ Year in which integration ceases. It is an integer.
NL%ITIMEZ The time of day at which integration ceases. It is in UTC, and has the form hhmm. It is an integer.
NL%DTLSM Basic time step [seconds]. In the Runge Kutta scheme, this is the time between photosynthesis updates. Recommended values range from 120 to 900. In the Euler scheme (not functional in the current version), this is the length of the Euler time step, and recommended values are between 60-180. It is a real.
NL%RADFRQ Frequency at which radiative transfer in the plant canopy is updated [seconds]. Recommended values are 120-900. It is a real. This value cannot be less than dtlsm and it should ideally be either the same or an integer multiple of NL%DTLSM. Lower values are known to reduce the chances of numerical instability.
NL%N_ED_REGION The model may be run over 2-dimensional regions, at point locations, or both. N_ED_REGION refers to the number of (typically disjoint) 2-dimensional regions to run the model. This can be set to 0 as long as N_POI (see below) is greater than 0.
NL%GRID_TYPE For 2-dimensional regions, this determines the grid projection. A value of 0 sets up a rectangular latitude/longitude grid; a value of 1 sets up a polar-stereographic grid.
NL%GRID_RES For latitude/longitude grids, this is the spacing (in degrees) of the grid mesh. Not used if GRID_TYPE=1.
NL%ED_REG_LATMIN List of length N_ED_REGION. On a latitude/longitude grid, this specifies the minimum latitude of each region. Allowed values of -90 to 90. Not used if GRID_TYPE=1.
NL%ED_REG_LATMAX Like ED_REG_LATMIN, but this instead specifies the maximum latitude. Allowed values are -90 to 90. Not used if GRID_TYPE=1.
NL%ED_REG_LONMIN Like ED_REG_LATMIN, but this instead specifies the minimum longitude. Allowed values are -180 to 180. Not used if GRID_TYPE=1.
NL%ED_REG_LONMAX Like ED_REG_LATMIN, but this instead specifies the maximum longitude. Allowed values are -180 to 180. Not used if GRID_TYPE=1.
NL%NNXP Number of points in the X direction. Not used if GRID_TYPE=0.
NL%NNYP Number of points in the Y direction. Not used if GRID_TYPE=0.
NL%DELTAX X and Y grid spacing scale. Not used if GRID_TYPE=0.
NL%DELTAY in metres (dimension 1). Not used if GRID_TYPE=0.
NL%POLELAT Latitude of pole point (dimension 1). Not used if GRID_TYPE=0.
NL%POLELON Longitude of pole point (dimension 1). Not used if GRID_TYPE=0.
NL%CENTLAT Latitude of central point (N_ED_REGIONs). Not used if GRID_TYPE=0.
NL%CENTLON Longitude of central point (N_ED_REGIONs). Not used if GRID_TYPE=0.
NL%NSTRATX Fraction of the sizes in X direction given above that I should use for each region. Not used if GRID_TYPE=0.
NL%NSTRATY Fraction of the sizes in X direction given above that I should use for each region. Not used if GRID_TYPE=0.
NL%N_POI The number of point locations (aka polygons of interest or POIs) at which the model should be run. This can be zero as long as N_ED_REGION is greater than 0.
NL%POI_LAT list of the latitudes of the POIs. Allowed values are -90 to 90.
NL%POI_LON list of the longitudes of the POIs. Allowed values are -180 to 180.
NL%LOADMETH Load balancing method. This is only used by regional runs, when RUNTYPE is set to HISTORY, or when IED_INIT_NODE is set to 4 or 5. This is used to determine the method in which the polygons are going to be split
  • 0 - Let the loadmaster determine what is best. This option is recommended when the number of polygons exceed the number of available cores.
  • 1 - The "workload" will be evenly distributed across nodes. The workload is defined as the total number of integration time steps per month that each polygon takes. This works well but option 3 may be more efficient, so it is preferable to use option 0 instead.
  • 2 - Try to load an equal number of polygons per node. This option is recommended when the number of polygons is similar to the number of available cores.
  • 3 - Similar to 1, but the rounding is done differently. This works well but option 1 may be more efficient, so it is preferable to use option 0 instead.
NL%IFOUTPUT This variable, together with IDOUTPUT, IMOUTPUT, IYOUTPUT, and ITOUPUT specifies the time scales on which model generates output. In all cases, 0 means not to write the output file, and 1 means to write the output file. IFOUTPUT corresponds to the instantaneous state variables(site-averaged).
NL%IDOUTPUT Flag specifying whether to write out daily averages (site-averaged).
NL%IMOUTPUT Flag specifying whether to write out monthly averages (site-averaged).
NL%IYOUTPUT Flag specifying whether to write out yearly averages (site-averaged).
NL%ITOUTPUT Flag specifying whether to write out a specific file with instantaneous fluxes combined in a single file per year (site-averaged). This is used for optimization purposes only.
