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arunlakshmanan edited this page Oct 1, 2016 · 1 revision

Folder description:

./              | Root, contains the Makefile
 + init         | Contains the main.c
 + config       | Configuration files
 + drivers      | Hardware driver layer
 |  + src       | Drivers source code
 |  + interface | Drivers header files. Interface to the HAL layer
 + hal          | Hardware abstaction layer
 |  + src       | HAL source code
 |  + interface | HAL header files. Interface with the other parts of the program
 + modules      | Firmware operating code and headers
 |  + src       | Firmware tasks source code and main.c
 |  + interface | Operating headers. Configure the firmware environement
 + utils        | Utils code. Implement utility block like the console.
 |  + src       | Utils source code
 |  + interface | Utils header files. Interface with the other parts of the program
 + platform     | Platform specific files. Not really used yet
 + tools        | Misc. scripts for LD, OpenOCD, make, version control, ...
 |              | *** The two following folders contains the unmodified files ***
 + lib          | Libraries
 |  + FreeRTOS  | Source FreeRTOS folder. Cleaned up from the useless files
 |  + STM32...  | Library folders of the ST STM32 peripheral libs
 |  + CMSIS     | Core abstraction layer
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