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Michael Dietze edited this page Jan 6, 2014 · 1 revision

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Vegetation Initialization

The initialization of vegetation in the ED2 model requires that the user define, for each polygon, the attributes of the hierarchy of sites, patches, and cohorts. It is usually relatively easy to convert plot census information into vegetation files by assuming each plot corresponds to a patch and each tree in a patch corresponds to a cohort. It may be necessary to break large plots or mapped stands into subplots. The following sections explain the structure on how to build these files. In order to use these files to initialize the model, the user must set IED_INIT_MODE to 3 (in case site level information is available) or 6 (in case it is not).

To restart ED-2.1 from a previous ED-2.1 simulation, the user should set IED_INIT_MODE to either 4 or 5, and the full explanation can be found on the namelist description of IED_INIT_MODE.

Site file format (*.site)

The site file is only used when running with IED_INIT_MODE = 3. This file comes in two formats and file format is specified in the file header:

nsites <num></num> file_format <ff></ff>

Both file formats then contain a site attribute header line and then the following site attributes

Attribute Unit Description
sitenum Integer Site number
area proportion Site fractional area
TCI float Topography convergence index (Bevin and Kirby 1979)
elev meters elevation
slope degrees slope
aspect degrees Aspect
Soil {1-13} Soil class (see NSLCON in in ED2IN Namelist)

For file format #2 there is then an N x (N+1) adjacency matrix that is used in the runoff calculation. For file format 1 the adjacency matrix is approximated based on the proportional abundance of each site and assuming a random distribution of sites. File format #3 is like #1 but a soil class is specified for each soil layer rather than one class for all layers. The adjacency matrix has N+1 columns because the last column is the transition to the water patch.

Patch file format (*.pss)

Variable Units Description
time years Year
Site integer Site number (only included in where IED_INIT_MODE=3, )
patch String Patch identifier (arbitrary, on output the hex memory address of the patch)
trk 0 – non-forest 1 – secondary 2 - primary Vegetation type/history
age years Patch age since disturbance
area proportion Fractional area represented by patch. For format 1 is area in m2
water m3/m3 ?? Not actually read
fsc Kg/m2 Fast soil carbon
stsc Kg/m2 Structural soil carbon
stsl Kg/m2 Structural soil lignin
ssc Kg/m2 Slow soil carbon
psc Kg/m2 Passive soil carbon (not actually read)
msn Kg/m2 Mineralized soil N
fsn Kg/m2 Fast soil N

Cohort file format (*.css)

Variable Unit Description
time year year
patch string Unique identifier
cohort string Unique identifier
dbh cm Stem diameter breast height
hite m Tree height
pft integer Plant Functional Type
n Stem/m2 Stem density
bdead KgC/plant Structural carbon
balive KgC/plant “Live” carbon (leaf, fine root, sapwood)
Avgrg No longer used (was average radial growth)

Soil temperature and soil moisture

There are a number of ways for the user to prescribe the initial soil temperature, and soil moisture content. These are controlled by the ED2IN setting ISTWFLG:

  • 0 – Interpolate from the coarser nested grid
  • 1 – Read values from file (ISTWFLN)
  • 2 – Set values prescribed values
For case 1, refer to the function “ecmwf_soil” for the exact file format. For case 2, soil moisture is set based on the values given in the ED2IN setting SLMSTR. Soil temperature, on the other hand, is based on subtracting the values in STGOFF from the air temperature. In all cases, soil heat is set based on soil temperature and moisture.

Land cover

Land cover setting is specified by the ED2IN setting IVEGTFLG. This setting is used only for regional runs, and the idea is to eliminate polygons that would fall over a water body (ocean, lakes, rivers). In case of regional run, the first grid should always have IVEGTFLG set to 1. The standard land cover setting comes from the Olson Global Ecosystem data with roughly 1 km resolution. Even though the data itself contains information on which type of vegetation (or water) exists at each point, all that ED2 uses is the information on whether the point has land or water.

The subroutines that control the land cover mapping are adaptations of the ones available at RAMS and BRAMS.