NL%ISOUTPUT Flag specifying whether history restart files are to be generated. 0 - no file; 1 - save ascii (deprecated); 2 - save RAMS-vfm file (deprecated); 3 - save HDF5.
NL%ATTACH_METADATA Flag for attaching metadata to HDF datasets attaching metadata will aid new users in quickly identifying dataset descriptions but will compromise I/O performance significantly. 0 = no metadata, 1 = yes metadata
NL%UNITFAST Flag specifying the units of FRQFAST and OUTFAST. 0 - Seconds; 1 - Days; 2 - Calendar months (variable) 3 - Calendar years (variable) PS: If OUTFAST is set to special flags (-1 or -2), UNITFAST will be ignored.
NL%UNITSTATE Flag specifying the units of FRQSTATE and OUTSTATE. 0 - Seconds; 1 - Days; 2 - Calendar months (variable) 3 - Calendar years (variable) PS: If OUTSTATE is set to special flags (-1 or -2), UNITSTATE will be ignored.
NL%OUTFAST This specifies the time interval between new fast output files. Values are in seconds and must be <= 1 month. Values < FRQFAST are ignored so each time will be written into a separate file. Special values are -1 = one file per day; -2 = one file per month.
NL%OUTSTATE Similar to OUTFAST, but for full state (history) files. Please notice that this option should be avoided in case the user is intending to run a restart or history run using the state files afterwards.
NL%ICLOBBER Flag specifying what to do if the model is trying to create an output or history file that already exists. If set to 0, the run will crash. If set to 1, previously existing files will be overwritten.
NL%FRQFAST Time interval between analysis output. If OUTFAST is not a special value and is less than FRQFAST, this means that a new output will be written into a different file every FRQFAST. Otherwise, files will be created every OUTFAST seconds, and each file will contain one or more times (every FRQFAST).
NL%FRQSTATE Similar to FRQFAST, but for history output.
NL%FFILOUT Character string giving the path and prefix of analysis (fast, daily, monthly, yearly, yearly flux) files.
NL%SFILOUT Character string giving the path and prefix of history files.
NL%IED_INIT_MODE Flag specifying how the initial model state will be determined:
  • 0 - indicates that vegetation will be initialized with a few seedlings (near-bare ground).
  • 1 - this will do a history restart from ED1-type restart files.
  • 2 - this will do a standard history restart from ED2-type restart files.
  • 3 - this will initialize via ed-2 and site file restarts.
  • 4 - A value of 4 will initialize from ED2.1 H5 history/state files that take the form: 'dir/prefix-gxx.h5'; initialization files MUST end with -gxx.h5 where xx is a two digit integer grid number; each grid has its own initialization file; as an example, if a user has two files to initialize their grids with: example_file_init-g01.h5 and example_file_init-g02.h5, then NL%SFILOUT = 'example_file_init'.
  • 5 - similar to option 4, except that you may provide several files (including a mix of regional and POI runs, each file ending at a different date). This will not check date nor grid structure, it will simply read all polygons and match the nearest neighbour to each polygon of your run. SFILIN must have the directory common to all history files that are sought to be used, up to the last character the files have in common. For example if your files are /mypath/P0001-S-2000-01-01-000000-g01.h5, /mypath/P0002-S-1966-01-01-000000-g02.h5, ..., /mypath/P1000-S-1687-01-01-000000-g01.h5, then set NL%SFILIN = '/mypath/P'.
  • 6 - this will do a standard history restart from ED2-type restart files, as in option 2, but it will assume that the PFT numbers are the same as ED-2.1.
  • -1 - this will use a mix of ED-1 and ED-2 files; this option should be avoided unless you are running some very specific tests.
NL%EDRES The grid resolution of ED2 restart files with multiple sites (used only when IED_INIT_MODE = 3).
NL%SFILIN Character string giving the path and prefix of the restart files, or the history files if RUNTYPE is set to HISTORY.
NL%ITIMEH Time of day corresponding to the restart files when RUNTYPE is set to HISTORY. It is in UTC and has the format hhmm. It is an integer.
NL%IDATEH Day of the month corresponding to the restart files when RUNTYPE is set to HISTORY. It ranges from 1 to 31.
NL%IMONTHH Month corresponding to the restart files when RUNTYPE is set to HISTORY. It ranges from 1 to 12.
NL%IYEARH Year corresponding to the restart files when RUNTYPE is set to HISTORY.
NL%NZG Number of soil layers.
NL%NZS Maximum number of snowcover layers.
NL%ISOILFLG A list specifying how the soil textural class is to be determined for each grid cell. The first value of the list corresponds to the first of the N_ED_REGIONs, the second value corresponds to the second of the N_ED_REGIONs, etc. After all regions are account for, the next element in the list corresponds to the first of the N_SOIs, etc. Each element in the list can be either 1 or 2. A value of 1 will read in soil textural class from the files specifying by SOIL_DATABASE. A value of 2 will assign a value of NSLCON (see below) to the soil textural class.
