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Releases: Etherna/mongodm


09 Sep 07:42
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Release notes - MongODM - 0.24.0


MODM-79 Fix sample layout issues

MODM-147 DbMaintainer can have concurrency with dbcontext.SaveChanges() execution

MODM-158 cursor.MoveNextAsync doesn't use an execution context when tries to deserialize new models

MODM-170 Upsert should invalidate db cache on related model


MODM-75 Remove support to GridFS

MODM-136 Add TotalElements field in PaginatedEnumerable

MODM-137 Update ExecutionContext

MODM-138 Transform ReferenceSerializerAdapter into a generic SerializerAdapter

MODM-139 Remove SemanticVersion and related logic

MODM-151 Add support to .Net 7

MODM-154 Upgrade to Mongo driver 2.19.0

MODM-156 DocumentMigration must handle also one-to-many documents migration

MODM-160 TryFindOneAsync(TKey id) must handle also FormatException

MODM-162 Add "fixDeserializedModelFunc" parameter in "IModelMapBuilder.AddFallbackSchema" method

MODM-166 Update license from Etherna Sagl to Etherna Sa

MODM-169 Change license to LGPL

MODM-172 Support structs with models

New Feature

MODM-140 Add possibility to override nominal type of ModelMap

MODM-143 Add operation logging feature

MODM-167 Implement atomic upsert using domain classes


12 Aug 17:32
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v0.23.1 Pre-release

Release notes - MongODM - Version 0.23.1


MODM-135 ReferenceSerializer.TryGetMemberSerializationInfo must tollerate absence of serializationInfo


16 Jun 00:02
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v0.23.0 Pre-release

Release notes - MongODM - Version 0.23.0


MODM-134 Index builder tries to create indexes also for domain entities inside other entities

MODM-133 DbMigrationOperation can't handle a failed migration

MODM-124 MemberMap without custom serializer receive a default one from Mongo drivers

MODM-108 Return HierarchicalProxyTolerantDiscriminatorConvention as default discriminator convention from static invoke

MODM-92 Trying to migrate db an error page appears

MODM-90 Mapping models can create default CreatorMaps in ClassMap


MODM-132 Remove middleware for seed db

MODM-128 ModelMapSerializer must receive all configurations from the model map

MODM-122 Inject MongoClient into DbContext constructor

MODM-119 Export method descriptions with library

MODM-110 DbCache must use different storage instances for different DbContexts

MODM-105 Migrate to Etherna fork of official MongoDB C# Driver

MODM-99 SetMemberSerializer() in model map doesn't allow not reference types

MODM-89 Use ExecutionContext as an external library

MODM-87 Use Options pattern for configure options

MODM-48 Avoid use of static Bson registers

Minor change

MODM-104 Rename all "Register" name occurrence to "Registry"

New Feature

MODM-127 Add option for deserialize in normal objects instead of proxy objects

MODM-123 Add optional FallbackModelMap in model mapping

MODM-121 Restore capability to manually fix a deserialized model in model mapping

MODM-120 Add support for .Net 6

MODM-114 Add file

MODM-113 Add file

MODM-112 Add option for query paginated elements in descending order

MODM-111 Add option for trigger cascade SaveChanges between different DbContexts

MODM-107 Add middleware for seed dbcontexts on request

MODM-106 Expose property DbContext.IsSeeded

MODM-91 Add ToPaginatedListAsync() extension querying elements

MODM-85 Automatically seed db

MODM-18 Permits to have multiple DbContexts


21 May 00:46
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0.22.1 Pre-release


MODM-80 Replace GitVersionTask with GitVersion.MsBuild

MODM-77 Some entity models doesn't receive an Id on creation

MODM-76 Invalid async task execution if uses the db for the first time


MODM-78 Fix .net analyzer errors and warnings


19 Nov 23:23
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0.22.0 Pre-release


MODM-61 Document version in _db_ops is always set to "1.0.0"


MODM-66 Remove explicit configuration of execution contexts from core configuration

MODM-65 Set models in "Etherna.MongODM.Models.Internal" as internal

MODM-64 Rename custom exceptions with "Mongodm" prefix

MODM-60 Add configuration of HangfireServer in sample and documentation

MODM-58 Move "IDbDependencies" to root namespace

MODM-57 Fix nuget issue with deterministic dll

MODM-56 Fix nuget issue with Source Link "Contains untracked sources"

MODM-53 Join "MongoDocumentMigration" and "MongoCollectionMigration" classes

MODM-52 Implement migration definition without explicit version

MODM-11 Keep track of all previous ClassMap serializators until to the oldest supported document version

Minor change

MODM-68 Add reference to into readme documentation

New Feature

MODM-69 Add support for .Net 5

MODM-67 Configure optional task runner queue name for database operations

MODM-54 Create package "MongODM" that include by default required packages

MODM-43 Add administrative page

MODM-41 Add sample project

MODM-21 Implement methods for atomic FindAndModify


20 Jul 17:09
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0.21.0 Pre-release

New features:

  • MODM-15 Implement method Seed() in DBContext
  • MODM-8 Implement IRepository.MigrateAsync as a background task
  • MODM-34 Install Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnalyzers on MongODM.Core
  • MODM-44 Create a system collection where keep logs of operations on db


  • MODM-47 Not supported abstract types as collection model type