MODM-61 Document version in _db_ops is always set to "1.0.0"
MODM-66 Remove explicit configuration of execution contexts from asp.net core configuration
MODM-65 Set models in "Etherna.MongODM.Models.Internal" as internal
MODM-64 Rename custom exceptions with "Mongodm" prefix
MODM-60 Add configuration of HangfireServer in sample and documentation
MODM-58 Move "IDbDependencies" to root namespace
MODM-57 Fix nuget issue with deterministic dll
MODM-56 Fix nuget issue with Source Link "Contains untracked sources"
MODM-53 Join "MongoDocumentMigration" and "MongoCollectionMigration" classes
MODM-52 Implement migration definition without explicit version
MODM-11 Keep track of all previous ClassMap serializators until to the oldest supported document version
Minor change
MODM-68 Add reference to diagrams.net into readme documentation
New Feature
MODM-69 Add support for .Net 5
MODM-67 Configure optional task runner queue name for database operations
MODM-54 Create package "MongODM" that include by default required packages
MODM-43 Add administrative page
MODM-41 Add sample project
MODM-21 Implement methods for atomic FindAndModify