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Teemu Roos edited this page Sep 20, 2017 · 16 revisions

Exercise 1 - Titanic v2.0

In this exercise, we'll continue to study the Titanic data set which was used in Exercise 1.1. Now that we have preprocessed it a bit, it's time to do some exploratory data analysis.

  1. First consider each feature variable in turn. For categorical variables, find out the most frequent value, i.e., the mode. For numerical variables, calculate the median value.

  2. Combining the modes of the categorical variables, and the medians of the numerical variables, construct an imaginary "average Joe" on board of the ship. Also following the same procedure for using subsets of the passengers, construct the "average survivor Jane" and the "average non-survivor Joe".

  3. Now study the distributions of the variables in the two groups. How well do the average cases represent the respective groups? Can you find actual passengers that are very similar to the representative of their own group (survivor/non- survivor)? Can you find passengers that are very similar to the representative of the other group?

    Note that this task may be hard to complete since it would require that you sift through lots of data. And this is quite a small data set! Find ways to explore the data which facilitate this kind of investigation. You are free to choose your methods: non-graphical/graphical, static/interactive -- anything goes.

  4. To give a more complete picture of the two groups, provide graphical displays of the distribution of the variables in each group whenever appropriate (not, e.g., on the ticket number).

  5. One step further is the analysis of pairwise and multivariate relationships between the variables in the two groups. Try to visualize two variables at a time using, e.g., scatter plots and use a different color to display the survival status. Hint: to better show many data points with the same value for a given variable, you can use either transparency or 'jitter'.

  6. Try to come up with visualizations that best brings forth the differences between the two groups of passengers.

  7. Finally, recall the preprocessing that was carried out in last week's exercises. Can you say something about the effect of the choices that were made, in particular, to use the mode or the mean to impute missing values, instead of, for example, ignoring passengers with missing data?

Exercise 2 - Text data v2.0

This exercise is related to the second exercise last week. Find your self-made pos.txt and neg.txt, or if you didn't complete the exercise, you can find the model solutions here after Thursday.

  1. Find the most common words in each file. What are they? Are some of them clearly general terms relating to the nature of the data, and not just the emotion?

  2. Compute a TF/IDF vector for each of the text files, and make them into a 2 x m matrix, where m is the number of unique words in the data.

  3. List the words with the highest TF/IDF score in each class, and compare them to the most common words. What do you notice?

  4. Plot the words in each class and their corresponding TF/IDF scores. Note that there will be a lot of words, so you'll have to think carefully to make your chart clear! If you can't plot them all, plot as much as you can.

  5. Try to make your implementation as efficient as possible. How big of a dataset can you run your programs on? Try out the different sized sets of Amazon reviews. Can build the same plots for the almost 9M book reviews?

Exercise 3 - Junk Charts

There's a thriving community of chart enthusiasts who keep looking for statistical graphics that they find inappropriate, and which they call "junk charts", and who often also propose fixes to improve them.

  1. Find at least three statistical visualizations that you think aren't very good, and identify their problems. Copying examples from various junk chart websites isn't accepted -- you should find your own junk charts. You should be able to find good (or rather, bad) examples quite easily since a large fraction of charts have at least some issues. The examples you choose should also have different problems, so don't look for three column or bar charts whose axes don't begin at zero. Try to find as interesting and diverse examples as you can.

  2. Try to produce improved versions of the charts you selected. The data is of course often not available, but perhaps you can try to extract it, at least approximately, from the chart. Or perhaps you can simulate data that looks similar enough to make the point.

Exercise 4 - GIS

To get at least a bit familiar with GIS data and the concept of map projections, we'll do a simple task of plotting two data sets that are given in different coordinate systems.

  1. Download the and files that each include a set of GIS files. Most notably, the shp files are Shapefile-files with coordinates (don't look, it's binary!). The prj files contain information (in plain text, so okay to look) about the coordinate systems. Open the files using your favorite programming environment and packages. We warmly recommend Geopandas for pythonistas.

  2. The world_m file contains borders of almost all countries in the world. Plot the world.

  3. On top of the countries that you just plotted, plot another layer of information, namely the capital cities of each country from the cities data-set. However, depending on how clever your programming environment is, the cities will probably all appear to be in the Gulf of Guinea, near the coordinates (0°, 0°).

  4. Perform a map projection to bring the two data-sets into a shared coordinate system. (You can choose which one.) Now plot the two layers together to make sure the capital cities are where they are supposed to be.

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