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Atari Program Recorder (410 1010 XC11 XC12)

Jeff P edited this page Oct 25, 2020 · 2 revisions

The program recorder allowed files to be read and stored to cassette tape at 600 bps.

Atari 410 Program Recorder

The FujiNet implementation reads and writes CAS image files with standard DATA blocks.

Current Status:

  • The FujiNet uses the MOTOR control line (SIO pin 8) to determine whether or not the C: device should take over the SIO bus.
  • A 10-k ohm pulldown resistor on pin 8 is necessary to make the MOTOR control function correctly. To implement the motor control circuit, the Atari computer triggers a PNP transistor attached to the 5V supply in an open collector configuration on SIO pin 8. Thus, when the motor control is off, the MOTOR line is floating causing the FujiNet to read HIGH thinking MOTOR is engaged. A pulldown resistor provides a LOW input to FujiNet when MOTOR is floating.
  • Because not all FujiNets have pulldown resistors installed, a short press on Button B is used to activate the C: device. Anyone wanting to use the C: device needs to short press B first. Those with the pulldown resistors installed can do this anytime after power up. Without the pulldown installed, the B button should be used like a "play" button: press it close to the same time as pressing any key on the Atari after the cassette load/save beeps are emitted.
  • On a real program recorder the user is required to press PLAY or RECORD to be consistent with either the intended read or write operation. On FujiNet the PLAY or RECORD state is set via the webserver.
  • After a CAS image is written (e.g., after a CSAVE) the file can be manually closed by another short press of the B Button. The CAS file can be found on the MicroSD card.
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