NL%NSLCON This specifies the soil textural class when ISOILFLG=2. Standard soil types are:
  • 1 - Sand
  • 2 - Loamy sand
  • 3 - Sandy loam
  • 4 - Silt loam
  • 5 - Loam
  • 6 - Sandy clay loam
  • 7 - Silty clay loam
  • 8 - Clay loam
  • 9 - Sandy clay
  • 10 - Silty clay
  • 11 - Clay
  • 12 - Peat
NL%SLXCLAY If all ISOILFLG are set to 2, then SLXCLAY may be used to compute the soil properties instead of using one the pre-defined classes. If the number given is between 0 and 1, then SLXCLAY is the fraction of clay in the soil. Values outside the range 0-1 means that the user do not want to specify the fraction and use the pre-defined class
NL%SLXSAND Similar to SLXCLAY, but when defined between 0 and 1 it means the fraction of sand in the soil.
NL%SLZ List of length NZG that determines the thicknesses of the soil layers. Element i of the list gives the depth (in meters) of bottom of soil layer i. The first element of the list corresponds to the deepest soil layer, and the final element of the list corresponds to the top soil layer. Note that the values of SLZ are negative. The surface corresponds to a value of 0.
NL%SLMSTR A list of length NZG. Each element of the list corresponds to a different soil layer. Element 1 corresponds to the deepest layer, ..., element NZG corresponds to the top layer. This is used only if ISOILSTATEINIT=0 (see below). In this case, SLMSTR will initialize the soil moisture. The value of SLMSTR is the initial soil moisture as a fraction of saturation, and thus it ranges between 0 (wilting point) and 1 (soil saturation). This determines the soil moisture for all grid cells.
NL%STGOFF A list of length NZG. Each element of the list corresponds to a different soil layer. Element 1 corresponds to the deepest layer, ..., element NZG corresponds to the top layer. This is used only if ISOILSTATEINIT=0 (see below). In this case, STGOFF will initialize the soil temperature. The value of STGOFF is the difference between the initial soil temperature and the initial atmospheric temperature.
NL%VEG_DATABASE Character string giving the directory and prefix of the global vegetation class dataset. This classifies each point in the dataset as either land or water. Many different land cover types are recognized. In ED, this dataset is useful because it provides a land-sea mask. The default file is the Olson Global Ecosystem dataset.
NL%SOIL_DATABASE Character string and prefix for the database files that contain soil textural class data.
NL%ED_INPUTS_DIR Directory where miscellaneous data, including information on historical disturbances, degree days, and chill days, are kept.
NL%ED_MET_DRIVER_DB Full path and name of the meteorological header file. This file specifies the meteological drivers for ED.
NL%ISOILSTATEINIT A flag specifying where to obtain soil temperature and soil moisture. A value of 0 means use the namelist values SLMSTR and STGOFF; a value of 1 means read from a file specified by SOILSTATE_DB.
NL%SOILSTATE_DB If ISOILSTATEINIT=1, this variable specifies the full path of the file that contains soil moisture and temperature information. For more information on the file itself, see documentation on the Soil State File
NL%ISOILDEPTHFLG A flag specifying where to obtain soil depth information. If this is 0, no soil depth information is read, and the model defines the soil grid exactly according to NZG and SLZ. If this is 1, the model will read a soil depth file. All of a grid cell's soil layers lying below SLZ are treated as bedrock.
NL%SOILDEPTH_DB If ISOILDEPTHFLG=1 (see below), this variable specifies the full path of the file that contains soil moisture and temperature information. For more information on the file itself, see documentation on the Soil Depth File.
NL%ISOILBC Soil boundary condition at lowest soil level. A value of 0 gives a zero-flux boundary condition. A value of 1 gives a free drainage boundary condition.
NL%INTEGRATION_SCHEME This determines how the fast time step is integrated: 0 -- Euler step 1 -- Fourth-order Runge Kutta. Euler is not functional, so It is strongly recommended to use the Runge-Kutta.
NL%RK4_TOLERANCE This is the relative tolerance for the Runge-Kutta integration. Larger numbers will make runs go faster, at the expense of being less accurate. Currently the valid range is between 1.e-7 and 1.e-1, but recommended values are between 1.e-4 and 1.e-2
NL%IBRANCH_THERMO Flag specifying whether branches should be included in the vegetation thermodynamics or not. This is under development, not fully tested. 0 -- No branches in energy/radiation; 1 -- Use Conijn (1995) numbers; 2 -- Use parameterization from Jarvela (2004).
NL%ISTOMA_SCHEME Flag specifying the numerical scheme used to compute stomatal conductance and photosynthesis. Set to 0 to do the full, exact calculation each time. Set to 1 to do a faster 'small perturbation' approximation.
NL%IPHEN_SCHEME Flag that specifies the phenology scheme. A value of 0 corresponds to predictive cold-deciuous (Botta et al.) and drought-deciduous (same with ED2.0) schemes. A value of 1 will cause phenology to be prescribed according to the Harvard Forest observations. A value of 2 will use the Botta et al. for cold deciduous and the new drought-deciduous. A value of 3 will use the light-controlled phenology, but it is currently under development and should be avoided.
NL%REPRO_SCHEME This specifies whether or not recruitment is operative. A value of 0 turns off recruitment. A value of 1 uses the standard recruitement parameterization.
NL%LAPSE_SCHEME This specifies the atmospheric lapse rate scheme: 0 -- lapse rates off 1 -- phenomenological, global 2 -- phenomenological, local (not yet implemented) 2 -- mechanistic(not yet implemented).
NL%CROWN_MOD Specifies how tree crowns are represent in the canopy radiation model 0 - ED1 default (continuous horizontal) 1 - finite radius mixing model (Dietze)
NL%N_PLANT_LIM Determines whether (1) or not (0) decomposition can be limited by nitrogen
NL%INCLUDE_FIRE Determines how to apply fire in the model: 0. No fires; 1. Fire will be triggered with enough biomass and total integrated ground water less than a threshold; 2. Fire will be triggered with enough biomass and column-averaged soil moisture of the top 75 cm less than a threshold.
NL%IANTH_DISTURB Flag specifying whether (1) or not (0) to include anthropogenic disturbances such as agriculture, abandonment, and harvesting.
NL%ICANTURB Canopy turbulence scheme
  • -1. (very deprecated) This is the original ED-2.0 scheme, added here for backward compability. This option should be avoided, since it gives strange results.
  • 0. is the default scheme
  • 1. will rescale reference wind-speed if it the reference height is (inapropriately) below the canopy
  • 2. (recommended) uses the method of Massman 1997 and the bulk Richardson number of instability; this method will not work when zref<h.
|- |nl%isfclyrm | ianth_disturb="1." ianth_distur="1."></h. |- |nl%isfclyrm |> 0. - The reference treefall disturbance rate [1/years]. This will be the rate for PFT=4, and the rates for other PFTs will be scaled based on PFT 4. A typical value for the tropics is 0.014.
  • < 0. - The absolute value will be the treefall disturbance rate for PFT 4, but the treefall will not create additional patches. This option is for test purposes only, and it is not recommended.
NL%RUNOFF_TIME If the soil gets saturated, it can develop a sfcwater pool of meters or more. In many cases, this is not realistic. This parameter sets the time scale [in] for this water to disappear. If you want no runoff, set RUNOFF_TIME = 0, but this is not recommended for long runs.
NL%IPRINTPOLYS 0 = do not print information to screen 1 = print polygon arrays to screen, use variables described below
NL%PRINTVARS List of variables to be printed on screen
NL%PFMTSTR Format string for each variable listed in PRINTVARS. The format strings follow standard fortran format notation
NL%IPMIN The first polygon index to print
NL%IPMAX The last polygon index to print
NL%IMETTYPE Flag specifying the format of your meteorological driver files. 0 = ASCII, 1 = HDF5
NL%ISHUFFLE Flag specifying what to do if the model is trying to simulate a time for which you do not have a meteorological driver file. Setting this to 0 will cause the model to sequentially cycle over years for which files do exist. Setting this to 1 will cause the model to randomly pick a year. The sequence of randomly picked years will be the same every time the simulation is re-run (this apparently works only with gfortran). 2. Randomly pick the years, choosing a different sequence each time the model is run.
NL%METCYC1 Earliest year for which meteorological driver files exist.
NL%METCYCF Latest year for which meteorological driver files exist. In addition, the model assumes that files exist for all years between METCYC1 and METCYCF.
NL%INITIAL_CO2 Initial value for CO2 in case no CO2 is provided at the meteorological driver dataset
NL%IPHENYS1 For prescribed phenology schemes, this is the earliest year for which spring data are available.
NL%IPHENYSF For prescribed phenology schemes, this is the latest year for which spring data are available.
NL%IPHENYF1 For prescribed phenology schemes, this is the earliest year for which fall data are available.
NL%IPHENYFF For prescribed phenology schemes, this is the latest year for which fall data are available.
NL%IEDCNFGF Full path and file name of the configuration file. This can be blank if there in no configuration file.
NL%EVENT_FILE Not yet fully implemented. Will be a path to a file that describes fine scale management (e.g. planting, irrigation, harvest, etc.)
NL%PHENPATH Path and prefix giving the locations of the prescribed phenology files.
NL%IOPTINPT Directory for optimizer inputs